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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/2021 in all areas

  1. 4 weeks about, the SSC and Ginger tea have settled the stretch I think. The extraction fan has moved outside the tent and temps are ranging between 26 - 31, they are still only getting water. They are very happy so i'm not stressed about the hot days just yet. Will be going away for the festive season so I will be gone for a week. When I leave I will be putting the lights down significantly, atm they are almost full blast. SSC Ginger tea DQxSlurri Short #thebeast! Dqxslurri tall Bubalicious (average) Then new Genetics! Sherb Crasher, Animal Cookies, Quattro Kush , Jelly Breath - All thanks to @SkunkPharm and GG#4 All the best for the festive season, Enjoy the time with your families
    5 points
  2. Oh I remember these videos, Yeah its lekker seeing plants that big but I personally would not like to manage even one plant that size. I get anxiety just thinking about cleaning off the inside of those cages and inspecting them not to mention having to watch them go through a heavy storm Tbh I thought you were going to link a pic
    1 point
  3. @DamDave I couldn't find that article, but I remembered the Irrazinig episodes on The Pot Cast, it's kak long and in 2 parts (like 2 hours each) but a very nice listen. He does touch on the topic of domesticated/landraces and wild plants and other very interesting topics like plant classifications etc.. https://soundcloud.com/the_pot_cast/episode-46-ft-irrazinig-of-indian-landrace-exchange
    1 point
  4. Check out Mendo Dope's Jacks Cleaner plants. Absolute monsters
    1 point
  5. Here we are on approx. day 130 of these UK cheese auto-flowers. They were supposed to finish up after around 75 days but I guess not.. Maybe it's because I planted them too early (early Sept). We're nearing the finish line though. About to start flushing the further along of the two. Buds are looking and smelling great.
    1 point
  6. Exactly this. GHS was the original hype in my opinion Arjan basically founded the American weed culture of hype sells, get some rappers/singers that are popular to name drop it and it will sell edit: I don't dislike them or anything, have never really grown anything from them. But I do love watching their strain hunter shows for fun and would like to try out their stuff. Would def buy a pack if they has certain strains in reg.
    1 point
  7. Here we go guys, its available on youtube. Landrace is here in South Africa, in our valleys. Enjoy.
    1 point
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