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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/2022 in all areas

  1. Super stoked to confirm that Greenhouse Seed Company has joined as a main sponsor. Arjan will be there to judge and say a few words. The Dab Star crew will also be there and a few more international guests are expected. A very big dankie to all of the sponsors who have jumped have helped make the cup a reality, as well as the entrants who are putting their buds to a trial of faya. Dab Star Greenhouse Seed Company White Glove Botanicals Wicked Imports Qure Analytics Dagga Pharmacy Marijuana SA Breaking Dabs The Green Affiliate Cannaclone Herbal Preserver ExploGrow Gro Hydro Green Smoke Room Honourable mention to Praxis Glass who are blowing some amazing prizes.
    9 points
  2. Stretch looks complete for the most part, added third layer net in the event they decide to flop over due to weight. Budding sites seem to be in full force so might switch to full bloom sooner than expected.
    8 points
  3. Some defol and light squashing.
    6 points
  4. Aweh fellow florists. Ladies are doing lekker, weighed down with their burdens. But we like it that way. Very happy with the results so far since moving to the growbed style of cultivation. Haven't fed any bottled nutes except to assist with any defs, of which we only had a slight Ca problem. They had a regular dose of AACT and some Comfrey/banana FPJ with molasses in flower. They reacted very positively to that so we started a Comfrey/banana/parsley FPJ, which I'll dose with some molasses before hand. Only other bag/bottle nutrient was some Protek guano pellets. Watering is also a much easier and lighter affair, compared to the pots and growbags. Fruitpunch f5 , f2. Lemon Fire-Tall lanky sativa flowering later. Cheers
    4 points
  5. Here to conclude a seed popping trial in the propagation station as they will be transplanted tomorrow and moved to their new home, all in all, I'm happy with the results, the seedlings are healthy and didn't display unreasonable stretch. These seeds came up on the 2/3 of feb so they have not done too bad considering its just not seed popping weather. Having said that, temps are definitely getting better. Sooo that's always fun for us who do not rock air-conditioning. These babies will be updated in Grow diary, as they will be flipped next week, some in my grow diary and others in the hydroponic experiment thread. I want to make sure these plants require little to no maintenance, so Ill be setting up automation and will also provide details. Lekke dag mense
    4 points
  6. I have potted the KmintZ clones, 8 in total. I will only need 6 of them, but you can never be too careful with a new strain! The Wedding Cake plants will soon be potted into the flower tent, thinking maybe another week. I have also weighed the trimmed tops of the ZxP, as well as the Gorilla Zkittlez. After I have trimmed the bottoms of the ZxP, I will add it to the total with the tops, but for now the ZxP weight only includes the tops. ZxP Tops: 115g Gorilla Zkittlez: 173g
    3 points
  7. Load shedding in the middle of the day... Good time to do some cleaning. I do love the new white tent, but the base is a bugger to keep clean. Luckily it's removable. All good. Note; despite using autopots and autopot trays, I'm not using their irrigation system, preferring to water by hand every 2nd day. I've had enough floods that I'm wary of automatic irrigation. View through the 'green' window in the tent. Don't really see the point.
    3 points
  8. So stoked for this! Got my judges ticket and lungs ready
    3 points
  9. Thought Id share how I plan to keep genetics around much longer, She's been up for a 3 weeks now. This is just because I thought there are a few factors that would make this viable, a decent space which is this secret Jardin 80 x 60 x 80, Which I've been having a lot of fun with, doesn't take up massive space but is still a decent size. Some airflow, ok now bathrooms fans work. Then the interesting part the lighting, I wanted to make sure there was some what enough power. SO I initially thought, hmmmm how to do this without the heat. Good old trusty T8s (have done me well in the past), I'm yet to see what these specific OSRAM tubes do, I used to use the china ones, so i'm sure these will graft better. Might even pop some seeds in the new space. All said and done, the light was about 300 bucks minus the sonoff switch. Have a lekke dag mense!
    2 points
  10. I'm still procrastinating , Haven't yet decided if I want to build or buy In the meantime I designed the below. I took the QBs I already had , some alu flatbar offcuts and some 3d printed components. I also realized out of the panels I have they have different types of LED's The below looks like they are around 3000K but cant say for sure. I think it came out quite nice. So If I had to buy the samsung LEDs I will do the same. They draw only 27watt not sure if its usefull. the panels come in 1m strips so I could make another 3 of them, if I have enough Alu offcuts. The above version has mounting holes for a 80mm fan. PM me if you are interested in the STLs, Sharing is caring I think if you can find the correct panels it will make for a very nice grow light.
    2 points
  11. This is shaping up to look like a really sick event! It will most certainly be a successful day! With lots a premium grade bud to go around
    2 points
  12. Agreed. 10% watering volume per container size roundabout. And also. Feel the weight of your containers. The most accurate way of determining whether you need to water or not.
