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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2022 in all areas

  1. Plants looking good. Temperature not bad considering time of year. Humidity is quite low at the moment, but I am taking enough water out the air to support all the plants since I got the dehumidifier. It's set to keep below 60, down to 50 for flowering. I'm determined to not even start PM this time. I'll start a bi-monthly application of diluted neem oil foliar spray shortly.
    6 points
  2. Ok thanks for all your input, I’ll take special consideration when implementing Implementation is done no time to waste, these seedlings are going to need a home in the next week or so. I’ve gone for a very simple light mix, very similar to that of Freedom Farms Formula 1 🏎 so this is like Formula 3 beep beep! Lithuanian Peat moss 9l Worm Casting 7l Perlite 9l Basalt rock dust 1/4 cup Calcitic lime 1/8 cup Gypsum 1/4 cup Bonemeal 1/4 cup Seedgrain malt blend 1/4 cup Dolomite 1/16 cup Giving the soil no more than 2 weeks as stated before These plants are going to repot and then 1-2 weeks and FLOWER! Have a flippin Kwaai weekend
    3 points
  3. Yeah, never really looked into moss over coco. I see there is this comparison, must still read through it though. https://rollingmountainkush.com/june2020/2020/06/07/coco-coir-vs-peat-moss.html# EDIT: Just read it now, very short read. I think I may stick to coco for now though. Wetting agent and try buffer the PH sounds like more of a mission than dealing with coco and CEC - which is really not difficult to do.
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. Hello all you growers of different shapes and sizes I will be embarking on the most unusual and exciting journey, just to show you guys i'm not scared to take a crack at crystals. May not smoke it all, but this is for what the plant will look like given the chance to be grown in peat moss. Caution, I may need a bit of help, now I know this is a long shot, but I'm asking nicely and all in the cause of information sharing and votes on what would work best? You would have much control of what Inputs go where. So I've got 2 plants I think will be up to the task. 2 feminized Sugar Widow @Totemic 1 as a Control, and 1 as the EXPERIMENT! The Substrate - Lithuanian Peat Moss How do I prepare this soil for the nutes? - I need some base of nutrients for buffering correct? I was thinking just adding some dolomite lime, maybe some calcitic lime? Then I will have to PH im sure, jeezz what have I got myself into. Okay I'm surely not going to take the inert salt only route? - Then PPM for each feed, can I just let some nutrient batch sit and water as and when? - My old school pens need batteries. - The amount of perlite that should be added? - The pots will be 10l size so I might just add other 10l pot for experiment sake - Hard pass on the inert stuff, I will be using molasses, microbes, kelpak, aminos, and feed the chems every other day. Maybe its not the best test but what I want to do is have whatever is missing added the way I know how, and fill in the majority of the nutrients needed during flower with this bottle of General Hydroponics FloroCoco, I know, lol i'm sure this thing is meant for Coco. Haha we will see. Because I am completely new to this, there is a big possibly of this thing going belly up super duper fast, but this also I do not care about All your constructive input would be much appreciated. literally a clean slate to start and many many possible ways to approach the soil, the grow and the feed.
    2 points
  6. Hahah..Looking forward to how this plays out. Worst case we have a good laugh and know what not to do.. Respect for your contribution to science!
    2 points
  7. okay sweet - if they are not a recent purchase then shap! i was actually going to suggest if you got them recently to go get a refund and we will point you in the right direction there are a few vendors on here that sell lights, and if its LED that you want, then try find some boards that use the LM301B diodes from samsung as they are proven to deliver the results you want.
