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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2021 in Posts

  1. OSG Cheese at 58 days I'm impressed so far. Smells super skunky
    5 points
  2. lekker lekker whenever I see a pea/bean flower I am reminded of a blue pea flower. have you seen them? I was working on a permaculture farm where I kept pointing it out and telling people the flower looked like something very peculiar. we kept laughing about it like we where a bunch of 12 year olds, untill the master botanist pointed out the botanical name and it just made the joke so much funnier. It became a point of interest for guests, so much so we had to put the botanical name on a board next to it and all the middle aged ladies started taking photos with it. so, this is the flower, what does it look like to you? maybe you need a bit of a "dirty mind" to see it, but this will colour your imagination a little further, the botanical name - .....aaand a little description if you still don't see it
    2 points
  3. Pineapple Express companions. Roma tomatoes, strawberries, jalapeños, green peppers, basil and asparagus And the first purple peas showing up Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  4. Yup. There’s something funny in the air this year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. I recommend that you try Eazyplug-plugs they more expensive but work great
    1 point
  6. Thanks brother. I can't wait for the smoke
    1 point
  7. Very interesting pheno. Would love to see what mine looks like on day 58 for a nice comparison. Looking smashing
    1 point
  8. Hey bud hope you are well! Rotting cuttings means you're really only dealing with one of two things, if not both. Disease or too much humidity, and the two are mutual to a certain extent so maybe one is causing the other. a Cutting will not rot because it was too dry and whatever pathogen caused the rot also wouldn't take host if there was a lack of moisture. You'll do yourself wonders by cleaning everything properly and reducing your humidity. a bunch. and then keeping it like that. As soon as you see a sign of rot, remove whatever has the rot on it or it will spread. in theory if your conditions are right no rot should appear at all. Have you heard of aeroponic cloning? The reason I bring this up is because we take fresh oxygen for granted when it comes to root forming. we tend to think that it's all about humidity when fresh oxygen is basically just as important. you most probably breeding diseases with your conditions. another noteworthy thing is, where is this humidity dome standing? just for clarity, let's look at two extreme opposite sides of the spectrum, shall we? If you had cuttings standing in a dusty, danky, dark basement compared to cuttings standing in a labratory setup where everything is sterile and well lit and ventilated with enough fresh oxygen, which of these two will have higher probability of rotting? obviously the ones in the basement. now I am not comparing your situation to a dusty dank dark basement, but what I am trying to explain is that sometimes it can be the surrounding environment causing the issue. always good measure to make sure the room you're working in is on the clean side to minimize the prevalence of any possible pathogens. ✌
    1 point
  9. fok me you gona stink up the whole block with that garden!!
    1 point
  10. Proper brotherLooking solid.
    1 point
  11. Hey guys Its has not been a month yet but I am posting now because the lights were swithed off yesterday. I gave them their last Seagro feed and now its time to go to the next stage. They are getting a bit big now which also led to my decision. I was planning to switch off on December 31 but thought otherwise. Here they are, in no particular order: Jacky White : PS: Check that sunflower Blue Kush Berry : Pineapple Chunk : Banner Biscuits : Bruce Banner #3 : Slurricane Cheese: a View from above: I am not as active on the forum as I need to be, but that is because I started a new job and I am puttting a LOT of energy into it.
    1 point
  12. Happy National Leftovers Day and Merry Christmas for yesterday! Been a while since I posted - apologies, things have been a bit wild since starting a new job. Typically this grow is not even done and I'm already thinking about how I would do it better next time... This plant has gone into flower and then reveg and now it seems the flowering has continued? Not really sure but I'm just letting it do its thing and I will try harvest these plants when ripe and use it for edibles. I topped the smaller one in the hope it would stimulate some more veg but both seems to have maxed out in terms of size quite a lot earlier than I had anticipated However boxes have been ticked: I wanted to grow a plant that can pull off being a Christmas tree - (Its bigger than the Christmas tree we have inside so I'll take that as a W) Even though I don't think these plants will get bigger, there is still some time left to but and I can already say that this is biggest plant that I have grown so far in terms of height - yield is too early to say. So that's another checkpoint - I must admit that the unanticipated flowering after transitioning outside has left me wondering what could have been. Lessons learnt and next year I will be back to continue the search of monsters, hopefully controlling the light cycle swing better! As we close out 2021, happy new year - I learnt a lot here this year and I hope to repeat that in 2022. Thanks to all who have shared their knowledge with me
    1 point
  13. Came across this little one last week. How the seed got there, dunno. I usually scatter ungerminated seeds in one area of the garden. Here's the thing. Nothing usually grows in this area of the garden and the plant is smack bang in the middle of an ant nest. My wife thinks an ant brought it home. The soil is not ideal so I'm wondering how the ant nest is going to affect the plant. Ants are loving the molasses I think. In the last pic to the left of the leca you will see an ant at work. The plant will either be from @Totemic or @Bay Seedsas that's all I've been growing the last while. Let's see if this survives and hopefully I can recognize it.
    1 point
  14. Hi folks. Almost done with week 4 of flower and the ladies are starting to stink the place up. Absolutely beautiful smells coming through. The Jelly Breath is probably one of my favourite plants I have ever grown and smoked. She is real top heavy so I staked her for extra support. I didn't get a good top shot of the SSH 98 but she is going strong. White Bubblegum White Afghan Skunk Purple Dosidos Sunset Sherbet Blunicorn Jelly Breath Super Silver Haze 98 OSG Cheese Dark shot
    1 point
  15. @HappyGrower Sounds like there is a foreign pathogen at play here. Or those jiffys are too wet. Do you squeeze the excess water out? Clones are sensitive and the cuts are basically open wounds, ready for any outside fungus or bacteria to enter the new host. Tobacco mosaic/Fusarium can be introduced and spread real easily when cutting clones. You basically spread it between your cuttings unknowingly. Try disinfecting your blade between cuts. I Prefer buffered coco in solo cups, excess moisture squeezed out before packing solo's. Disinfect everything with peroxide or bleach even hands and gloves. Take cuttings in the morning or afternoon, trim excess leaves and growth with a clean blade, b4 cutting stem. Cut clones go into tap water asap(less than 5sec), let them park in cool shady spot indoors for 24hrs in water. Stems get 'cleanly' cut again at a 45deg angle and scored along bottom 2cm of stem to allow dynaroot quick contact with cambium and into the solo's with coco. The 24hr waiting period also allows any cuts/damage on the new clone to harden off/seal/scab over before going into the dome, as the warm, humid dome is technically an incubator for nasties. Never used to wait, but now the rooting rate has improved. Only mist from underneath in dome with tapwater, leave closed for 3 days. Run my 48w CW smd strip lights at 14/10 or 16/8 depending time of year. Usually have good roots 7 to 10 days in, start hardening off outdoors from 14 days, 95-100% rate so far. 16 clones on day 3. 8 from 8 hardening off outdoors.
    1 point
  16. Some bulk has been put on Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. Happy xmas to all of you to. Cheers to a productive 2022.
    1 point
  18. Changed the angle and added my old diy light for some extra vooma. With the temps 26/27 I am managing to get the hum to just Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. Forgot the camera shot Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. This is an unknown clone that made it into my room. It is mislabeled but I suspect it is Lost Coast OG or some type of chemdog cross. Here she is at 8 weeks
    1 point
  21. Will it be possible for the average joe to obtain a license to grow and supply to a eg. pharmacist? Will probably be a strict process and very pricey but will be a really nice business opportunity.
    1 point
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