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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2022 in Posts

  1. Animal Cookies Quattro Kush F3 Chimpancheese Ginger Tea Jelly Breath
    5 points
  2. looking good man, I see the dark green you talking about, you made the right move by backing off with nutes when you did. what bloom nutes you giving and what dose? continuing with those same nutes and dose would've caused you leaf-tip burn and downward clawing fan leaves. the tips burning is the first sign of root stress because of excessive N, but is also easily fixed by just backing off with nutes for a bit. I wouldn't say that plant is ready for harvest, at least 3 more weeks and I would only advise to move over to clean water a week before harvest. untill then the plant still needs nutrients. so if a couple days go by and your plant starts looking healthy green again give a 50% dose of the same bloom nutes untill a week before harvest. as a cannabis plant progresses towards the end of its bloom cycle it starts using less and less nutrients, so always a good rule of thumb to follow nutrient schedules, but towards the end start slowly reducing the amount instead of ending everything off with the very highest or strongest dose like most feeding schedules would advise. their advise to waste is a marketing tactic to get you back in the shop to buy more nutes, sooner. I do this to save nutrients, because I don't see the need in feeding when the plant can't do anything with the nutes anyway, however you will hear 1000 different opinions on this topic.
    4 points
  3. I think it is quite dark green but everything will be okay once holding back on the nutes. All plants are different. If she is packing on some flower, you know the plant is in good health.
    2 points
  4. Here's a picture update of the plants in the flower tent; KmintZ ZxP x2 ZxP x6 Wedding Cake Overview
    2 points
  5. And that Dark green looks very similar to the dark green just before yellow.
    1 point
  6. Week 5, it's the same as the KmintZ but the ZxP looks almost more mature from the amber pistols even though they were put into flower at the same time. I want to push the ZxP this time around and see what kinda colours come out.
    1 point
  7. Exactly!!! The dark green is what bothers me. However, I have ceased all nutrients feeding since 1 week ago. Let me see how that turns out. And hey!! Thanks for the compliment, lol… I appreciate your input. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  8. After about 2 days of walking around pondering about harvesting, checking through the jewelers loop countless times, I have decided to start chopping her... The trichomes is milky throughout the plant and I have noticed amber trichs forming on the bud. Sugar leaves also started turning but it changes faster than the trichomes on the bud so I dont pay to much attention to that. Also noticed droppings on the buds which indicate an uninvited "friend". I cant find the fucker but I think it him chowing the bud causing it to break off and die. I have clones from her which I'll plant out in August to flower out and push a bit futher if i notice anything. I havent grown this strain before and like I said in earlier posts, I don't think this is a legit Slurricane Cheese. Anyone grown Slurricane Cheese before??? The other reason is that the Blue Kush Berry is not to far away. Buds is ROCK HARD. Most hairs ia brown,milky trichomes but no amner trichome change,....yet
    1 point
  9. Damn! Looking good, man! Nitrogen is needed in every stage of growth, I believe it's quite the misconception to think no nitrogen is needed at later stages of life. It is a very dark green though, maybe just the strain? Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will chime in on that.
    1 point
  10. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  11. Start of week 7 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. Modugow has a 120w for R1950 Currently have 2x 120w and 2 x 90w from them.
    1 point
  13. I’ll second growopz. Great service and the best priced budget lights. Did this under a QB75 last year, with a little help from 4 x 12W daylight mica globes. Got a 120W for R2500 from him the other day to complete the veg/auto section above this My space is effectively 2x4 tent size. The 120 length wise fits perfectly
    1 point
  14. Indeed I’ll post some pics once it’s up. @AfrikaansePotkop there are many threads with great instruction for ordering from alibaba just a search away
    1 point
  15. @AfrikaansePotkop when it comes to lights there are actually more options to choose from than with tents. although the measurement and advertisement of Watts is not the best indication of "grow light performance" especially when talking about LEDs, you can kinda use it to guide you. whatever tent you get, just remember for every square foot (30.5cm) you want about 30watts of light. if you going with a 1mx1m tent you get roughly 3ftx3ft. X = 30Watts/square foot × (3ftx3ft) = 30W/SQF x 9ft = 270Watts - you'll need atleast this much for your 1mx1m tent. you could go up to 300Watts. the reason why I am saying this: https://ledgardener.com/diy-led-strip-build-designs-samsung-bridgelux/ Rather than buying two shitty lights of around 100w, which would still be insufficient, rather buy something legit that you won't have to upgrade after your first grow and struggle to sell because it's of little to no value, saving you the headache, the school fees and a whole bunch of your time.
    1 point
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