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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2021 in all areas

  1. I also sit here and not sure why i grow photos Made 6 White Widow autos... 10 weeks seed to harvest... kicks any 18 weeks photo so hard in the nuts bud size wise.. I cant do that with photos dry at 62%
    3 points
  2. Sorry... very little content but puppies also finished their first obedience class ^^ Made a pic of a tray JetFuel... 1 month still to go
    3 points
  3. over 800 ppm is more for final flower. For DWC i prefer to let the feeding solution stand for 24 hours, before they get it. Second ph check. Every mistake you do in DWC will instantly effect your plants. I wouldnt start with DWC and learn on soil first, way easier as the soil helps you buffer your mistakes to a certain degree. Clean out and read up what mix is recommended for veg stage with the fertilizer you use... stick to that. DWC demands perfection... wrist multiplied by Pi will not do.
    2 points
  4. You need both a PPM / EC pen and a ph pen. However you should change the reading from ppm to EC. Most of us work in EC. Having said that, Ive just converted your PPM reading of 820 to EC and I get 1.6, which is probably twice the strength of a plant that size. To be sure check for yourself, and let us know the EC.
    2 points
  5. Piss cool to see the guys producing these seeds and their passion for cannabis. That part where they talked about humidity was very insightful. Popped 3 and only 2 germinated. Seeds just feel better than clones. You get to pick your winner and each one is slightly different.
    1 point
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