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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2022 in Posts

  1. All plants received their second watering yesterday. Only added microbes. Biggest girl got topped 12/12 from today
    5 points
  2. These 2 experiment plants received a small feed, microbes, 1/2 dose kelpak, 1/2 dose nettle fpj. on to 12/12, next watering will be the NUTES! 1/4 dose
    4 points
  3. These are random buds from the Slurricane Cheese to show in more detail how far she is. The reason is that there is something wrong on the plant and I just want ro check with the community what their thoughts was on harvesting the lady this weekend : Now the problem is that part of the bud just.....dies. Its not budrot, i think, cause its hard and dry. I have spotted some stink bugs in there and a few Robins taking them out. I havent noticed it on the other plants yet... Issue: Best pic I could find
    3 points
  4. What's up ouens. I can sit here and say I have wanted to do everyone a favour and skip the boring part of veg but to be really honest, I just wanted to make sure I do not have any fuck ups while posting a diary. I know it is part of the game and that is why we are here...... to learn. I had a bit of a fuckup on my first scrog grow so I was abit hesitant. I managed to isolate the problems which I will briefly discuss in this diary and ironed them out with a couple of minor changes. So here goes. Strain: Mango Sapphire by HSO Medium: Coco/Perlite Nutes: Calmag, GHE/TA TriPart and Ripen always fed at a PH of 6.0 Lights: 2x 480watt (DIY build and the other Kingbrite) 10 clones were taken and rooted for 2 weeks. Once they were done, they we moved into small 12cm pots, vegged out for 3 weeks and then only the best 8 would be transplanted to 20cm pots. Vegged for 3 weeks and then transplanted into 20Lt Fabric pots. When the plants were moved into their 20LT Fabric Forever homes, the net was lowered and the tucking began. Once the net was filled to about 100%, the lights were flipped. Day before flip Day 2 of Flower This is where my last mistake was made. Previously, when I flipped the plants into flower after filling the net, something went wrong. I have a slight suspicion the plants did not flip when I flipped and it felt like the stretch went on waaaaay too long before showing any pistils. I think the first bud sites were visible at day 20. This is very late. Even after soooo much defoliation there was still tons of growth coming up. I ended up having a shit ton of bud but everything was popcorn because there wasn't any place for the buds to fatten up. So how I solved it this time was to do a flip but make sure the plants would go into flower. The lights were switched off for about 30 hours and when they came into their first day of flower, I would keep them on an 11 hour on and 13 hour off cycle just to make sure nothing carries on vegging. This seemed to work very well. After day 2 a stretch was already visible and I could see this time it was on the money and that each site would stretch out into their own space. The ladies ended up stretching so nicely that I had to source an extra net very quickly to help support the buds. Luckily @John Stonedwell came to the rescue and donated a second net to the ladies which they were very happy for . The ladies are now on day 46 of flower and should be finshed by the week 8 mark which is in 10 days. They have been getting Ripen until now and soon they will have all the nutes removed with clean water to try get the plants to start fading and consuming the last bit of nutes that is left in them. They will only get clean PH 6.0 water from today until they are done. So far I am extremely happy with the progress. No hickups at all this time. I feel like this was a good grow and that there will be some very nice product coming out. It is smelling unreal in there. Not strong at all so I am not using a carbon filter this time. I would put it on the very sweet and fruity side. Can't wait to taste them. Thanks to all the guys on the forum that I have learnt from, spending hours observing every step they take to try immitate their grows has helped me learn and understand what is needed for a succesful grow. I look forward to sharing the last few updates into harvest and eventually a final report on the dried product. Thanks for watching.
    2 points
  5. How many tickets are being sold? How many is still left? I won some and now you guys all need to join. @ORGANinc. your wife must give you the day off. Expo in the morning and cup in the afternoon.