    2 points
  13. I use the biobizz range with FF premium , and the issue here is that fishmix. Fishmix is great for veg, but in flower you want to switch to the biobizz grow. You also don't need to feed every watering. I alternate a feed, then water, maybe just water again, then feed. Feed basically once a week really. Try increasing the frequency of your watering. I water 15l medium with 2l water every second day
    2 points
  14. my 2c is that you may be watering a bit too infrequently for a plant that size in that size pot i let this happen as well, and the issues i see are similar - if the pot dries out too much then it may be causing some root damage ...my damage is more because of salt bulid up, and you shouldnt be experiencing this. but! you could maybe move to every 2nd day - one feeed, and one straight water just to keep the plants meduim moist and see if the plants respond better
    2 points
  15. Hey guys haven't grown anything for 2 years I figured I'll jump right back in. I'm growing a fastbuds gorilla glue in a classic hempy (perlite/verm). Anybody grown this strain? how am I looking I'm on day 64
    1 point
  16. Winter is coming! I have two 425W Goldair Heat Panels attached to custom wooden frames for sale that I am no longer using. You can easily fit them inside a grow tent and attach to a Sonoff switch to automate your temperature during the cold months. The panels alone cost R699 new. I would like R400 for each panel along with their frames respectively. If you are in my area/adjacent area that would be great, but I can always make a plan for courier as well. Many thanks
    1 point
  17. i agree with @Totemic, there are no signs of visible sex in your pictures. maybe try taking some closerups as these are still pretty far out
    1 point
  18. Not on my watch! Offensive defense, that's what I say!
    1 point
  19. Shot bro! Nice harvest there! Ja still need to get the terminology right haha. But thanks for clearing that up. Ja its taking a long time to colonize but hooefully it's worth the wait. B&B were going to replace me with PF classic spores but informed me that the culture was sacrificed and they will substitute. Alacabenzi was probably the only non-contaminated spores available at that time, who knows. Will post updated soon
    1 point
  20. Niiice yeah please do update us with photos! I wonder if they didn't have any Psilocybe Cubensis, the common Golden Teacher, they're by far the easiest when it comes to home cultivation. I've had my struggles with getting Alacabenzi to fruit. I've had it 100% clean and healthy, it would colonise substrate within 2 weeks, but then didn't matter how much I tried to perfect fruiting conditions, off maybe 5kg of substrate I got like less than 5g of dried mushrooms. I get full flushes off my GT cultures. I make substrate trays of about 0.5kg and I pick about 15 to 20g dried mushroom off one block. recent harvest - All love and respect brother just to clear up the terminology, inoculating is just the act of introducing your culture to your substrate, once you've done that it goes into incubation, this is the period where the substrate turns white, the process is called colonisation or colonising. once the whole thing is white it's reffered to as colonised and then you wana leave it for another week at least for a process called consolidation, because if everythings white around the outside it doesn't mean everythings white on the inside, so that last week is just to make sure the mycelium consumed all the substrate. if you have uncolonised subatrate you will without a doubt be facing contamination comes fruiting time. Goodluck man, hope the Alacabensi does better in your hands
    1 point
  21. I'd stop fish mix as you flip to flower. You're in soil, it should have nutritional value unlike an inert medium like coco or rockwool, plus the build up of fish mix in the soil from veg and bloom has nitrogen in it as well. You could use a bit of the grow if you wanted to while going into flower, although I don't feel it's necessary. Sent from my Redmi Note 7 Pro using Tapatalk
    1 point
  22. Cool man. I would stop giving the fish mix at week 4 or even 3. As @PsyCLown said it might also be a lockout and it might be due to fish mix/bloom combo and high N. What is your ml/L with the two? If you feed nutes with every watering it can also help to do one off one on with normal water and water with nutes, your intervals sound spot on.
    1 point
  23. Still difficult to see. Either way those plants are at least 14-21 days away from being able to pollinate anything...
    1 point
  24. Hey guys, i took some higher quality/closer pics today. Anything definitive as yet? Want to purge the males before they pollinate our females 1st 3 pics gorilla glue (another suspected male) Next 3 pics juggernaut x Following 4 pics sunset sherbert
    1 point
  25. Hey man. I would cut out that fish mix at this stage as it's carrying quite a substantial amount of Nitrogen which your plants dont necessarily need at this point - NPK ratio 5-1-4. The bloom has a fine balance of N to carry the latter half of the flower stage. NPK ratio 2-7-4 What type and size pots are you using and what is your watering/feeding frequency?
    1 point
  26. Nute burn, deficiencies, lockout. To me it looks as if the plants are clawing, possibly due to too much nutes. What medium are you using and which nutes? For the nutes, are you following the chart or doing your own ratios?
    1 point
  27. Wait a bit to confirm. I recently (within the last week) had a plant which I was quite sure was a male and it looked like a male and then I noticed a pistil. I was pleasantly surprised, always give it a bit more time to make 100% sure. Seeds are not cheap.
    1 point
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