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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2022 in all areas

  1. Hi all Thought I would start off courteously and introduce myself. Been growing outdoors for a number of years, and at risk of sounding vain, I feel I have pretty much reached my full potential given the natural constraints inherent to an outdoor grow. My outdoor grows are organic, with either Freedom Farms or Orgasoilux along with mostly the Biobizz nutrient range. I like to use the odd dose of Nitrosol, molasses and Epsom salt too. Used the Freedom Farms Antifragile soil as test this year and thus far I am quite impressed (only used it as a third of the medium in each pot). Having to wait from May to November each year for summer to come around has forced my hand in setting up an indoor grow. Currently on my first run, plants at 3 weeks and so far so good. Indoor I am going for coco and salt based nutrients, and will have to pick some brains here to assist with the unknown. Anyway, that's enough about me for now. Looking forward to this journey of mastering the indoor side of things. Hopefully I can give back or at least pay forward the knowledge obtained here. Apologies for the "low" resolution pictures. My photography skills have never been much to write home about. Respect
    5 points
  2. Clones rock. Apparently there's some thrip damage on the Quattro, I've been told to find some Pyrol.
    5 points
  3. I just had an email back, they have offered me a replacement seed of my choice.
    4 points
  4. I often don't realise how my house smells, until someone visits and knows that smell.
    4 points
  5. Almost a month later and the autos are frosting up, one bud, one plant. Bay seeds Mc purple x lemon Jedi mothering along. Cutting 4 clones every 2/3 weeks. And the poor camel thorn just doesn’t seem to like the light, but growing and a rapid pace, even if it is horizontally. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  6. was the seeds from a trusted breeder? and was it in original packaging? there's so much back and forth surrounding seedbanks replacing seeds, I get that it can cause a bit of a stir when the growers could be to blame in some cases, like low germination numbers, high hermie numbers, all that jazz... but in this case there was never any female flowers forming, so it's just false advertisement or a packaging flaw. that's something completely out of your hands and it's not what you paid for. If Marijuana Seeds South Africa knows what's good for them they'll send you a replacement otherwise that's just bad business and you have the option to not support them in future. ✌
    3 points
  7. I believe it is in the material that they use. The way that I understand it, most plastic is actually breathable, albeit at a very low rate in most cases. For example, if you leave a full 2L Coke bottle lying around for a year or two it will eventually be flat, that's because the CO2 actually escapes through the plastic slowly over time, but the gaps in the plastic are not enough for any liquid to pass through so you will always have a full bottle. They do the same with these bags. The gaps in the plastic is just enough to allow a certain amount of moisture in, and also small enough to keep a certain level of moisture trapped. But I am willing to be wrong, that's just how I reasoned it.
    3 points
  8. Dankie Inhouse - Platinum zooks Anesia seeds - Slurricane Dutch passion - Critical Orange punch Pyramid seeds - Purple urkle Blimburn - GSC Dutch passion - Charlotte's Angel
    3 points
  9. chillies where great, but back to the cannabis updates for now this plant has now been in flower for 10 weeks, which is a week longer than the recommended time, but she's just been getting fatter and fatter, so I am thinking of leaving her for another 2 weeks or so to see what happens, will keep an eye on her trichomes. she's foxtailing a bit, but the buds also keep swelling. the placement of my pots seems to be a little on the shit side, but I am not moving them now the bigger plant seems like it's doing better, but I may have cleaned her up a bit too much at some point and she went straight into flower when I brought her outside so she never really vegged any new leaves or branches. she also didn't get to reach all her branches above the screen, next outdoor grow I will veg more, defoliate less, and maybe lower the screen like 10cm. getting her frost on nice and early
    2 points
  10. Aweh fellow florists, The outdoor flowering window is upon us, our ladies are looking awesome. Whole plant pic followed by flower. 1/2/3/4/5/6/11/12.Fruitpunch f5 7/8. Fruitpunch f2 9/10. Lemon Fire f1 Very happy to be able to run multiple plants that were bred by my own hand. The internodal spacing on the f5's are much more compact than the f2's. Possibly a bit more Swazi sativa stretch vs the Mango Kush compactness going hand in hand with the balance between fruity mango sweetness and Swazi citrus tang. Very interesting for me to see the different traits coming through in the different generations. IPM will have to on point with the compact girls, don't want to pay any more taxes than we have to. Leaf discolouration due to hectic UV experienced in our area. Plants looking amazing in comparison to the lawn, which is still trying to recover. Topdressed with some EWC and more organic material, girls got a AACT watering and a Comfrey FPJ. Next round will be another AACT and a Comfrey/Parsley/Banana FPJ. Cheers
    2 points
  11. Indeed, it is pretty cool and seems to work quite wel. I believe it gets rid of the oxygen and ensures RH of around 62% All regulated through the type of material(s) they use to make the bags from. Also offers a nice, easy way to store large quantities of bud as you can buy some pretty large Terploc bags and just put the bud straight into the bag. Also helps contain the smell, so it does not stink up the house etc.
