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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2022 in Posts

  1. After 4 days of toil, I have finally moved my setup into the new room. Everything is fresh and clean again, for as long as that will last. There's a bit more space between the tents so I can definitely clean more regularly. I had thought I might be cheeky and squeeze in another 2.4x1.2 tent but I'll probably only get another 1.2x1.2. I am thinking of doing an organic tent with fabric pots and FF soil. Stay tuned. Before I transferred the KmintZ, I gave them a spray of fungicide in case any PM decided to hitch a ride into the new spot. I decided to change the layout of the fans in the flower tent a bit. Instead of having the two fans both on the ceiling blowing down, I now have one in a corner on the ground, and one on the opposite corner but above the canopy line. I do believe there was plenty of stagnant air below the canopy and I feel it had contributed to the development of the powdery mildew in the last harvest. In order to allow the bottom fan the space and ability to blow without unnecessary resistance, I have removed one pot from the tent from one of the corners. I have taken the mature ZxP plants from the veg tent, potted them up and got them into the flower tent. They were looking really keen for the flip, and they had grown a little past where I usually would have wanted them, but the move had taken a little longer than expected. Due to having one less pot in the flower tent, I only potted up 5 ZxP and have reserved the remaining 6 pots for the upcoming Wedding Cake plants. The KmintZ clones in the veg tent are developing roots, also took roughly 3 weeks. Winning! This is also the first time I'm taking clones within the first week of flower instead of keeping mothers and I can see the difference between clones taken in veg. The KmintZ clones are pushing pistols quite heavily, so I predict a period of reveg. Not to worry, I think the timing might work out quite well as the KmintZ in the flower tent have still quite a bit to go. I will pot the clones after they have the vent open for a day or two to climatise.
    7 points
  2. Closing in on two weeks post flip, think the stretch is done for the most part. Seeing budding sites starting to form, will feed the preflowering GHE feed until end of next week, then switch to full strength bloom.
    6 points
  3. Hey bro. Hope all is good in the hood there. How is the project coming along? Would love an update. I tried my hand at some golden oyster mushrooms and it came out kick ass. Went super nicely with a pasta.
    5 points
  4. 24 hours later...They bounced back nicely.
    4 points
  5. Nute burn, deficiencies, lockout. To me it looks as if the plants are clawing, possibly due to too much nutes. What medium are you using and which nutes? For the nutes, are you following the chart or doing your own ratios?
    3 points
  6. Howzit bro. Yea they sent me a replacement pf kit and Alacabenzi spores this time. Apparently it is more resistant to contamination and a bit more beginner friendly to innoculate and fruit. Its been innoculating for about a bloody month with about half the tub innoculated. Nice, pure white! Will post an update once fully innoculated and placed in shotgun fruiting chamber with perlite. Lekker!
    3 points
  7. People often overdo it with Tenazole. I would not use a dose stronger than 0.7ml per litre. To kill fungal spores in your room and on your plants, you can also use Imazigard fogger. Safe to use at any stage of growth.
    3 points
  8. Started with baby steps, got a ready to fruit bag just to see if I can understand the grow pattern and environmental requirements. Might move along to try to whole inoculation route in the future. Very sorry to hear about that shit situation man.. really not cool if you have invested a lot of time, atleast the monetary impact is not that bad. Good luck with the search man, I hope you get a nice space to grow some beauties. Keep us posted and all of the best
    3 points
  9. Well done @John Stonedwell !! those mushrooms look nice! did you do the inoculation yourself or did you buy one of those ready to fruit bags? Regarding my grow setup, we hit a huge bump in the road with the electrical team. Now none of the buildings have any electricity!! there's some major headbumping and finger pointing going on at the moment between the comercial facility agents, the building contractors and the governments electrical department and it seems it's going to take a while still. The area of land belongs to one person, the building is a add on to a already exsisting establishment, when the government team came out to change the load capacity of the nearest power box to accommodate the establishment with all the different commercial facilities, they found a whole bunc of illegal wiring going on, so naturally they just cut the wires without regards to who they're cutting off. Turns out the previous building contractor who built the first part of the establishment had a long battle with the government and ended up going the illegal route, now we have to play blown nose kiss ass with the government and clean up after other idiots anyway, taking baby steps, because that's the best our government can do on the side I am busy with new commercial agents looking for a whole new facility, because this is a joke, just using that place as storage now. luckily I am not and have not been paying a cent
    3 points
  10. Yo, What causes this yellowing on the top leaves during flower?
    2 points
  11. I’ve got 1, you can please have it You need to come collect many stuff here anyway I’ll come get a few cuttings soon again.