    2 points
  6. Zilla doing just fine. Small but healthy. One bag of wood braai today.
    2 points
  7. Eish brother. Same issue here with my DP. At first i also suspected bud rot but the brown, dead parts were crumbly. Discovered bud worms big time. Butterfly larvae. Chopped the plant emergency style. This seems to be the modus operandi every year haha! Still pretty stoked with the harvest
    2 points
  8. The @Bay Seeds Strawberry Vostok F2 seems to be on the mend although the pics don't show it. The unknown auto's under the 2 x 75W are fine and after pointers on the forum and reading I got to thinking. Who the fcuk would think about light deficiency. Really. Is there such a thing? Now I know. Lowered the watts on the 240W down to 160W and things are improving somewhat. Snipped damaged leaves and started training one plant. Last pic are the unknowns.
    2 points
  9. Im waiting fornthe amber trichomes to start developing. So i dont really want to chop yet. Just dont want to lose bud. Took out most of the problem but will keep an eye on it. If it worsens then I'll harvest. Thanx
    2 points
  10. Thanks for the enthusiasm bud! Yes those 2 plants are in soil that’s not loaded with much nutrients, especially in terms of nitrogen, so I’ll possibly be incorporating the nettle fpj or fish as we go been experimenting with nectarine ffj aswell, only used it once, bout time for the second dose for the outside plants
    2 points
  11. Thats some love for those plants. Been fiddling with FPJ for a few seasons now and I enjoy their company in the garden. The garden sure loves it and its sooooo easy. Definitely following along this test
    2 points
  12. Yeah boy. Been begging you to post your mad ass shit, thank you Watch this space....
    2 points
  13. Day 34 Had to drop a net down past the top colas. I can just see they'll be flopping all over the place pretty soon. Otherwise after 2 weeks of pollination, seed development is well under way. 36 days to go
    2 points
  14. Shalom Gardeners. the propagation seedlings are out and into their final pots, we’ve got some regulars, some fems and some clones. Will be eliminating males as we go. they got transplanted early ish in the am
    2 points
  15. Welcome to the diary of my 3rd grow (technically)! After a great 1st harvest I popped some Auto seeds by a local breeder. It failed terribly. Think I'll be sticking to photo's for now haha A great friend and fellow member of the forum felt sorry for me having seen this, convinced me to let them go and gifted me 4 plants he had in Veg. 3 of which were cuts from my last grow. (Thanks buddy! @CreX) So in this diary we have 4 plants, 3 clones of pheno #3 from my last grow (Deluxe Sugarcane) and a Bananium, all from In-House genetics. Super excited for the fruits of this one! As you can see below, all 3 plants were at different stages of life and so required a bit of a change in the way I grew these. (Sorry for the bad picture) I went out and got a SCROG net, this seemed to be the only way to end with them all "Somewhat" level. I'd just keep tucking the larger 1 until the smaller 3 were able to catch up. The Bananium was not stretching as quick as id like, thats the most-left plant, raised it with a plastic bowl I had in the kitchen and flippped shortly after. They were left in Veg for a month, weren't exactly the happiest plants when received, so was happy to see it all sort itself out once put in bigger pots and given some food. I'm still going with BioBizz nutrients, in Veg I switched between Bio-Grow and Fish Mix and used both alongside Bio-Heaven. Sticking with 50% strength for this grow, and have been watering at a PH of about 6.3-6.6. Having a slight pest issue this time around, I believe they're fungus gnats, opinions on them seem to vary but I'm managing with them it seems. Trying different ways to get rid of them without the use of pesticides as I have just entered the 3rd week of flower. Here's how they're looking now, will try update once a week from here. My 2nd net looks super sloppy, it's too big and doesn't make for good pictures, but here it is.
