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    West Coast Vaper

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2022 in all areas

  1. Welcome to the diary of my 3rd grow (technically)! After a great 1st harvest I popped some Auto seeds by a local breeder. It failed terribly. Think I'll be sticking to photo's for now haha A great friend and fellow member of the forum felt sorry for me having seen this, convinced me to let them go and gifted me 4 plants he had in Veg. 3 of which were cuts from my last grow. (Thanks buddy! @CreX) So in this diary we have 4 plants, 3 clones of pheno #3 from my last grow (Deluxe Sugarcane) and a Bananium, all from In-House genetics. Super excited for the fruits of this one! As you can see below, all 3 plants were at different stages of life and so required a bit of a change in the way I grew these. (Sorry for the bad picture) I went out and got a SCROG net, this seemed to be the only way to end with them all "Somewhat" level. I'd just keep tucking the larger 1 until the smaller 3 were able to catch up. The Bananium was not stretching as quick as id like, thats the most-left plant, raised it with a plastic bowl I had in the kitchen and flippped shortly after. They were left in Veg for a month, weren't exactly the happiest plants when received, so was happy to see it all sort itself out once put in bigger pots and given some food. I'm still going with BioBizz nutrients, in Veg I switched between Bio-Grow and Fish Mix and used both alongside Bio-Heaven. Sticking with 50% strength for this grow, and have been watering at a PH of about 6.3-6.6. Having a slight pest issue this time around, I believe they're fungus gnats, opinions on them seem to vary but I'm managing with them it seems. Trying different ways to get rid of them without the use of pesticides as I have just entered the 3rd week of flower. Here's how they're looking now, will try update once a week from here. My 2nd net looks super sloppy, it's too big and doesn't make for good pictures, but here it is.
    5 points
  2. I wanted to make sure I calculated the wattage correctly. The amount of heat these panels put out made me doubt my measurements done with the multi meter. So I got a Sonoff Powr2 and its reading a total of 130watts I think its because I measured them with the tips if the multi meter leads and not making proper contact allowing all the current to flow. Without the light panels the Sonoff reads 7.5 watts (Small AC fan and a USB powered hub + 250watt PC PSU) , when connecting only one panel it goes up to 68.5 watts. So both of them draw around 62watts. I'm thinking to just buy an LED driver to test it out on a grow, will soon see what happens. The plants seem to be happy for now. Except for the little bit of leaf curl. Not sure if its because the light are too close or if I have over watered them. My first time growing with coco. On the left is a premex which I bought from the store and on the right my own Perlite , coco buffered mix. They have been on a 24 hour schedule for almost 2 weeks now. I have now set the Powr2 on a 18/6 schedule.
    3 points
  3. Zilla doing just fine. Small but healthy. One bag of wood braai today.
    3 points
  4. The frost on these Deluxe Sugarcane pheno's can be seen from week 2 of flower already. I love it
    2 points
  5. This is week 5 for the KmintZ, week 2 of ZxP, and week 1 of Wedding Cake. I've taken clones of the Wedding Cake plants in the flower tent, and also trimmed up the lower branches. The KmintZ continues to push on in the flower tent and is looking great. At about this time in the last batch I was already getting bitch slapped by PM, now not so much. Small victories! The KmintZ clones in the veg tent also appear to have fully reveged now and are growing more in size. I've setup the new Organic Tent™ and have the materials ready to go. Inspired by @The Grass Baas I am going to train 4 plants under a net in a 1.2x1.2 tent and see if I can get some chonky heads for the boys. I'll be using 20L pots, FF Premium Classic soil, BioBizz nutes and 320W total LED spread between two 240W QBs set to ~160W each. I have some clones ready to go so I will probably do a round of ye olde ZxP. I'm thinking of reducing the pot count in the big flower tent and growing all the pots with the same strain at the same stage of growth after finishing up what's currently in there. Seeing as I have the additional Organic Tent™ to do alternative strains I feel I am wasting the potential of the bigger tent by not doing training, plus having the AutoPot system will make it a breeze as I will only have to worry about the training and not watering every plant by hand. Yes indeed
    2 points
  6. I see what you mean now about your net being too big
    2 points
  7. Holy crap, dude! This looks amazing! Definite GOALS right here!
    2 points
  8. Start of week 7 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. @Ill_EvanI wasnt joking! Its doing the job though, just looks shit!
    1 point
  10. got my tickets still not sure if I am free at all that weekend trying my best to clear up the Saturday, wana be ready just in case, might have to meet people in town on Friday so might just swing by the Expo for a couple hours. otherwise if everything works out, I see you all there
    1 point
  11. How many tickets are being sold? How many is still left? I won some and now you guys all need to join. @ORGANinc. your wife must give you the day off. Expo in the morning and cup in the afternoon.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. The @Bay Seeds Strawberry Vostok F2 seems to be on the mend although the pics don't show it. The unknown auto's under the 2 x 75W are fine and after pointers on the forum and reading I got to thinking. Who the fcuk would think about light deficiency. Really. Is there such a thing? Now I know. Lowered the watts on the 240W down to 160W and things are improving somewhat. Snipped damaged leaves and started training one plant. Last pic are the unknowns.
    1 point
  14. These 2 experiment plants received a small feed, microbes, 1/2 dose kelpak, 1/2 dose nettle fpj. on to 12/12, next watering will be the NUTES! 1/4 dose
    1 point
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