    2 points
  12. @Riettevdm My advice is get seeds from a different breeder and consider trying photoperiods and not autoflowers. The seeds from @Totemic are a good option. Unlikely you will experience issues with these and they are well priced too. There are other good options available as well. I'd say give that GG#4 a skip - you will likely get better results from one of these: https://www.totemic.co.za/product-category/seeds/feminized-seeds/
    2 points
  13. Maybe at some point. We gave away the F1 seeds as promotion. The keeper cut (#12) will also be given away. If/when I work the line off the #12 then we will slap a price tag on it.
    2 points
  14. Cameron Saaiman. Watch for this dude, he's going places.
    2 points
  15. I think the change to 25g is a lot more reasonable. Thank you
    2 points
  16. Thanks Just to be 100% sure, I can set off the Imazigard fogger while plants are in the room?
    2 points
  17. The guy at the shop gave me a dose recommendation of 0.67ml per L, so spot on!
    2 points
  18. Here we are with week 4... Some developments, the plants are still stretching. Now the tallest plant is 25cm away from the light, which is the GG#4, others are well clear but canopy isn't the cleanest or best managed but its what you get when growing different strains. Quattro kush is putting on some bulky flower and bringing a beautiful purple tinge to the bud on the inside. The rest seem well on their way. Then the Sherbet crasher, I honestly think the universe doesn't like this plant. She had been suffering overwatering from the blumat and the water was coming out only 1 of the 3 drippers to make matters worse, reset it completely and it should be running fine now. However stupid shit like that will ruin the whole plant fucking up the most important part of flowering... anyway. That's all for now.
    2 points
  19. Thank you buddy! now i'm that much closer to not being proficient anymore ;D
    2 points
  20. Chopped the greenhouse clones a week or two early. Was a use it or lose it with all the rain and humidity. Popped a bunch of my seeds. Stoked to see the results of my pollen chucking. Treated pre flower and clones with bio sulphur foliar spray at sunset. 5ml/L Made a fermented banana juice recipe video Epic bang for buck and faya in my organic beds. Super simple to make.
    2 points
  21. Heard last week that a previous cup in CT charged cup entrants both bud and a cash entrance fee.
    2 points
  22. Yes we do! No.12 it is. The first one I smoked. Strange how that happens sometimes. All the others were kind of average. A few standouts here and there, but nothing close to no.12 All the other phenos look very similar. No.12 looks completely different. It finished early, has great bag appeal, smells and tastes great and has a fantastic narcotic high.
    2 points
  23. Morning I've got a beautiful Double Krush female that I've had for about 2 years now. She ticks all the boxes. She puts out big greasy buds of pure chem goodness. She smells and tastes like sprite and tiger balm, and packs a massive punch. I've been dreaming of doing a cross between Pineapple Fields and my Double Krush girl. We've selected a beautiful PF male, and I now have the pollen in my hands. On Monday I will pollinate my DK. From those seeds I will select a mother. Then I will try to establish that cut within the community. Once that is done, I will pollinate the mother with the same PF male and work the line from there. At this point, it is just a fun project, but I will attempt to document it here. I also have to reach out to Skunk_VA and Dynasty Genetics to get their blessing.
    1 point
  24. I usually gradually stop feeding fish mix and by week 5 is when i stop completely which is what i am at now and just feed bloom. The plant is in a 10l pot and i feed every 3 to 4 days depending on how dry the soil is by day 3
    1 point
  25. Hey man. I would cut out that fish mix at this stage as it's carrying quite a substantial amount of Nitrogen which your plants dont necessarily need at this point - NPK ratio 5-1-4. The bloom has a fine balance of N to carry the latter half of the flower stage. NPK ratio 2-7-4 What type and size pots are you using and what is your watering/feeding frequency?