    1 point
  16. I wanted to make sure I calculated the wattage correctly. The amount of heat these panels put out made me doubt my measurements done with the multi meter. So I got a Sonoff Powr2 and its reading a total of 130watts I think its because I measured them with the tips if the multi meter leads and not making proper contact allowing all the current to flow. Without the light panels the Sonoff reads 7.5 watts (Small AC fan and a USB powered hub + 250watt PC PSU) , when connecting only one panel it goes up to 68.5 watts. So both of them draw around 62watts. I'm thinking to just buy an LED driver to test it out on a grow, will soon see what happens. The plants seem to be happy for now. Except for the little bit of leaf curl. Not sure if its because the light are too close or if I have over watered them. My first time growing with coco. On the left is a premex which I bought from the store and on the right my own Perlite , coco buffered mix. They have been on a 24 hour schedule for almost 2 weeks now. I have now set the Powr2 on a 18/6 schedule.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Eish not sure, risk / reward ratio. If there is something severely wrong, maybe, but always better to let it go longer. 2c my chom
    1 point
  19. Last season I made an apricot ffj and gave it to a flowering plant. It did really good.... Want to make some again
    1 point
  20. That looks so fucken good. This one has more banana terps than the Banana Haze
    1 point
  21. So far I am really liking what I see! Still early days though. The critical banana has been impressive from seed, hardly plants and been super easy to grow. Results look pleasing so far. Will obviously be doing more updates as the grow progresses and once we can see more bud development on the plants then I will take of each plant and list the name and number. For those wondering, this is the write up on the Critical Banana: CRITICAL MASS (BILBO CUT) X BANANA PUNCH by Old School Genetics Critical Mass (Bilbo cut) is one of the most cultivated cuts of all time. This cut is extremely productive, with an intoxicating aroma of sweet fruit and musk. I used a selection of Banana Punch from Symbiotic Genetics as my male, looking for that perfect combination of old and new. This is what the Banana Punch looks like: Nice frosty strain, however it suffers from smaller buds like majority of the frosty strains out there. Critical Mass is known for it's big donkey dicks... So combining the two, hopefully gets us a nice mix between bud size, density, and frost while keeping some of the great terps from both. This is a picture of the Critical Banana: I If I can get a pheno with nice dark leaves and darker bud to help make the trichomes pop, good yield and frost and some sweet, sweet terps.
    1 point
  22. So let's do a bit of an update shall we. Not the best pictures - apologies and the phone makes it seem as if there are some serious dark spots in the tent which is not the case. When I receive my new phone, hopefully the I will be able to take some better quality pics. Here we have the Platinum Punch: The Bananium: Pineapple Chem: Critical Banana: The GG Wedding Mints, stacking nicely. Canopy shot, cannot remember of what - I think the Crescendo and Pineapple Chem... I am happy with everything in this tent so far. Was hoping to see a bit more frost on the GG Wedding Mints but maybe they will catch up with time. The Critical Banana seems to be packing on the frost already and obviously the In House strains are doing the same.
    1 point
  23. I am amazed at how much growth you still getting with all the stress they getting from the maintenance. I train my plants like that they get stunted and don't do anything for a couple days! really nicely done, MrE!
    1 point
  24. I feed as normal. The Pineapple Chunk starts flowering later, but sooooo worth it. She did the same thing last year so I just roll with it Yes indeed. Lots and lots of trimming...... And hash
    1 point
  25. Hey guys. Things are looking very different but in a good way. Jacky White: She ia coming along nicely, although I am starting to doubt the Jacky White part. I took seeds out of the Jacky White bud and I am now seeing, which I believe, is a very strong Royal Banner influence. But lets see how she ends up. Blue Kush Berry: The buds are rock hard, fat and frosty. All the trichomes is milky and some pistils is still white. I'm guessing she is about ready, maybe a week Pineapple Chunk : She took her time to start flowering, but at last decided to join the others. As she progresses I will go into detail more. The bottom branches was removed for me by the wind and im guessing a dog but I needed to clean the bottom up anyways Banner Biscuits This one is weird this season. One part of the plant started flowering way earlier than the rest. Now the back or front depending where you stand is almost finished whereas the rest is still coming along. But nonetheless she is smelly as fuck and not to mention the stickyness,... Bruce Banner: Very sturdy plant and the flowering is beautiful. Its just solid bud from top to bottom. Soooo glad I took cuttings of this one. Her trichome production is still in the early process but that's normal. Slurricane Cheese She has a smell that I cant place. Its a good stinky, musky smell and something else I cant place. Buds is also rock hard and all the trichomes is milky. She started pushing some more white pistils so I'm waiting on that and also some more trichome change then its harvesting And thats it for the Therapy Garden for now...
