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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/2021 in Posts

  1. I can recommend that Medicinal Plant book, its unreal, want a copy myself. I went to a remote farm last week, saw it on the kitchen table and could not stop reading it, it has everything in there, EVERYTHING. Funny enough going to that same farm this morning. The woman who lives there only leaves once a month, as its very remote, roads are difficult to drive even in a 4x4. She used to work at this unreal healing place down the drag from me.
    2 points
  2. BROTHER I wouldn't even know where to start, maybe check out this book?? Worldwide the list of medicinal plants goes on and on and on, this book however only looks at indiginous species and speaks of around 3000 species that grow in our African biome with medicinal properties, the book only covers about 400 species of them. so the list is a long one they have a section at the back of the book where they already grouped everything according to ailments, pretty cool I would also recommend if you're in the Western Cape to make some time and go check out Babylonstoren garden in Franschoek, they have a very sacred little space dedicated to world wide medicinal plants. probably the most elaborate medicinal garden I have come across my whole life. no doubt about it. you can even do a garden tour where they take you through the medicinal garden and teach you how to know what to look for and how to use a lot of the plants. there is a Dutch lady there I share my birthday with, we keep in contact through the years and she's literally a witch when it comes to plant medicines, her knowledge on the subject is so vast it's scary sometimes, that's why I say she's a witch if you do the tour and you're lucky she'll be the tour guide and you can ask literally anything and everything! ...ps there is some Salvia Divinorum growing in that garden too, but it's a very sacred garden and they don't allow guests to take cuttings from there. ✌
    2 points
  3. Only now I'm seeing how the temps/weather can change down in this neck of the woods!. 33° this arvo....... Am trying the domes as suggested and will monitor carefully. Hope they don't fry...... Will update as and when........ Take care,.........it's a jungle out there!.
    1 point
  4. Some females are showing many pistils but no smell yet. The height is between 100cm and 120cm.
    1 point
  5. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks. I’ve been to Babylonstoring a couple of years back on the wine tram before my interest in growing, will have to swing by again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  6. almost forgot the part about the dome. first I have to ask, you doing all this outdoors in the direct sun or indoors? the point of the dome is to not let moisture escape from your medium too quickly, so you've got it flipped around there bro beans, you gotta keep the dome on during the day to retain the humidity and not let the medium dry out. during night time out in nature the humidity levels rise as the temeperature cools down and the sun isn't evaporating moisture, so you may take off the dome during night time, but you may aswell leave it on. if high temperature is the issue when keeping the dome on during the day I would advise to move the pot into a cooler spot at least untill the plant has come up and formed some roots. once there is roots the plant cools itself down, but when you're popping a seed it's absolutely crucial that you keep in the range of 25°C, the more constant that temperature the better. if you got that 25°C on a constant, then worry about RH and get that up to around 60 to 80%. - anything lower than 60% will cause the medium to dry out too fast and anything higher than 80% will become favourable to mold and disease- hygrometers are epic little devices for propagation, they read °C and RH.
    1 point
  7. My tortoni - funny story here sort of. I was originally planning on putting one of each in the ground and keeping the others in the pots. I didn't check what I was doing and put both my tortoni plants in the ground also I broke a branch off while cropping ...........
    1 point
  8. Only a pleasure brother✌ First time I see the ever-grow bag, never heard of anyone using it either so I can't really give comment on it. Hope it works for you! The Orgasoilux on the other hand I have tried once and heard a bunch of mixed things about it. my personal experience, I bought one bag that went straight into a 40L pot and I planted a 2 month old photoperiod over from a 10L pot, a nicely established plant and root mass, wasn't a small plant, yet few days later the plant was burnt to shit. still managed to save her, but not before the damage has been done. I grabbed my EC pen, did a runoff test and the EC was more suited for a fully grown fruit tree than a 2 month old shrub. so I flushed the soil with clean water down to the right EC, took the plants out anyway and put them in fresh FreedomFarms Premium Classic, still harvested around 50g off the plant... kept the flushed Orgasoilux in a big pot outside all winter exposed to the elements, rained through quite a bunch, used it after a few months and it turned out fine. but didn't trust it again after that. the general customer experience and feedback with Orgasoilux has also been a bit of a hit and miss situation, as far as I can remember, though lately it's been more positive, I don't use them as my personal go to brand. without second guessing myself, the brand that gives the best bang for your buck would be the brand with the most consistent results that you can rely on and study their product to get to know how to work with it better, without them changing the product up on you or delivering inconsistent results throwing your learning curve off course. You can't and wont go wrong with a bag of Freedom Farms Premium Classic, but see how this experience with those two bags turn out for you, one thing is certain - you're headed in the right direction Let us know how things turn out, maybe hit us with a couple photos, sometimes a problem goes unnoted and is easily spotted by external perspectives. Hope you have a grooovy New Years too man, stay safe out there
    1 point
  9. Many thanks for your help. I have a friend who has given me some photoperiods and so I'm trying with them. I also think it's too late to try them but I'll have a go!. Also planted 3 more Auto's. One has popped and reckon the others will do today. All I can do for now!. Have a lekker New Year .