    1 point
  26. Yo man. Is it Cameron Saaiman, kickboxer? I think I have seen him before in the earlier EFC days. Fighting out of CIT with coach Morne?
    1 point
  27. We will see. Density is not always the only indication of good quality bud. I am finishing my animal cookies in the greenhouse so it should make a difference. But the QK she is a winner. How many clones of the QK do you have? Are you willing to share? With me?
    1 point
  28. @Naughty.Psychonaut I bought 5 Feminised Auto Flower seeds in one sealed Nirvana breeders pack. I still have 3 seeds left I was keeping for later.
    1 point
  29. 100% bro. That is why I like it so much.
    1 point
  30. That looks a lot like a male, but not 100% clear. give us a few more photos in a few more days. first seed you got in sealed Nirvana pack, was this one also in a sealed breeders pack. if you got 2 males from 2 different sealed packs I would call this the worst coincidences ever. could be environmental, I am sure you said this is a photoperiod? photoperiods need a whole lot of stress to make them hermie, but have never heard of a plant completely change sex cause of stress. I don't see any female flower parts, yet. I would not get from MSSA again, write back to them, let them send you replacements and then get somethig else from somewhere else. skunkpharm gave a good recommendation
    1 point
  31. I appreciate the kinds words brother yeah just keeping on keeping on for now I am super glad to see more and more people gaining interest in mycology, not sure how others feel or think about spirituality, but I firmly believe that mushrooms are the flesh of the "gods" and they hold the true elixer of life which can be seen as spiritual, but it's also very physical. Have you watched Fantastic Fungi on netflix? Paul Stammets, godfather of mushroom knowledge, saved his own mother from cancer with mushrooms. and there is dead silence on the matter... we all kinda owe mushrooms a lot of research and I can feel the universal shift for the paradigm every second or third person I talk to wana or have grown some shroomies, can't wait till it's every person I talk to who wants to grow them @Weskush have you recieved your replacement batch brother?
    1 point
  32. Pitty about the weather, let's see how the seeds do! Sent from my Redmi Note 7 Pro using Tapatalk
    1 point
  33. The joys of a multi strain grow. Goodluck, looks like you know what you are doing!
    1 point
  34. Nice!!! Like the structure of the buds..looks like its not going to be a tough trim job
    1 point
  35. 5 and a half weeks. Started Feeding about 10 days ago. I started supporting most of the plants now. A couple of the is looking reel good.
    1 point
  36. The issue outdoors is the rain and RH. Indoors you may have high RH but at least there is no rain falling on your plants combined with the high RH. Preventative sprays for PM and defol can help though.
    1 point
  37. Veg tent update. I have taken 6 clones of the Wedding Cake mother. I made sure to take some chonkier clones this time around and I left a little bit more foliage on them. I also gave the Jiffy pellets a little squeeze to reduce the amount of water in them. The KmintZ plants seem to have sprung back from their deficiency. The marks of the deficiency are still faintly visible but the new growth and the overall health of the plants are much better. I also potted them up into slightly bigger pots as they were getting really thirsty, I was beginning to water them nearly everyday. I still have four ZxP clones taking their time to root, followed by another 6 in the center propagator. Please, clone gods...just, please give me a chance.
    1 point
  38. Flower tent update. The ZxP below are about a week and a bit into flower. Looking healthy and happy. I have since switched on the reservoirs for the AutoPots and tonight I also switched on the air domes for them. I have also setup the stretch nets for the tent in preparation for maximum nugs. Below are the Gorilla Zkittlez that went in a week ago. They are already developing their preflowers, mmm I haven't switched on the air domes yet but the reservoir was switched on yesterday.
    1 point
  39. I am busy harvesting the ripe ZxP that have been ripening up for the last week where I have also cut off the water supply for the last 7 days. The buds are looking real good. I am about half way through the chop and I am on a break. Here are a few pics of the preharvest:
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Check the frost on this bad girl; ZxP
    1 point
  42. Can't wait! I've been just growing the ZxP for a long while. Kept the extractor the same, added the two new box fans on the ceiling so that air is always circulating the tops and bottom of the plants as they push air down and then lastly the dehumidifier.