    1 point
  26. Okay so 2 weeks and 2 days later, 2 days more than I intended letting the soil rest. But to be very honest, this peat mix is very sponge like not super crumby but hold very well. It’s a nice mix I think. you will see I thoughtfully labled the experiment plants somewhat My old soil felt abit more sandier and heavier as I would imagine. Not 100 percent happy with the structure when it when in, But once the I had watered it. The surface was quite similar. Soft and crumby too.holding nice chunks. Still expect the control plants to react better regardless of not feeding nutes initially. Other soil could start abit slower Flower will start next week. I will feed the nutes immediately at 12/12 at 1/4 dose control plants are just above to the right.
    1 point
  27. So turns out that plant at the back is female! Did a defol on it. So I have the following inside the tent: 2x GG Wedding Mints (different phenos) (20L) 2x Critical Banana (different phenos) (20L) 1x Pineapple Chem (20L) 1x Banizzle (20L) 1x Crescendo (20L) 1x Crescendo (10L) 2x Citradelic Sunset (10L) 1x Bananium (10L) 1x Platinum Punch (10L) 1x Zweet Inzanity (10L) I have 1x GG Wedding Mint and the 1x Dosi Punch in veg still. Will flip once they're a bit bigger and see whether they're male or fem. They won't be part of this grow diary though.
    1 point
  28. So much life happening that giving more frequent updates on the garden is a mission. The 4 veg girls are on day 21 of flower today already. This is a strawberry Sugar cookies run, with a ssc clone reversed and dropping first pollen today. Tortoni #1, Quattro Kush F3, Ssc, and a Cheese getting pollinated. Pretty excited to combine the ssc and the tortoni... 2 of the frostiest cuts that have been hunted and grown out over the last 2 years. Tortoni Strawberry sugar cookies Cheese Quattro Kush F3 Reversed Ssc
    1 point
  29. Growing from seed and doing a comparison isn't ideal, there can be quite a few differences when growing from seed. I have purchased packs of seeds where one plant looks nothing like the other and then a 3rd one is more along the lines of what I'd like. I have also grown the same cutting a few times and due to inconsistencies, ended up with bud which looks as if it could have been from a different strain despite it being a cut from a known pheno. Small changes can make big differences and depending on how accurate you want the comparison to be, you need to try ensure everything is as much the same as possible. Although possibly too late to look at sourcing 2 clones of the same plant - still going to be cool to see the differences, although differences in terms of terps, trichomes, yield, bud structure all go out the window and cannot be accurately compared. To put it into perspective, the below two pics is the same strain, just different phenos. Not the biggest difference I have noticed, just what I have pics of.
    1 point
  30. My outdoor is flowerig away so POTM sounds good, but then again I got a cool pic of a insect at the bud which makes a cool SOTM.... Why not run both and see which gets the most and best response. A vote at the end will determine the way forward.... Just my 2 cents
    1 point
  31. 13 weeks, this plant is really starting to do stuff now, seems the flower is bulking up more over the past week. I Plan to harvest this weekend. The plant is bottom heavy, the buds at the bottom of the plants are significantly more developed and bigger than the ones on top which I'm not complaining about. its a long time to flower a plant, but I was expecting at least one plant to take this long during this time of the year. Its hot as balls and I can find a trace of mildew or any other issues so again, not complaining. Will definitely showcase of some nugs after dried and cured, she is very pretty.
