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  1. Naughty.Psychonaut


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  3. PsyCLown



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  4. John Stonedwell

    John Stonedwell

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2022 in all areas

  1. Hi folks, So today is day 64 of flower and I thought I would share some last pics of the ladies as I will start chopping on day 66. First to go will be the Purple Dosidos, White Afghan Skunk, OSG Cheese, Blunicorn, White Bubblegum and Jelly Breath. The Sunset Sherbet will probably fall close to day 70 and SSH probably around the 75 day mark (if not more) The lone clone outside has also completed its reveg cycle and is looking happy with its succulent friends. White Bubblegum White Afghan Skunk Purple Dosidos Sunset Sherbet Blunicorn Jelly Breath Super Silver Haze 98 OSG Cheese Lone Clone
    8 points
  2. You pretty much hit the nail on the head with this statement. The plant will only take what it needs, giving the plant access to more nutes does not mean it will use them. So whether the plant is sitting in soil or hydro, it will only use the nutes it needs when it needs them. As for why continue feeding the plants in the last 2 weeks or so of flower as opposed to giving them plain water... Well for one the medium you are growing in plays a big role, in soil this is fine as the soil still contains nutrients. In hydro or coco, different story. Put plain tap water through coco or refill a hydro res with plain tap water and you have a ppm of like 79 and a PH which is waaay too high for the plants. The plants want to try maintain a balance as well in terms of the ppm / EC (solute concentrates - think nutes), so taking a plant from a higher EC environment of say 1.6EC and moving it into a res with an EC of basically 0.0EC will lead to the plant being unhappy and trying to balance the concentrate within the plant / root zone and the medium it is in. I feel this will be detrimental to the plant. The correct way to go about this would be to gradually reduce the nutrient strength towards the end of flower or look at adding other things into the feed to obtain a similar PPM / EC to prevent such an extreme balancing. The info you posted states that if anything, the results from a 0 day flush was preferable (smoother & better taste) but ultimately the difference is soo negligible that it does not really matter. So for someone growing in coco or hydro, it is easier to continue to feed the plants with nutes to avoid issues and ensure the PH remains in the right range. For someone growing with soil, especially if you are not feeding nutes often... go for it and feed water. Don't call it a flush though. You're just not feeding nutes. Osmosis can still occur in soil, if you are feeding nutes and the EC builds up in the soil. Is it necessary to do this? No, I do not feel it is and the research done by RX Green Technologies also points towards little to no benefit either way.
    7 points
  3. Noticed a creeping issue in the flower tent. Usually after I transplant there is a slight fade just as the roots catch up, and after about a week the plant should bounce back strong and green. This has been exactly the case with the ZxP, but the Gorilla Zkittlez is due for the bounce back but seems to be fading further. I have given another top feed even though the reservoir has been on for a few days, I think the roots may be just slightly behind. Depending on how fast the reservoir drains I might top feed once more in a week. ZxP Gorilla Zkittlez
    6 points
  4. I got a really really awesome one from The High Co @THCSA I am sure you have seen them sponsor quite a few comps on the forum as well. https://thehighco.co.za There might even be more options available which are not loaded on the website, reach out to them. You won't be disappointed. I would suggest getting a rig where the banger sits flat and not at an angle (so a straight stem).
    4 points
  5. nice work man! a temperature regulated clone space is really ideal for faster cloning. very cool. i have tinkered with those strip lights before, they arent very good for growing, but they do a great job at lighting the are, and giving the cuttings just enough light to do their things. 10\10 from me bru!
    4 points
  6. Trimming day! Started early this morning and finished just after lunch. Caught some bud rot again but not nearly as much as the last batch. I'm sure I might have even lost this batch if I had not reduced the humidity when I did. If I never see bud rot again, that would be great. Managed to get a fat 3L jar worth this time around. Jirre I might have gotten another 1L worth if it wasn't for the bud rot. Tsek. I'll update in a few days on the dry weight.
