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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2022 in all areas

  1. soooooo, the flower tent is taking forever to finish and the veg tent has filled up a bunch over the last couple days. decided I'll get these ladies into flower so long so I flipped them to 12/12 and put the net down. don't want the same thing happening that happened now with the current flowering batch where the tent got so full it became a problem.
    3 points
  2. Hell yea, I'd like to play around with the lights more so to just configure new ways and help myself understand the technology better, and less so to have a new light! but to hear that I am not far off with my DIY is a very enduring it really is a fun hobby, building grow lights, that moment you first switch on your first DIY light, it really is infectious! like I said with the last build for a friend of mine I was more excited than he was he was running HID and I was constantly on his case about getting an aircon cz he had heat problems, would harvest rock hard golf ball size buds with almost no smell or taste cz the heat was constantly above 35 when lights where on. terpenes go byebye! Anyhow, big big props to you Mr.E, I like what you do and the way you go about it and now in future with my next DIY LED or just fun side project I know where to go for the real info. this industry is rife with confirmation bias and it seems marketing hype is of bigger concern than diligence! We need more people like you on the scene, for real! We need more people passionate and willing enough to take their own time to do research and put forth information and even bring products to the local market that make it easier for all local growers to get the right stuff from the start and not have to pay unnecessary school fees! Hats off to you and all the work and trial and error you had to put up with for the rest of us to have better lighting options in future!
    2 points
  3. I think your light intensity is too high.
    2 points
  4. Blueberry Hashplant got the chop 2 days ago DS flopping over everywhere, tied a few tops, but not gona stress about this too much. tent got some more space with the BBHP removed. I know I know a tad heavy on the nutes, giving clean water now probably till they come down. Frosted Apricot got stressed at some point and I think I know why.... only thing that's out of place with her is the fact that she's about 40cm away from the light... kept having to put the light higher for the DS, had to raise the FA under the scrog net, she's about as high as I can get her without the scrog net doing damage. still not high up enough so she's still really far away from the light. she's making some real stretchy funny looking buds with some foxtailing going on still looking damn frosty and got a sour fruit smell going on, still happy about her. Got her clone in the veg tent. ready fot the next run, will do better this time
    2 points
  5. The sour apple is Humboldt Sour Diesel x Magic Melon auto. And the other sour is from seed stoker. Will see how they turn out. I hope it is at least a sour terpene. But I will work the line so find and stabilise the sour. One of my favourite terps.
    1 point
  6. Heck yea, it's super fun, brother :). We can enjoy it on behalf of others! Oef, 35 is no bueno. Maybe some super growers can manage that with co2 and extreme environmental control. But from what I've read, 30 is usually max optimal value. Man, you're too kind. I'm definitely no prophet figure, just a regular schmo with a passion. But I appreciate ya!!
    1 point
  7. Looking good. Interested in the Sour Diesel. I grew a cut of HSC Sour Diesel and it was absolutely epic. Bought some Sour Diesel Auto seeds from Feedaseed that I have growing at the moment, 2 distinct phenotypes. So really interested to see how yours turns out. Good luck!
    1 point
  8. woah...... dejavu..... It's almost like I said this before.....
    1 point
  9. This is a great idea bud, I think that will honestly work out quite well, I hear the talborne amendments give great results! I’ll keep an eye out for it
    1 point
  10. I don't think I'll outright do my own part by part mix of soil so I think to start out I will go for Living Organic Mix by Organics Matters with a 1/4 mix of worm castings, then a handful of Talborne Vita Grow for veg, then add some Vita Flower along with a top dress of the above at flip to flower. Myco to also be used at every transplant. Then for the most part I will just feed with plain water.
    1 point
  11. Perfect, thankyou . Yep,....... I'm in at the deep end!. Looks like the pressure is on!. Positive comments........ I feel like I'm the typical ' All the gear......No idea' person. Hope you see post explaining my reason for the lights schedule. I'm excited to try my first indoor grow with first time hydroponics. No point in planting untill the climate in GT is under control. Hopefully in a couple of weeks I can try. Cheers....