    1 point
  43. nice man! i also have a gorilla Zkittlez plant, it produces some nice large nugs and has a amazing cereal milk\ Blueberry berry scent to it. its a real pity about the bud rot man, what steps have you taken to improve that? bigger extractor? and dehumidifier you said... i think?
    1 point
  44. This morning I potted up 6x Gorilla Zkittlez to go into the empty space in the flower tent tonight after the pots have dried a bit on the deck. I am still playing around with what's the best height to grow the plants in the veg tent before transferring into the flower tent. Previously I got the plants to about no more than 80cm before transferring and they didn't stretch much and only ended at about a meter in height come harvest. With these Gorilla Zkittlez I've gotten them to a solid meter already before transferring into the flower tent. I think this will result in some bigger plants, which means bigger stems, which equals more food for bigger buds! There was a lot of space left in the ceiling of the tent for some more growth, so I am hoping to fill some of that space up with this batch. I also like to at this time remove the last of any lower branches that will definitely not be going through to harvest. I count 5 branches from the top and chop anything left below that. I hover between 4-5 branches depending on how big the internodal spacing is or how much stretch I think there is going to be. Then in the first week in the flower tent I will check how the lowest branches perform and if I like what I see and the vegetation isn't overwhelming the branches will be kept. If not, they get the chop. I like to make these decisions slowly because once you chop, it's decided.
    1 point
  45. It's literally raining once every second to third day here in the Highveld my dude it's the first Summer in the last 7 years that it's rained this much according to my memory. Usually it will piss down in the first few weeks of Summer and then chill out to like once a week or so. My RH is at least sitting at a constant 50% inside the grow room now but I was a bit late in sorting that out to prevent any rot on the flowering plants right now. These flowers are on exactly week 8 of flower now and I've just finished a flush, so I'll be harvesting what's survived within this week.
    1 point
  46. ..and here we have some lekker bud rot, courtesy of the rains. This current batch has been struggling with bud rot in its attempts to flower this Summer. The batch before was almost perfect except for the deficiency at the end, no bud rot though I've been keeping a really close eye every evening to chop any bad buds. I've picked maybe 6 buds so far. Bit of an eish but at least the entire batch isn't lost. I don't think there was saving these buds in-time with the recent purchases to reduce humidity. The real test will be from here on out during this high humidity period
    1 point
  47. Quick smoke report for 11 and 12 11 : Smells fantastic. Pineapple and fuel. Decent bag appeal with some good trich coverage. Taste is not quite there though and the smoke is harsh. It is very strong though, so that might account for the harsh taste. The high comes on almost immediately and it is a face ripper. Not my cup of tea though, as the high has an edge to it. Also, it only lasts about 45 to 60min. For me, this is not a keeper although I'm sure there will be guys who will love it just because of the crazy freight train high. 12 : Smell is creamy sour fruit with a hint of fuel. Bag appeal is excellent. Large calyxes covered in resin. Taste is great as well, and the smoke is smooth. Tastes like more. High is like the smoke. Smooooth! Come on slowly but there is depth to the high. Has a nice narcotic stone. This is my kind of high. Helps you unwind after a long day. You can still focus on tasks, but once you get up and walk around you realise just how stoned you actually are. Not nearly as strong as no.11 but this one is definitely a potential keeper. It yields well at 85g for one plant. Slightly better than no.11 which was 80g
    1 point
  48. 1 point
  49. So... disaster struck. Test room was without power for 9 days. A substation blew up. The plants were in complete darkness for 4 days, at which point the grower managed to hook up a few cheap and cheerful LED's to a battery. The plants stalled obviously. They have lost vigour and some health. You will see it in the pics below. It is not a complete disaster though. They came out the other end better than expected. I think it's been just over a week now since the power has been back on. Some phenos got hit harder than others. Numbers 8, 10 and 12 look like winners but the smoke test will reveal all. There has been some bud rot as well, which is to be expected. They should have been almost done by now, but we might have to let them go a little longer now. On to the show...
    1 point
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