    4 points
  7. Watsup folks. Nothing major here. Just thought I would share my interesting way of lighting and controlling the temps in my clone dome. Which is also not in a tent but in a cupboard on its own. Gets lonely in there so I thought I'd make it cozy. This project is not the cheapest or anything but of leftover things I had lying around....trust me.... I had a heating pad and 240/12v converter just lying around. I got a nifty little power box, some twinflex wires and a sonoff sensor. I bought some led cool white strips which was also very cheap. These had a sticky back and I could bend it quite abit. I took the cupboard board out and stuck my LED at the bottom of it. That then connects to the 12v converter where th 240v power comes in. I think you could probably buy 240v LED strips but I don't know if they are as versatile as the 12v LED strips. I also run these lights 24 hrs a day. No timer but you could add one very easily in the power box. I connected the heating pad to a sonoff sensor and then to the 240v power. The sensor is a little black wire that runs from the power box to the dome. I set my temps so that if the dome is colder than 20°C the heating pad will switch on and off if it is warmer than 24°C. This helps alot in winter but in summer it doesn't help much. All in all not the cheapest or easiest project but could maybe help someone with their own ideas on how to build something like this. Also to expand and add more would be very easy too. Thanks for watching.
    3 points
  8. If you got money to spend and want something nice, check out Praxis, available on LoudCPT, here is a link https://loudcpt.co.za/product-category/brands/praxis-glass/ they also got glass by other artists
    3 points
  9. what's up @Weskush You talking about a clone dome there? I am not sure man, it might work, but the air is very stagnant in there. might just get like one or two shroomies off a flush for fruiting conditions you're working within a band of 85 to 95%RH with an almost constant fresh air exchange. what gets your mycelium to push fruits is the evaporation of small water droplets off the surface of your substrate. so idealy if you can constantly have fresh new tiny tiny tiny like ultrasonic mist water particles land on your substrate and have it evaporate off every couple minutes, the quicker you'll see mushroom pins. so the fresh air exchange is more important than the high RH. if you gona have stagnant air and the mycelium used up all the oxygen (yes, mushrooms breathe like humans. oxygen in carbon dioxide out) there will be high levels of co2 chocking out your mycelium and if, only if it fruirs it'll make loooong thin fruits with small caps. this is why a shotgun fruiting chamber will work best, just remember to fan, mist, fan - in that order. as many times a day as you can. open tote, fan old co2 out, mist lightly and fan again to get the new water droplets to start evapotating, next time you walk past the tote do it again. 5 times a day if you can. I have gotten very few clean LC syringes through the web, but there is a way to get them clean on agar. once you got clean culture on agar you can make unlimited agar plates and your own master LC then to grain spawn and from there you basically golden. you'll be able to do trays for days. hell if you can sterilise a shoe you can grow them out of a shoe. the PF tek does have a little bad rep, but it does work for sure and it's a good way to get off the ground with all this myco stuff! excited to see how your project takes off bud
    3 points
  10. Aweh gromies, Did a bit of cleaning up again Fruitpunch ladies are vegging like machines, general defoliation and opening up the insides for ventilation.
    3 points
  11. Shot thanks. Ja this seemed the easier route to go for my first grow. Will see how it goes and will remember to keep things sterile as a scientists tools. Will log it while im at it if allowed on the forum?
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. 3 points
  14. Hi folks, I have recently started enjoying some rosin dab with my friend and it is unbelievable how smooth it is and how pronounced the terps are. So with that in mind I have to now get myself a rig as well to satisfy the craving. Any suppliers or retailers that forum members can advise on will be most welcome. Since it will be a rather expensive purchase I want to make sure I get one that will be like a centre piece. Thank you
    2 points
  15. Thanx man. Yeah had a glance at their site and prices are reasonable and also some very cool designs. I am fully with you for the flat banger as the carb cap would fit nice and tight on that. I will give them a shoutout
    2 points
  16. You could, otherwise just build yourself a shotgun fruiting chamber and fill it with some perlite. Also keep in mind trichoderma is a very aggressive fungi which will be to your detriments when you're trying to grow mushrooms. If you have ever used products which contain trichoderma (rather common with cannabis products), the chances of contamination are much higher. I am not a big fan of PF Tek, it works but there are better ways out there. Do it for your first grow then move away, rather try trays.