    1 point
  32. According. To the rules can enter again soon [emoji12] Plant of the months sounds interesting. It’s outdoor flower season [emoji869] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  33. Thank you for supporting my mental health with those kind words. LoKL, just kidding. After that big windspell we had a while back 2 ladies did take damage and I braced the ones that fell over. The rest has droppers knocked in next to them IF the need comes to support them. I believe so aswell. I'm really looking forward to the Blue Kush Berry and Slurricane Cheese
    1 point
  34. Beautiful stuff man! Love to see proper outdoor plants looking nice and healthy Are they supported?
    1 point
  35. Hey guys Been a while since I posted cause phone fell and cracked the screen. So it went in for repairs and I got it back yesterday. This morning I snapped some fresh pics of the ladies.... JACKY WHITE : BLUE KUSH BERRY : PINEAPPLE CHUNK : BANNER BISCUITS : BRUCE BANNER : SLURRICANE CHEESE : So that my garden shots for now. They have come a far way since my last update. I so apologize for that but my phone broke during work and had to go in for repairs. Unfortunately, all my info was on the phone and I had to wait for its return. The Pineapple Chunk is taking her time to start flowering, but all the others is in full flower. This is a good platter this season and looking forward to puff them all...
    1 point
  36. Hi folks, I have recently started enjoying some rosin dab with my friend and it is unbelievable how smooth it is and how pronounced the terps are. So with that in mind I have to now get myself a rig as well to satisfy the craving. Any suppliers or retailers that forum members can advise on will be most welcome. Since it will be a rather expensive purchase I want to make sure I get one that will be like a centre piece. Thank you
    1 point
  37. I got a really really awesome one from The High Co @THCSA I am sure you have seen them sponsor quite a few comps on the forum as well. https://thehighco.co.za There might even be more options available which are not loaded on the website, reach out to them. You won't be disappointed. I would suggest getting a rig where the banger sits flat and not at an angle (so a straight stem).
    1 point
  38. I got my last clones from Elixr Extract, they have a nice variety. I wasn't that impressed with how the clones looked when I received them but it was rooted and that's what matters to me(they were R75 each with no minimum order you just pay R50 for a clone holder) . I just harvested the Dirty Kush Breath and it seems to look like the pictures Here's the link if anyone is interested: https://elixirextract.co.za/index.php?route=product%2Fcategory&path=73
    1 point
  39. Howzit man. GSR have a nice selection of clones for sale last time i checked.
    1 point
  40. @Khakibos, at 1st I sprayed until the ladybug population started getting bigger. Once I saw a permanent ladybug presence I stopped spraying anything. If I have to spray then I spray with Lactobacillus Serum which sorts out a lot of things. I had PM in the beginning but a couple treatments of water, peroxide and baking soda sorted it out very quickly Right now I'm focussing on getting them big as possible before they start to flower (switching lights off of 31 December) so that the harvest will be plenty.
    1 point
  41. Mildew gone in two days! You can't really get rid of mildew with a single application. Is hard to beat but easy to prevent. Don't immediately pick off the infected leaves. You need them to see if the treatment is working. Early in the morning, spray the plant down with peroxide and water mix ( 1 shot glass of peroxide with 1 L water) . Try to not let the soil get too soaked by this. A fine spray over the soil is enough. Try to not let any of the sprays run into the soil from this point on. I cover the pot of soil with a black bag. Wait 15 min and apply Baking powder and water spray ( 1 drop dish soap 1-liter water with 1 heaped tablespoon of baking powder. Try to not let this run into the soil. This will cause a sudden change of ph on the leaf surface. Wait 30 min or for the plant to dry completely. By this point, the sun should be out. Spray a 40% milk and water solution. The protein in the milk needs sunlight to work. After this dries you should see a noticeable reduction in mildew. It might even look gone. It's not. The next morning, spray the plant again with the peroxide and water mix at half strength. Apply Milk spray at noon. Clean water at dusk.The mildew colony should be dead by this point. Keep the sprays out of the soil and the plant will be ok. Good luck.
    1 point
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