    2 points
  8. Well I'd be lying if I said that wasn't what I was getting when I first started
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. niiiiice that's a good design!! you could possibly still use the frame for the new light. cobs used to be the hot shit, but the tech is outdated now. it came and went like a wave. there are some good ones, but the blurple LEDs may aswell be discontinued as grow lights and I wouldn't complain don't get me wrong, they still have their place and I know from experience what they can do, but I guess there's no such thing as unnecessary school fees as long as you learning something I still owe my parents the fees they paid while I was skipping class like an idiot it would just be sooooooooooo much easier if there wasn't such a big variety of things dictating that there will br a "best of them" and the "worst of them". idealy we would all like to live in a world where everything it a quality product doesn't matter where you bought it or for how much. but that's not the case that's a crazy wiring situation!!! luckily it was earthed hey, but was the wire exposed where it made contact with the frame? not sure what LED strips you used, but what's cool about these new school smart LEDs with all kinds of different functions is that they have wire inserts instead of the old school exposed soldering or open wire connections. reducing the chances of running into that same problem they look like this.... you expose 5mm of wire, slide it into the little insert till the insulation touches the housing then you know you safe if you make use of wago connectorts you also won't have any exposed connections so no wires can touch anything.
    2 points
  11. There is other options. Klassmann-Deilmann makes a variety of products that normal nurseries use. But the grow shops do not stock these products as it is expensive as it is imported from Europe and not the Far East. They make a Plug Mix that nurseries use to start seeds in. they also make specific products to start cuts in. They are all pre fertilised and pH6 so you only need to water for the first 2-3 weeks. Problem with this is they only come in 200l bags. So you have to be quite a big grower to use that much. I would like to see how Cannabis plants do in these mixes. Especially grown with salts.
    2 points
  12. while we're waiting for him, I see you say you can stretch it another 2k? giving you 4k total. heres my order from digikey, it's in your budget! those components all under 4k. then you just need the odds and ends, might be pushing the budget a little here, but can also work out good deals if you working local, can also get these things over time. Aluminium T-strips = R400 Wires = R200 Wire Connectors (wago) = R80 Plug = R30 weatherproof double sided tape = R80 small cable ties to make the wiring neat = R30
    2 points
  13. 25g, well that’s just about my biggest harvest off own plant
    2 points
  14. Mmmm that Green Poison...Green Crack x Durban Poison i take it...Love me a lekker Sativa buzz. The GG is definitely fire but will put you on your arse on the couch just like that, Boom!
    2 points
  15. Nice one man, yeah exactly, let’s see how it goes
    1 point
  16. Regarding the earthing issue. Those cobs are supposed to go into an enclosure and is covered with a lens. But in my case the terminals were covered with high heat silicone. But when one of them short circuited I imagine the short is on the inside of the cob somewhere. I took the cob off of the frame and the back of the cob which is alu has conductivity with the live. So maybe the Vslot alu profile didn't dissipate enough heat leaving the cob to cook it self on the inside.
    1 point
  17. No its a used unit so I would not be able to choose, the guy is selling it on FB market place, he said that he has a grow shop and from time to time have grow lights. I also think the one he has may be an older version or something because the picture how has shown me does not quite match the pictures in the link I sent but very similar and did say its a 240watt. But if I could choose It would be the lower spectrum. Vegging seems easy and can easily be supplemented with most lights. But flowering seems a bit more specific to the lower range.?, what you say ?
    1 point
  18. Day 20 of flowering. Does it look like I’m winning? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. I just had a look at this, and this soil is packed with a variety of nutrients. Which is always beneficial.
    1 point
  20. It seems that not many salt growers use peat moss as a substrate. However, i'm not sure how reasonable it is in comparison. It has sparked my interest for a long time though. I've still got +- 20l of the Lithuanian peat moss, and i'm not making more soil, maybe ill throw an experiment plant in with the next round, id be happy to use some nutes to display what the peat can do for salt growers. Still got some salts laying round but its the GH Floro coco bloom nutes about 3 years old. Although not sure how many of these avid growers would even care probably just do it anyway.
    1 point
  21. Where could one get these in Gauteng and what is the price on a 200L bag? It says peat moss though, not coco?
    1 point
  22. Hope its okay if I post on here This peat moss is the best substrate, they use them to grow the blueberries, and they definitely use salts. I rate it will work like a bomb, the ph is nice and low.