    2 points
  17. Yo @Naughty.Psychonaut . I ordered myself a PF Tek innoculation kit, PF Classic spore syringe and some perlite from B&B. You reckon that i can use my propagator for fruiting? It has holes in the bottom and an air vent on the lid. This will be small scale and my first time trying psilocyben shroom cultivation. Shot
    2 points
  18. Interesting debate. I personally don't flush now, but I used to when I first started growing because that's what every site says. My experience with flushing is that you essentially telling the plant to finish regardless of what stage it's at. This all depends on your setup also, so my issue is that I had exposed plants growing outside, and I learnt from previous years budrot and mielie worm f ups you want your plants to finish before the heavy rains and those caterpillars, but anyways back to the subject. My new no flush made more sense once I started dialing everything in and using synthetic nutes. I now feed up to 1500 ppm or slightly more/ less if the plant can handle it, and then do slight taper down to 800 ppm when I harvest. I use this method for plants in dwc and in coco and found my yield to be better and plants to have more flavor when I keep feeding but slightly taper until harvest. A large part also depends on the plant genetics, so you need to find something that is adjustable for your gene pool and growing method I guess. The reason for the taper is that you don't want to starve or limit the plant in any way, without taper you get darkish emerald green leaves at harvest which is surely going to lead to a harsher smoke. As for the cure, I just dry over 5-7 days and throw it into those black sealable curing bags that self burp. My weed is delicious, burns pure white ash and I have taken samples off a plant before a traditional flush and samples from the same plant afterwards, dried them the same, cured them in 2 separate bags and I couldn't tell the difference, so that is my experience. No flush seems like a recent thing and I have embraced it,hell, if I can cut out 3 more steps from growing my own cannabis than I will do it, getting old now! Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
    2 points
  19. Bolting and buds are running a special until the end of the month if you are looking for HSO seeds. https://www.biltongandbudz.co.za/product-category/seeds/humboldt-seeds/
    2 points
  20. What is up good people, here is a little something I have been busy with the last few months that I think some of you might like... a Mushroom Farm, well getting there hahah This is as primitive as things get, I plan to make a few bucks out the place to cover the expenses and invest to get something proper going. Building the same setup with Isoboards is what I am going for, already got quotes to get some frames welded for hanging and making use of vertical space as I have plenty. Just waiting for a cash flow. I teamed up with a guy who's doing the marketing, I am doing all of the growing. Any questions welcome. Incubation "room". Dimentions: W2mxL3mxH3m. Wood frame to hold thick black plastic to create complete dark room. 1/3rd of the wall on the left is covered with 90% black shade net folded double so the the room can breathe, but let minimal light in. inside incubation, with few colonising Hard to get a good pic, but here is the grow room. W3mxL5mxH3m. wood frame to hold a UV protected opaque plastic. door open. RH on 98% The Reservoir. I got a 70L thick black tote bin with a constant water level, pumping ultrasonic fog into my grow room. you can see the whaft it pumps out Inside the Res, I got a M6 fogger, they sent me the wrong floater and I had to improvise with a pool noodle, works 100%. I got a water line pumping water into the res (visible in photo above) with a floater valve to shut it off and keep it from running over. got a 20cm inline fan system running, if I put the fogger off it sucks the 98%RH down to 40% in 10min. got a piece of the black shade net over the mouth of the fan to keep spores from building up inside the fan, gets cleaned weekly. most importan, Sonoff TH16 booooiiiii once I get the grow room going, I have to leave the fan off. put the fogger on, let it build to about 95%Rh, then I switch the fan on and leave it on. I got the fogger running on the Sonoff, when the RH drops below 90% it kicks the fogger on, once it reaches 98% it switches back off. Room never really gets wet, except for minimal droplets that form on the floor over a period of day, walls are never wet, but air stays very moist. very important. Now, some shroomies
    1 point
  21. The end of cycle flush is not flushing a lot of water through the soil till theres no more nutes left, the end of the cycle flush was just misunderstood, it's a shift to no more feed, just clean water "flush", but it happens gradually over the span of 2 weeks. or till the plant has faded. if it takes 1 week till fade then you harvest. I think that is the general consensus around the end of the cycle flush? and not flushing 20L through the medium every day for 2 weeks I am not a complete noob, but for some reason I've never thought of the end of cycle flush as the same as toxicity flush. honestly only heard about toxicity flush when I first ran into toxicity much later in the game. for a couple years the only flushing I knew of was the end of cycle flush that just means shifting to no more nutrients. Crex and I are discussing through pm and I have agreed to never call it "flush" again. I hope no one else does either. ✌ ✌
    1 point
  22. Dirty Banana will yield reasonably well, but beach wedding probably only about 40 per plant. I do tend to underestimate yield though. So let's see when the numbers are in. Beach wedding is quite dense.
