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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/20/2021 in all areas

  1. So, we've been making a lot of Freakshow Clones. If anybody in the Mossel Bay area are interested, let me know in a DM 150 each. Started a bunch of SV's. All F1's. They're growing much faster this time of year. These are the Jade Aliens, Anastasia 99's and Jessica Rabbits. All autoflowers mixed batch. At this size, all males have been spotted and removed. 4 photo fems in there too. All the photoperiods seem to be revegging. Will take clones of everything good.
    2 points
  2. I also sit here and not sure why i grow photos Made 6 White Widow autos... 10 weeks seed to harvest... kicks any 18 weeks photo so hard in the nuts bud size wise.. I cant do that with photos dry at 62%
    2 points
  3. Using it at the moment on a batch of Tropicana Punch. They stayed very short, so I separated them from the other girls and started dosing at flip. Then again at 2 weeks into flip, and the last time at 4 weeks. They missed their dose midway through veg, but that was because I didn't have comcat at that point. I have noticed that immediately after application, I get some nice stretch but then it reverts back to normal growth pattern. I picked this up after the first application but then it was confirmed at the second application. So be wary of using it on very stretchy plants.
    1 point
  4. Would starting the auto's in a jiffy block be a good option?. If so, which jiffy type should I get. Please understand I'm only trying to grow a few plants (6-8) at a time. I did say 'trying'
    1 point
  5. Most germinate and pop. 'Some' die and yet others get as far as 4 tiny leaves and simply don't get any bigger but don't die!. After reading all suggestions on forum I am now convinced it's the crap growing medium I've been using. I'm in the process of 'trying' to get some decent stuff. Cheers...
    1 point
  6. No holes necessary for seeds/young seedlings.
    1 point
  7. Wow..........thanks for your advice. All makes perfect sense!. Like mentioned earlier, I used a proper mixed soil specifically made for Cannabis on my last grow in Spain and had absolutely no issues from seed to harvest!. Got to admit I did wonder if the stuff I've been trying to use here was any good?............... obviously not!. The only thing I'm still not sure of is what 'mix' I should use for the 'centre' of my big pots?. Can I get this premix from FF also and if so what is it called?. I could well be in a difficult time now. FF has closed for Xmas along with many stores but will try to find somewhere. Failing that, looks like it could be another few weeks before I can get hold of decent stuff!. In reality that would mean my grow wouldn't be starting until end of January!. At the very least I am learning about what I need to do to grow here in SA. Appreciate your help and will post an update as and when. Have a lekker Christmas.
    1 point
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