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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2022 in Posts

  1. Week 6 got my eye on my favourites. The QK is the most pungent in the tent, the animal cookies smells unpleasant, the GG is more along the lines of sour gas and tiny hints if sweet, sherb crasher really smells like nothing at all.
    5 points
  2. First half of week 1 flower done.
    4 points
  3. The sign outside the hall will be no under 18's or conservative minds welcome. What I am really interested in seeing is the reaction of the K9 dog unit that will be in attendance. They doing a demonstration about 40 metres in front of the hall. All in all, one of the selling points of the hall was the interest of the last couple years of dagga at the show, the society said its bringing the younger generation in so they are keen.
    2 points
  4. I work from home now, dabble in a few odd jobs, sew & make things to sell. Used to be a waitress/bartender most of my life, Since covid i decided to pursue my actual interests where i can be underpaid and overworked in my own time
    2 points
  5. I discovered that after smoking weed, I'm just a machine in bed, as strange as that may sound. I even decided to ask around and read on the Internet why this happens and it turns out I am not the only one. It is true that marijuana has an effect on libido at https://www.smokeandpoke.com/blog/how-does-marijuana-affect-sex-drive/. I can't tell you in words how great it was, so now I only do it when I smoke.
    2 points
  6. Ok so seeing as we are going to be a communtiy sharing one part of our lives. Lets share what occupations we all do, that way we know what each persons expertise is. I am a Fiber Optic Technician/ Mechanic I have a love for old muscle cars....
    1 point
  7. For the first time since COVID hit us, the Agricultural Show will be firing up again. Glad to say within 2 weeks time, Cannabis will be making its debut at the oldest Agriculture Show in South Africa, the Bathurst Agricultural Show. I have arranged a dedicated cannabis hall where the vendors below will be selling their cannabis products. We also have a cannabis plant category so people can enter their plants for judging and a certificate. Some companies that will be trading: Greensmokeroom Seeds Quickbuyngrow Qure.co.za Growone.africa The Hempress Thecannabisco.co.za https://tamatie.co.za/ Hosted by: Weedall_BeHappy and Cannabispromoter.com What would an event be without music, The Survivals Reggae Band will be playing on the Saturday night from 6pm and also organised a new band, Renaegades to play to. The Survivals will be heading to the New York State fair at the end of August, so my friends in the USA will also be enjoying some homegrown South African reggae. Looking forward to the weekend of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of April.
    1 point
  8. You can download the Photone app. It was developed with the help of Migro if I'm not mistaken. It helped me set my distance and seen some improvements.
    1 point
  9. Update. Wow I dont recall the leafs growing this big in my previous grow, they're gigantic! everyday when I check in to feed them there is a clear difference. I had to raise the lights for a second time already.
    1 point
  10. Spray those fuckers with Margeret Roberts Organic Incesticide
    1 point
  11. Nice one bro! Should be interesting to see the reaction of some of the anti-dagga boere there hey
    1 point
  12. Hi all. I just joined and am glad to be in your community.
    1 point
  13. First feed happened Monday the 21st, .025ml of Floro coco bloom per Litre of water. First 1/2 of week 1 flower done
    1 point
  14. I’m glad that backing off of nutrients was a valid move. I was using Flora Coco Bloom (NPK 1-2-3) every third day and a very light dosage of Bud Juice Molasses. Because I noticed that she doesn’t mind a lot of nutrients. Although, her leaves were already curling down slowly, prior to the nutrients halt. I will follow your advice on cutting down to 50% of current nutrients dosage or maybe even less. I feel like yellowing leaves will give me some sense of accomplishment. Lol… Do you think I should still use Cal mag at this point on? And when you say flush with clean water from one week to harvest do you mean pure PH’d water? Or PH wouldn’t matter at that point? And how much water? Thanks and have a great week…
    1 point
  15. Day 34 Had to drop a net down past the top colas. I can just see they'll be flopping all over the place pretty soon. Otherwise after 2 weeks of pollination, seed development is well under way. 36 days to go
    1 point
  16. So let's do a bit of an update shall we. Not the best pictures - apologies and the phone makes it seem as if there are some serious dark spots in the tent which is not the case. When I receive my new phone, hopefully the I will be able to take some better quality pics. Here we have the Platinum Punch: The Bananium: Pineapple Chem: Critical Banana: The GG Wedding Mints, stacking nicely. Canopy shot, cannot remember of what - I think the Crescendo and Pineapple Chem... I am happy with everything in this tent so far. Was hoping to see a bit more frost on the GG Wedding Mints but maybe they will catch up with time. The Critical Banana seems to be packing on the frost already and obviously the In House strains are doing the same.
    1 point
  17. Good timing! We'll see what mine looks like at the end of the month, might just stand a chance with my first successful plant!
    1 point
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