    1 point
  23. Dirty Banana and Beach Wedding both look pretty decent, how is the bud size though? Does yield look as if it may be good? Sometimes a bit hard to judge off a single photo.
    1 point
  24. Checking on the dry box after a couple of days a shake or two and these came out Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. Here we have some Sugarcane looking a bit on the dark side. Like a Marijuana with a infamous plan for your future
    1 point
  26. Sounds like you're going to have a killer setup !
    1 point
  27. Hey bud I guess there's a couple reasons, the insulation being at the top of that list, because my previous setup didn't allow me to achieve the desired enviromental conditions and it was quite a headache. I want a strong structure, because the highest point in that building is higer than 10m so we can always build another room ontop of the ones we are putting up now. and if you look at the back above the 3 doorways there's a thick white beam that forms the edge of a floor, will have a staircase going up soon, but our plan is to extend that floor once the rooms are in so we can build ontop of them and have the stairs in a whole different spot.
    1 point
  28. @Naughty.Psychonaut This question is rather random, but If you don't mind me asking what made you decide on the isoboard instead of something like PVC boards or whatever it is actually called ? was it purely due to the thermal insulation that the isoboard offers ? edit: aaahhh nevermind I see they both basically have the same uses but the isoboard has better thermal insulation should've looked it up before I asked .................
    1 point
  29. Great work brother, congratulations man! Starting a small business from scratch is no joke, but with a little bit of perseverance you can kill it! Also request your pricing champ, my head office will definitely have a look/possibly make use of your stuff as they do wholesale. Unless you already sold out lol. Will message you.
    1 point
  30. faqme that's a bit far hahah I'm in the winelands cpt, I'll keep you in mind though and if I ever make a mission over to that side I'll pack you a kit!!
    1 point
  31. @Bos hahahah yeah fuck sounds like you got a full plate there!!! understandable! what area you in man? I could possibly gift you a colonised bag and all you have to do is poke a few holes, keep it in a well lit humid place with no direct sunlight, maybe spray a few squirts of tap water once or twice a day and watch them grow? let me know @PsyCLown indeed it is, constant new challenges and constant rewards!!!
    1 point
  32. Salivating right now, evil person you.... Frying pan butter and garlic-dinner sorted.
    1 point
  33. Aint enough time in a day for me to do all the stuff I want....allready father of 2, stepdad to 2 more, working full time shift, 4x4 enthuisiast, handyman, mechanic and cannabis grower, also just got engaged.... I'll sleep when I'm dead. One day soon, got enough stuffs on my plate just now....hahaha.
    1 point
  34. Why don't you try it brother? Believe it or not, I only been eating mushrooms for about a year now. "gourmet" ones that would be. I remember getting sick from eating one when I was a kid. never touched them again till I turned 15 and had a magic mushroom shoved in my hand. first mushroom I had since. only ones I at till the other day was magic, they obviously opened me up to EVERYTHING!!! my favourite is going foraging for edible mushrooms on mushrooms and having mushrooms for dinner.