    1 point
  23. woah that's a good deal actually... 2.8k for 240w samsung qb, not bad at all is this thing second hand? from 5.5k to 2.8k is quite a drastic price drop so I would just check with the seller what's the reason for selling and the history of the light. how long has it been running, all that stuff. would you still be able to choose a spectrum or you just have to take the one the person is selling? they give 3 options - 4000Kelvin - more of a veg light 3500Kelvin - could do both, but flowers will do better under even lower spectrum 3000Kelvin - more of a flower light
    1 point
  24. Thanks dude! I will take a look at those, do you think communica or RS will stock those ? BTW I live eat, sleep and grew up on electronics so not a big deal for me to build my own. Will wait for @greenkush hopefully he can give some guidance. I also found a used light on fb market place. https://www.phoenixskysa.com/product-page/budmaster-240-square For R2800.00 What about a Mars Hydro TS600 100Watt ? They retail for about 3K Side note. You made me laugh when you said i'm going to pay unnecessary school fees. Its too late. In the past I already spent a enough money on lights to buy something decent I built the below, unfortunately it did not turn out very well. It lasted for about a week, one of the cobs somehow shorted its self out causing the DB to trip. After checking conductivity the live made contact with the frame. At closer inspection I cannot see where it made contact. I assume it burned its way through the resin painted coating. Fortunately I had it earthed properly. Wont be using these again they are down right dangerous. They are the blurple ones.
    1 point
  25. BioLeaf does not appear to be buffered despite what their staff say. Bricks can be a mission. The Canna coco is nice, bit pricey though. Gold line coco is also nice but once again pricey. Freedom farm's coco is difficult to find, I know some prefer to use their Formula 1 mix but pricing is the same as soil. Sent from my Redmi Note 7 Pro using Tapatalk
    1 point
  26. well @greenkush said you should be fine with those lights you got there so hopefully if he doesn't drop the link, atleast he'll teach you how to use your light correctly?
    1 point
  27. Hey @greenkush I am using BioLeaf at the moment.. and canna nutrients. So far ok, nothing real to complain about.. yet I am not 100% sure about the BioLeaf. Spoke to one of their staff members and according to him it is washed,rinsed and buffered. But if I take "virgin" BioLeaf and run some very low EC water (winkel water) through it I get a run-off EC of 1.4. Normal?? What issues did you experience? In your opinion definitely not buffered and ready to go straight out of the bag? Am considering FF coco and perlite mix when I pot up next. Any other options you recommend? Apart from doing it from scratch with a coco brick and perlite.
    1 point
  28. hopefully @greenkush gona sort you out!
    1 point
  29. Yesss please I can stretch it another 2K if I must (Now my cheapskateness is showing)
    1 point
  30. I would go for GG.
    1 point
  31. Yup, although In my defense I did buy them a while ago, when GHT was mostly the goto in SA, and you got what they had. I'll definitely be looking at the 'new' quantum boards for next upgrade. Any recommendations would be more than welcome.
    1 point
  32. Entry still open. Can enter here https://thehighco.co.za/cape-town-cannabis-cup-application/
    1 point
  33. SCJ - pics taken today Edit: these only got transplanted recently like on the 4th-6th of this month, they were in tiny pots like the purple ones in the pic up until then
    1 point
  34. Pics taken - 08/02/22 * Will definitely need to either remove the net or extend the hoops out a a bit
    1 point
  35. Pic taken - 23/01/22 For some reason I only have a pic of the plant from this day so yeah
    1 point
  36. I gave away my pepe le pew plants to someone who really wanted them and I'm left with the strawberry crosses I honestly don't remember which is which at this point as I transplanted them but forgot which one went where and my stoned ass didn't bother to re-label the plants
    1 point
  37. Unfortunately my Grapefruit ran into some major issues and had to be dealt with ........... We got some decent rain and last week for like 3 days and afterwards I noticed this starting on all the lower nodes of each branch on The GFS sooo yeah all other plants are getting checked on regularly now and seem fine, I've been using some EcoBuzz root pro on them just in case
    0 points
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