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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2022 in Posts

  1. Hey Dave I will check if I can make fem seeds from these.
    4 points
  2. So I thought my next post would be telling the tale of a chop, yet here we are past the 9 week mark still waiting for them ambers . Thinking this may even stretch to 10 weeks at this rate. Very few amber trichomes on sugar leaves, still some clear on the buds. Will be checking daily from here, I feel I chopped a bit early my last grow and so it's definitely not a mistake I want to make again. I'm seeing even more purple pop through which is an awesome sight to see, bananium just seems to be getting fatter by the day, foxtailing is something new to me too, definitely genetic related.
    4 points
  3. Dude, you'll like be my best friend forever. End product after a successful grow will still be sent for testing for certification reasons. I'm, urgg. Can't say how annoyed I am at the effort spent on growing this CBD strain only to find out it's not. Nice smoke and good in edibles though. Not too goofed but don't plan on going for a hike either. Sent from my S40 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  4. No the Bobby’s Widow is regular auto flower seeds. https://gnomeautomatics.com/ This way I can get regular auto flower seeds and then I can just work each line in the direction I want to then I start working on the F1 generation of these seeds.
    2 points
  5. When i get regular seeds i make my own seeds. Right now i buy the seeds. This batch is Nirvana. 25 seeds per 1.2x1.2 area. Had 96 from 100 to pop and sort out depending on growing strength. Full tent, want to see if i can reach 1.5kg dry per square meter. Doing my homework for the coffeeshop i want to open when legalized, see where i stand, what my climate control can handle. New location, had to build setup new.
    2 points
  6. Thanx for reply will be taking betta pics today , while the lighting is betta , dont believe in selling , wud rather sponsor where i can and make the circle bigger
    2 points
  7. Hi there, welcome! We gona have to see better photos before weighing in at all, not that it will matter anyway, If you wana smoke the thing by all means smoke it, but if you where looking for a I'll only be making my deposit when I can see everything. In the past we've had people post photos of quite badly neglected outdoor grows with very poor flowers and sometimes all covered in WPM, asking us if it's ready to be smoked.... hope it goes without saying but sometimes it's good to ask before indulging in these things. nature can be quite tricky sometimes. Hope you get something nice there man, though chances for it being a stray bag seed from someones generic outdoor baggy is very very high, in which case you'll never really know what "strain" that is. A comfortable 90% of ditch weed you'll come across will not be anything worth while.
    2 points
  8. Hey guys Been there once...done exactly that! Went back to absolute basics. Organic soil, the sun, no nutes only compost, rain water, no ph testing, no training, no defoliation. She grew like a demon until a storm showed up.... She was a good few weeks from harvest, some branches held on by the skin of their stems until I couldn't risk the wpm and bud rot and harvested. Some branches just sat on the tree and dried. She made awesome oil and a great smoke too.
    1 point
  9. If you pay for the test at qure they use a GC. They only use that Humboldt IR test when they travel to events.
    1 point
  10. I have no issues with them.
    1 point
  11. I know is the opposite what they write the issue is the sugar isnt enough to get to the right Brix numbers. 1 liter Grow = 750ml FishMix + 250ml molasses Grow for Veg is fine to get the sugar you need. I also am more on 12% in Veg. Flower i prefer 15% or more. Is also a question of strain, but i noticed no negative side effect if you even go to 20%. Low sugar means less photosyntesis.
    1 point
  12. If you use Biobizz, i have you a little change. Since i use a refractometer to check my leaf sugar levels, noticed Biobizz is to low on sugar. My change is simple. Stick to Grow during Veg and swap to FishMix for flower, plus add molasses yourself, 2-3ml per liter. Grow just doesnt has enough sugar to raise to 15% sugar content in the leaves. Your plants will have perfect conditions for photosyntesis. Rest, nice job!
    1 point
  13. i send them a msg and see how fast they answer. Home Connect didnt answer yet. Did, they are very limited in contact options. Internet Service Provider you cant contact over the internet we implemented click and call options for websites 28 years ago. Vodacom can even terminate voice, is there main business but offer no client services to contact them beside a phone number, tells you right away, fiber has no priority in their company, is just a side kick. Help desk couldnt even connect me to the fiber guys, just gave phone number to call. I just see a nightmare coming my way, if i need support on that contract.
    1 point
  14. Vodacom ISP. No issues
    1 point
  15. How many do you have in that tent? When are you going to make your own seeds?
    1 point
  16. My highs and lows on the hygrometer aren't reading properly for some reason but always seems to be around the 18-20° mark when I check.
    1 point
  17. And the 288 QBs i use. Very even light profile, no ac running at all.
    1 point
  18. Auto's doing what Auto's do
    1 point
  19. Sad to report that the crop was a writeoff. Couldn't escape the days of high humidity. Lost the best and thickest buds first. Lesson learned. Planting even later next season. Gonna take a shot at a winter grow and firing up the tent since things are cooler... and dryer. Have plenty of babies lined up for take 2.
    1 point
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