    1 point
  35. what's up man! what exactly you aiming to do? It sounds like you wana know how to grow? if so you would need a few things and quite a bit of info. If you haven't done any research or haven't worked with mushrooms or with someone who's worked with them I would suggest doing some research on the broad spectrum of exotic mushroom cultivation. then you take from that what would work best for you, maybe start setting things up and getting resources together then we can talk again about where you need some help and what you need help to understand. the reason is, there are 3 phases of growing mushrooms, if you can spend money whole time you can get away with doing only 1 phase. if you wana save some money you have to do 2 of the phases and becomes more risky and you need more resources and knowledge. if you really wana not spend anything I gotta take you through the whole process of selecting a mushroom to clone and then doing tissue culture and all that. and with all these different things that need different resources you get different techniques of doing every second thing and it all depends on your given situation what environment you're working with what you need to do. so I really can't just "give you a few pointers", but if it was basics you looking for, what you see in the pics is mostly my grow room. Humidity is 85 - 95% at all times. Temperature 17-24°C all times. Good air circulation and what not. Also, almost every second mushroom want different environments, so if I wana switch to shiitake I have to change a few things. Shiitake actually prefers growing outside on solid hard wood. whole different story, but very fun back yard project. @Bos Indeed I have!!! chopped into strips, a heavy spoon of butter in the pan, salt, pepper and sweet white wine, cooked them till the edges became crispy. couldn't stop eating my lady and I split the 270g big boy, it was a whole meal by itself. pretty soon I will be growing these off nut tree wood
    1 point
  36. Looks awesome. Have you tasted them yet?
    1 point
  37. KING TRUMPET first one for the colder months compared to regular sized oyster the weigh in
    1 point
  38. put some LED strip, mushrooms showing a lot more colour when grown under supplemented lights, looks like someones watching movies inside my grow room Grey Oysters Elf Oysters
    1 point
  39. I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize to the community for this shit behavior on my behalf. While I stand by what I have mentioned it's poor forum to not substantiate the claims. @Naughty.Psychonaut The intention was not to shit shit on your methods or your experiment. I've obviously upset your groove/offended you. I'm sorry dude.
    1 point
  40. again, this is exactly what I said....... then you tried saying my information is incorrect. if you weren't butthurt about my setup being built the way you would've built it, or whatever is making you feel the way you do, you wouldn't let that cloud your ability to understand what you're reading. listen here, as much as the dark is not a requirement light is also not a requirement. as proven by my setup. so where exactly you wana go with this? you want me to rebuild my setup cz you read something somewhere??? give it up man
    1 point
  41. The fact of the matter is that dark is not a requirement for either fruiting or colonization. End van die prent...
    1 point
  42. yes, I said this, literally in my first reply to what you said, here it is and I restated it, trying to make it clear for you the sole idea that you wana tell me data captured from an actual experiment I actually did is wrong, is taking it personal, brother............ I am not aiming to take over the market and fill up my pockets here. I am aiming to sustain my hobby of growing mushrooms on a bigger scale. If I can get a local contract to ensure my rent and other essential resources are all covered, I'll be happy and keep on growing. good luck to you in general man
    1 point
  43. I don't see egotistical or emotional behavior in my responses. I think this is possibly a default defense mech you're displaying by claiming it, so whatever floats your boat... I have never claimed to know everything, I merely gave input regarding to a subject I have a good understanding and real experience with. I don't recall disputing your bro-science "trial/experiment" data. All that was said is the dark period is not required. YOU seem to have taken this personally(*ego*). Good luck with your venture, I hope you manage to get an offtake agreement or a regular customer base. We lost our market due to the importation being very cheap, and the BIG local supplier being able to produce volumes which we could not compete with while trying to hold down corporate jobs, and the plethora of hobbies we hold dear. For the last time.... Good luck with your venture, and wear a respirator.
