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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/2022 in all areas

  1. Almost there. About 85% colonized. Taking kak long though. Going almost 2 months now! Luckily no signs of contamination. @Naughty.Psychonaut
    3 points
  2. Maybe we could run this another month until the end of April? I will make an entry just so there's at least one I am coming to harvest on a current run and have something I could enter. The plant is KmintZ, it is the largest plant currently in my flower tent.
    3 points
  3. Sorry for me late response here! Let's run till end of April and see how it goes. Otherwise we'll move the prizes over to an SOTM for May.
    2 points
  4. Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!!! Mycelium slows down drastically in the colder months with some cases of growth stunting completely. to speed up colonisation you could place the tub somewhere warmer. stick it at the back of a towel closet, wrap it up nice and leave it there in the dark warm corner for a while, see how she does. Make sure the top can still breathe so don't put stuff on top of it. Ideal temperature for colonising is 25-28°C. The more constant the temp the faster it will colonise, the more the temp fluctuates the longer it'll take.
    2 points
  5. Sadly the items are sold
    2 points
  6. I have pruned a little bit of the ZxP plants in the Organic Tent™. I like the shape I have managed to get thus far with some simple LST. I have decided to flip them to flower today and will add a net in a day or two to help manage the upcoming stretch period.
    2 points
  7. Only a pleasure! How are they looking today? First question - before transplanting, what did the roots look like? more than one or two roots and at least longer than 5cm? sometimes transplanting a clone too early when it doesn't have strong roots yet, they can go south. Through what you're explaining to me it just sounds like they're underwatered, though. You say you put them in FF, was this the green bag? Did you water them in thoroughly or you just spraying them? - if so they should be underwatered. With any transplant you wana wet the new medium till at least 50% field capacity for the roots to move into the new soil. if you're transplanting bigger plants it's advised to saturate the soil completely. in both cases as with small cuttings and with big plants, once they're transplanted and watered in, you leave them till the soil is dry again. this will ensure you not drowning / suffocating the roots. You did a good thing by getting them out the cold as cold soil slows down root activity quite a bit. Just note that when the sun is out you should put them in the sun. that's where they wana be. If they're watered properly the sun will not hurt them. of they're under watered the sun will toast them. and in the unlikely case that your soil was too wet for too long you could be facing some kinda root rot, but you never mentioned anything about saturating the soil or the soil being overly wet. So I don't consider that. Consensus: Soil+Pot light and dry = water with room temperature water and take them out in the sun. Soil+Pot heavy and wet = take them out in the sun so the soil can dry.
    1 point
  8. Hey @Naughty.Psychonaut Thank you kindly for the welcome and for taking the time to assist with this mystery. I'm hoping that the pic might answer some of your questions and further assist with a diagnosis. The GC clone on the right is the only one that looks a bit wet as I thought that the soil might be too dry and watered yesterday. I left the other 2 clones as is but 24hrs later they all look the same so water doesn't seem to be the issue. I'm using Freedom Farms soil, haven't started nutes yet, wanted them to settle in first, watering lightly with a spray bottle every 2 to 3 days, only water when soil is dry, ph is 6.9. As mentioned, they were doing well, nice open canopy as opposed to the now droopy, wilty profile. These last few days have been cold, I don't have an aircon but temp for last 24hrs were 15.5 min. and 18.0max. I've brought them into my living room and will monitor temp and any changes. Thanks again for your trouble. ✌ ☮
    1 point
  9. Hey PsyC, thanks to you and to your bud CreX, who brought these jars to me. I'm super stoked and can't wait to be filling them up and emptying them up again
    1 point
  10. To make me feel better I took some pictures of the surviving KmintZ cola as well as the untouched ZxP. Harvest will likely be this weekend. KmintZ ZxP
    1 point
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