    1 point
  10. Greetings. Thanks for the advise/feedback. I have......I think......got some reasonable soil now!. Am trying an experiment with Auto's straight in the finished pot. Also trying again with photoperiods. Temperatures where I am regularly vary between 30° day to 15° C night. I put domes on at sunset and remove in morning. Is this a good idea or waste of time?. Photo show soil I'm trying now. Have a groovy New Year
    1 point
  11. Looking at helping a medicinal plants nursery getting going early next year. Any other interesting plants, throw names this way. Got access to two tunnels, looking at around 600 plants of all medicinal types. Cancer bush’s, wormwood, a lot of herbs, svelte ohm and of course a couple of strains of our favorite plant. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. lekker lekker whenever I see a pea/bean flower I am reminded of a blue pea flower. have you seen them? I was working on a permaculture farm where I kept pointing it out and telling people the flower looked like something very peculiar. we kept laughing about it like we where a bunch of 12 year olds, untill the master botanist pointed out the botanical name and it just made the joke so much funnier. It became a point of interest for guests, so much so we had to put the botanical name on a board next to it and all the middle aged ladies started taking photos with it. so, this is the flower, what does it look like to you? maybe you need a bit of a "dirty mind" to see it, but this will colour your imagination a little further, the botanical name - .....aaand a little description if you still don't see it
    1 point
  13. If you want to make use of the current grow season to grow 6-8 trees and have some awesome dank, I suggest you get photoperiod clones and grow those out, while practicing germination with bagseeds so as not to worry about wasting cash, and also having a somewhat good harvest at the Apr/May 2022 mark. I would personally say it's too late to germinate seeds but I am talking about photoperiods and not autos going outside for the season. I don't really have experience with autos so can't really talk about them. Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. Hey bud, I would recommend against that, in all honesty, although I am not 100% sure what the science behind it would be -other than autos generally being full of shit and you can never be too safe- my gut is telling me no. only for the sake of "doing it for science" and at the same time minimizing human intervention, seeing as that is enough to stunt autos sometimes, you can try combining the two ideas. so you would fill your pot, dig a hole big enough for a swollen jiffy to fit in there, pop that thing in and drop the seed in the jiffy and only try to keep the jiffy area wet till you see life. gona have to use a dome in this scenario, the downside here may be that the jiffy is very small in comparison to say a "solo cup" or small 12cm nursery pot, so if you're only trying to keep the jiffy wet you're at higher risk of it drying out, hence the must use of a dome and meaning you're going to have to check up more often and keep it moist more often rather than using a bit more medium that can stay wet/moist for longer.
    1 point
  15. Would starting the auto's in a jiffy block be a good option?. If so, which jiffy type should I get. Please understand I'm only trying to grow a few plants (6-8) at a time. I did say 'trying'
    1 point
  16. give them some protection for the first two weeks, everything eats microgreens
    1 point
  17. Hey man. So no holes. When I do use domes I kinda keep an eye on it. Taking it on and off. Mainly on at night, helps keeping bugs away and keeps temps up. Mornings I take it off until the day gets beyond hot then I give them a light spray. Bearing in mind I use a shade house. Summer I don't bother much with domes. Sent from my S40 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  18. Time for a harvest update. Not much but it’s mine, from seed Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. And a cabbage and watermelon radish harvest Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
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