    2 points
  12. There is no detailed explanation on the exact science behind these bags but all i know is that they work great! Evan's theory sounds about right
    2 points
  13. @Naughty.PsychonautI have sent them an email with a photo. Will have to see what their reply is.
    2 points
  14. you're correct. where did you get the seeds from?
    2 points
  15. Its really neat work, im sure you will be pulling out some fire, those girls outside look very very happy! Continue posting and detailing your grows, i'm sure there's much we can learn from you too.
    2 points
  16. some significant stretch from the Deluxe Sugarcane Blueberry Hasplant starting to show pistils Frosted Apricot also showing pistils only waiting on the DS to show her pistils then we're in full swing!
    1 point
  17. got a update here repotted into their final pots Blueberry Hashplant - Bodhi Seeds French Macaron - THSeeds Chernobyl - TGA Genetics Super Cheese - Positronics Frosted Apricot - In House Genetics (smallest plant gets biggest pot)
    1 point
  18. Those guys are all about service.
    1 point
  19. got a couple of dynavaps and love each one dearly. incredible bang for buck.
    1 point
  20. I'm busy with the Strawberry Vostok F2 at the moment. If the F1 was anything to go by looking at some nice plants. Should I keep you in mind with the male's Sent from my S40 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  21. I got my Nirvana seeds from them, they shouldn't have a problem replacing your seeds, although I think they will be just as surprised as you because I don't think they sell any regular/male seeds
    1 point
  22. Sorry, that was a play on your name and not the male vs female thing. It just popped into my head when I say your username, and I had to share it.
    1 point
  23. Confucious says: "Tussen die dunste riette, vind jy die grootste paddas"
    1 point
  24. That's a straight male, no sign of female flower anywhere, you should contact them and see if they nice enough to send a replacement!
    1 point
  25. Thanks bud. If that's true, it's pretty cool.
    1 point
  26. @Naughty.Psychonaut, I bought them from Marijuana Seeds South Africa
    1 point
  27. How exactly do they regulate the humidity? Is there a link that explains the actual technology involved?
    1 point
  28. Welcome, nice setup. Looking foward to future grows
    1 point
  29. welcome @ChrisCPT you got some nice strains growing there and those are some happy looking outdoor ladies! I am sure you gona do a big thing indoors aswell, excited to see what you gona do in that room!
    1 point
  30. Gave these bags a go last harvest. 3 weeks into the cure and I’m convinced. Not always around or possible to burp jars, not even with bovedas was it this easy. Bud in after +- 10 day dry, back of the cupboard for 3 weeks, voila. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  31. Soooooooo, seems I made a booboo. Took the seeds to a friend to share and kinda forgot them on the cubby for 2 days, car in the sun [emoji51] Having trouble germinating, but got more than enough to keep trying. 2 Vostok x Pinapple from bud is up and happy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  32. Even if your meter were 100% accurate, you'd want to be hitting more like 700 umol when in flower, so you've got half the power you need right now. For one plant, you'd be much better off with using this 120W QB than the flood lights. If it's too hot for your liking, maybe mod it and attach a PC fan to it. I am sure someone here has done it before and can guide you.
    1 point
  33. Welkom you should try indoor Organics. It’s for the lazy grower
    1 point
  34. Thanks.. must be honest, the majority of the 'construction' was done by the brother in law.. he owed me a favour or two. My hands are a bit round when it comes carpentry and screws... proud part will come if I manage to eventually pull something top shelf out of there
    1 point
  35. I hooked up 4 drippers and they do about 100ml every minute.
    1 point
  36. Both. Save the best half of the seeds for next december.
    1 point
  37. Got a fresh roll of toilet paper sitting in the fridge for this weekend Jalapeño poppers coming right up! Habaneros getting ready got a few cayenne still drying along with a few cherry bombs probably gona whip up a spicey butter chicken along with a couple Jalapeño poppers should make for a nice ring sting on Saturday morning...
    1 point
  38. Thanks for the link will check it out. Seems like a nice light. I have my doubts. Technically the flood lights are QBs aswell, Some of them come with cobs and other QBs just smaller with higher wattage LEDs but with the same color temp. We can argue the "QB" that i have will be better in the sense that they will distribute light over a bigger area compared to the flood lights. I initially bought them to light up a work area and I was going to mount them against wood. In a tent they wont be touching anything.
    0 points
  39. Hi This is my 15 day old Northern Lights Auto flower. I bought feminised seeds but this one looks like a male, Am I correct? Thanks
    0 points
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