    1 point
  44. well besides the plenty of photos I originally posted acting as literal proof, I will try to go dig up the photos I took when we did the actual test. these tests where done exactly because of the things you're saying right now. half of the mycology community sais what you're saying. but what happens when you put it to the test? another point, we wanted to see what works for us. in our situation. conditions and all, mushroom life can be very sensetive and small environmental changes can have big impacts. so to find out what works for us we wheren't too concerned about what others say or think. we're not out to teach anyone how to do anything. we've got the info, enough of it to play around and see what gets US the best results. as we are only focussing on the oysters for the time being and obvious that this is the mushroom we're speaking of here since there's only oysters in my photos, we ran Elf, Grey and Pink oysters. The difference was most noticable with the Elf, but definitly a difference across the board. we took 10 bags of each, 5kg substrate per bag. 90g of spawn per bag. 5 Bags Elf uncovered - 24 days till 100% colonised 5 Bags Elf covered - 14 days till 100% colonisation 5 Bags Grey uncovered - 19 days till 100% colonised 5 Bags Grey covered - 15 days till 100% colonised 5 Bags Pink uncovered - 17 days till 100% colonised 5 Bags Pink covered - 15 days till 100% colonised. some of the uncovered pink oyster actually started fruiting out the top of the bag. I assume there was a hole. I have seen mushrooms even growing fruiting bodies in complete darkness, this doesn't mean mushrooms SHOULD be grown in the dark. it just means it can. we should always look to biomimicary. nature is flexible and can bear and endure strange forms of manipulation, this doesn't mean we HAVE to push those limits.
    1 point
  45. Lets see your data then? I'd be interested in seeing which spawn run(light/dark) achieved a better BE. I'm not trying to rain on your parade.
    1 point
  46. Sure thing dude. Good luck with your venture.
    1 point
  47. I would like to highlight again what I said before as you are probably aware that mushrooms need a form of "shock treatment" to signal they need to start making fruit bodies. Now, light surely isn't a primary trigger for primordium formation, but using the factor of going from dark to light aids in the shock treatment... if you're saying there is no difference in total darkness and a light source to mushrooms..... I just wouldn't say that, it's absurd. ofcourse mushrooms sense light. again, let me highlight this,
    1 point
  48. @Bos thanks man! if you're interested in oysters on a small scale I can give you few easy steps to follow and you can get some hay colonised with mycelium from a mushroom bought at the shop. Oysters such as grey, white, pink, yellow, blue oysters work best for this. Shiitake, Lion's mane, Shimeji and even King Oyster and the White button and Portabello mushrooms need a bit more intensive care. if you talking bout active ones, can walk you through easiest method for small scale with those too @Adansonia digitata thank you thank you! hahah yeah I've offered up my weekends long time ago, found myself with a whole lot of free time. I do thorough clean out on sunday, keeping both rooms as clean as I can. during the week I just pop by every second day for an hour or two. Do harvests, small clean ups, check ups. Not too much effort thanks to the Sonoff. the marketing is more time consuming right now the dark period helps a bunch when introducing fruiting conditions, the sudden light acts as another shock mechanizm to get the mycelium to fruit. resulting in earlier pin sets. we've actually done a few tests with few strains. let the bag sit in the fruiting room and one next to it with a black bag over. colonising times was even quicker, so quicker colonise and fruits. just think about biomimicary, where do most mycelium grow best? below the surface. even though you get mycelium on the surface sometimes, you might not need the dark for colonising, but it sure helps. and gives you another angle to come at it when comes time to fruit. @Prom hahahah yeah they can teach one a lesson real quick!!! the oysters you don't even need to be that sterile with, I do open air inoculation and cold lime treatment to get my substrate "sterile". Haven't had 1 single spot of contamination in over 100kg of treated substrate. with the active shroomies it's a bit of a different story. still easy, but you have to get a few things in place before just going at it all willy nilly. I have a monotub going every other month
    1 point
  49. I grew psy active shrooms in a cupboard with a friend once. As long as you work sterile, isn't that difficult... counts for a cupboard hehehe your project looks a bit more complex. The result was just way to strong to my liking. Last time we had our shrooms was on a outdoor techno party. 2 had to vomit like on mescaline and Lorena, friend, more or less passed out. She said was awesome.. but I trashed those shrooms after the party right away Dosing those bastards was way to hard.. and I wasn't in the mood to play genie pig Very curious to see how your project will go
    1 point
  50. Nice dude! I hope you have lots of time on your hands, the work to produce a rolling crop of decent volume is mountainous. After losing a few full crops and our market(imports are popular and cheap), we made the decision to scale down and now only grow for our own table. Anything extra we give to the people living around us. GOOD LUCK man! Please keep the pictures coming. *Why have you gone with a blacked out room? They don't need to it to fruit or colonize the substrate in the bags. Vast majority of the available information states that enough light to read a news paper is sufficient for the spawn run.
    1 point
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