    1 point
  12. Mighty kind of you sir :). I can go on a bit, it's true. Straight shooter huh, niccce. That's a preferred personality trait if you ask me. I have two, slightly different, older prototypes in my 60cm and 80cm. I prefer the slightly heavier red spectrum of 3000K over 3500K, however with the addition of 660nm the overall spectrum results in slightly less blue than is optimum, so I added just enough 5000K to get to about 13 percent blue, which keeps plants sufficiently compact. I follow the principle (sorry for the name drop) Dr Bruce Bugbee stated: As much red as possible, enough blue for dense, compact growth, and fill the rest with green. This may not be a popular opinion, but: Personally I don't worry about different lights for different stages of growth. I only care about a balanced, full spectrum light, that is a pleasure to use and then spend the rest of my energy trying to maintain optimal temp and humidity, VPD, DLI, training, and an effective watering schedule. I feel that by spreading my effort equally, it results in a far better grow at all stages rather than chasing a customised-for-growth-stage approach. There was a lot of trial and error trying to understand how to change the led layout, believe me! The specific driver you need for a 660nm strip(s) depends on the electrical requirements of the PCBs you source, eg. Forward voltage and current etc. It's might just be that buying a locally stocked Mean Well is cheaper than importing a Moso or Inventronics etc. Honestly, if your overall spectrum is already 3500k/3000k, I don't think you're missing anything substantial that will be a magic bullet. But.. new gadgets are fun :).
    1 point
  13. AWWEEEHH bru! I would be very keen to see this one, Tad Hussey is definitely one of those guys who really know what they are doing. Ya Biobizz is not exactly organic but its certified organic, so that what really matters lol. When growing organic living soil, you just want to ensure there is as much nutrient cycling as possible, there are lots of ways to get the system moving some what, but is nothing like instantly available nutrients in ionic form. Then also, having enough nutrients for what ever purpose or style of growing you intent on doing? pots sizes and veg times? Have you thought about any recipes that you would like to maybe try?
    1 point
  14. Awesome. Thanks for the info dude. Here I am thinking it is only 3 bottles just like TA Tripart. Thats alot of juice to remember to put in. I also used to just use living soils and had the tripart just sitting there. Until one day I decided to switch over and have never looked back. I prefer the TA Tripart now. Easy to use and just like you said....It works. I should maybe get a couple small bottles of the Biobizz range as I go and maybe one day I will have the same thought process. Maybe I will switch to BioBizz and never look back. But until that day, I will TriPart it all the way.
    1 point
  15. A few things to take into consideration. I am using Biobizz with just the Organic Tent™ (4 plants) and I am also using the full range; Root Juice, Fish Mix, Bio Grow, Bio Bloom, Top Max, Acti Vera and Bio Heaven. It can get pretty pricey if buying retail. I happened to have quite a bit of the above Biobizz products because I had bought it wholesale some time ago with the intention of reselling but didn't quite manage to sell all of it, so I decided to just give it a shot in a personal grow to see what all the hubbub is about. I would still probably go for TA because it just works. It's consistent, fewer products and cheaper. Fully agreed, and when I'm done with the Biobizz I'd like to look into this. I've been reading up on KIS organics and have been listening a bit to their podcast with Tad Hussay called Cannabis Cultivation and Science. They provide some really great insight in how to grow organically and cheaply without compromising on quality, but it's a science and I feel you really gotta know what you're doing to prevent any headaches. Which I guess is why Biobizz has it's place in the organic world because it is indeed technically organic and basically plug and play, whereas mixing your own soil might take some trial and error. I am willing to give it a shot seeing as I have multiple tents so I wouldn't be left out completely in the cold if something were to falter. Feel you on this one, Chief.
    1 point
  16. Wow man. Those plants are looking amazing!!. Very very nice. The scrog is unreal. Welldone on the cleanup. You are not going to be dissapointment with the yield. It looks really good dude. One thing I need to try is to move over to BioBizz nutes. Im still on the T.A. Tripart train and have alot of liters to get through. Will switch over sometime when all my other stuff is done. Thanks for the inspiration.
    1 point
  17. So one of the Bobby’s Widow looks like dying this morning. So I soaked 2 more seeds. I really want to be able to select out of at least 6 plants for future work.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. So. Everything is looking good. I have 4 Bobby’s Widow u and going. I still have hope for the 5th one to join the club. The 6th one’s tap root had issues.
    1 point
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