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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2021 in all areas

  1. Day 59 22/12. Small, sticky dense buds and a nice fruity aroma. The spider mite problem is still affecting one part of the plant but doesn't seem to be getting any worse.
    4 points
  2. So far all good advise... I also add: Never ever put the clone box in direct sun light for longer. Will become to hot inside and cook your clones... and I really mean cook ^^ I work with Jiffies.. and mine stand in water during cloning procedure around 26 degrees all the time. The greener the stem, the longer it takes.
    2 points
  3. It's a nice vine shrub to have in your garden, with the very noticable flower and the dense greenery it puts on a nice show wherever it's growing. This plant doesn't bare any peas though so it is more of an ornamental plant. I read there's quite a list of beneficial medicinal properties the plant provides, people steep teas with the flowers and what not, so if you're into that you'll like the plant a lot! yeah this is true, no jokes vagina-like objects are so commonly found in nature I guess if you really interested in knowing which came first and who resembled who, you could do some research in the biological field of archeological and geological history to find the oldest species or specimen that had something that similarly resembled a vagina. my best guess is that a fossil of some kind will present that peice of information, maybe it was found in the fauna kingdom first, maybe the flora kingdom or perhaps the oldest kingdom that inhabits our earth to this day - fungi kingdom but then... who ever was first, where did they get the idea and what was the concept based on? like every particle of air itself has scientific merit that explains why and how it exists in the form that it does and how this came to be. just like everything else in existance. it's likely that the concept of a vagina was a million other more simple concepts smooshed into one complex concept over looooooong periods of time.
    1 point
  4. Interesting how the human female genitalia is represented in certain species. The black mussel is a prime example also. Maybe certain species are represented in humans rather than the other way around...
    1 point
  5. I recommend that you try Eazyplug-plugs they more expensive but work great
    1 point
  6. So I’ll add this to the list for next year [emoji23] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. Some beautifull big ladies you got going. Looking healthy and strong.
    1 point
  8. OSG Cheese at 58 days I'm impressed so far. Smells super skunky
    1 point
  9. fok me you gona stink up the whole block with that garden!!
    1 point
  10. Hey guys Its has not been a month yet but I am posting now because the lights were swithed off yesterday. I gave them their last Seagro feed and now its time to go to the next stage. They are getting a bit big now which also led to my decision. I was planning to switch off on December 31 but thought otherwise. Here they are, in no particular order: Jacky White : PS: Check that sunflower Blue Kush Berry : Pineapple Chunk : Banner Biscuits : Bruce Banner #3 : Slurricane Cheese: a View from above: I am not as active on the forum as I need to be, but that is because I started a new job and I am puttting a LOT of energy into it.
    1 point
  11. Happy National Leftovers Day and Merry Christmas for yesterday! Been a while since I posted - apologies, things have been a bit wild since starting a new job. Typically this grow is not even done and I'm already thinking about how I would do it better next time... This plant has gone into flower and then reveg and now it seems the flowering has continued? Not really sure but I'm just letting it do its thing and I will try harvest these plants when ripe and use it for edibles. I topped the smaller one in the hope it would stimulate some more veg but both seems to have maxed out in terms of size quite a lot earlier than I had anticipated However boxes have been ticked: I wanted to grow a plant that can pull off being a Christmas tree - (Its bigger than the Christmas tree we have inside so I'll take that as a W) Even though I don't think these plants will get bigger, there is still some time left to but and I can already say that this is biggest plant that I have grown so far in terms of height - yield is too early to say. So that's another checkpoint - I must admit that the unanticipated flowering after transitioning outside has left me wondering what could have been. Lessons learnt and next year I will be back to continue the search of monsters, hopefully controlling the light cycle swing better! As we close out 2021, happy new year - I learnt a lot here this year and I hope to repeat that in 2022. Thanks to all who have shared their knowledge with me
    1 point
  12. Where on the plant are you taking cuts from? In general, stems that are still soft and green are very hard to Clone, much harder than the woodier less fragile stems which in my experience is pretty much a sure thing. Sounds like you need to disinfect your cutting trays properly... Buy new ones if you can afford it, get some hydrogen peroxide and disinfect the Clone Dome and all your tools.. I have found that letting the stems sit in a 3% h202 solution for a few min while you are taking all the cuttings helps dramatically with that rot you speak of. Avoid spraying any nutrients on the leaves or into the tray, keep the rooter plug, rockwool, jiffies, moist at all times and don't let them dry out. I have had the best success with an Rh of 90%... 100% seems to encourage mold spores to germinate and funky shit happens. Make sure you are taking cuts near a node and not in the middle of the stem, through a node is also good. Try not touch the cuttings again once they are in the Dome, place them and leave them be, just make sure there is moisture in the tray. I have had success with no rooting hormone, and also success with rooting hormone... The gell worked well, but so do powders.... But so does nothing haha.. Keep the cutting size consistent at whatever you decide, and make sure they get a low intensity light... Cuttings outside is crazy in any weather as they will get dry very fast or transpire like mad and dry up if the sun hits them for too long. The less you open the Dome, the less contaminants can get in, and if you disinfect properly when you are putting the cuts in the tent, then you should have a good success rate... And if cuts are failing to such a large degree, maybe try taking even more cuts!! Double to triple what you need, so that even in a disaster you should still get enough cuts out
    1 point
  13. A few changes to report on: Plants have moved to their final pots. Was quite a job but I'm glad with how smoothly it all went. So pots...we are all here for the pot right? 200L and 100L: Started with a layer of 3 different stones. Next - river sand. Wet it down and aim to remove the air pockets between the stones and sand. Next - an orgy of Orgasoilux and mycoroot Next - lift up the plants in their existing pots and give it a slight bear-hug to loosen to sides. Tilt it to pour out any loose soil/material. Using one hand to support the stem, flip it over and get a friendly helper to come pull the pot off. Gently place plant in new pot. Currently 1m from soil surface There is a spotlight which points I'm their direction that I have been running until around 9pm/10pm every night to try avoid any preflowering but despite that... here we are...pistils. A little reveg won't hurt... right? I've been using Jamie's Orgasoilux pretty much since I started growing but have finally taken the plunge to try his nutes and rooibos mulch - because science says I must fuck around and find out. Feeding according to Jamie's Organic Liquid feeding programme - Organic Liquid Feeding Program.pdf Wurmbosch's Vermi Pure for dessert.
    1 point
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