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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/2021 in all areas

  1. I gave away my pepe le pew plants to someone who really wanted them and I'm left with the strawberry crosses I honestly don't remember which is which at this point as I transplanted them but forgot which one went where and my stoned ass didn't bother to re-label the plants
    2 points
  2. Day 59 22/12. Small, sticky dense buds and a nice fruity aroma. The spider mite problem is still affecting one part of the plant but doesn't seem to be getting any worse.
    2 points
  3. My tortoni - funny story here sort of. I was originally planning on putting one of each in the ground and keeping the others in the pots. I didn't check what I was doing and put both my tortoni plants in the ground also I broke a branch off while cropping ...........
    1 point
  4. Been a while since I have update, but was adding pics to my personal notes and remember I actually had these threads going Velvet Skies Cross - 6 females Beach Bum cross - 3 confirmed females - still have 4 that haven't shown sex at all
    1 point
  5. Many thanks for your help. I have a friend who has given me some photoperiods and so I'm trying with them. I also think it's too late to try them but I'll have a go!. Also planted 3 more Auto's. One has popped and reckon the others will do today. All I can do for now!. Have a lekker New Year .
    1 point
  6. Greetings. Thanks for the advise/feedback. I have......I think......got some reasonable soil now!. Am trying an experiment with Auto's straight in the finished pot. Also trying again with photoperiods. Temperatures where I am regularly vary between 30° day to 15° C night. I put domes on at sunset and remove in morning. Is this a good idea or waste of time?. Photo show soil I'm trying now. Have a groovy New Year
    1 point
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