for those who need legal support when the -shit for brains- police show up
take a moment to study that shit guys, keep the help at the ready, keep yourselves safe.
Support the legal movement!
cops show up at my house saying it smells like weed, I keep my mouth shut and wait for them to say something else. If that's all it is, I tell them thanks and go back in my house.
if they ask to enter my property, I keep my mouth shut and wait for them to say something else. if they don't present permits or warrents with something better than "suspicion because this house smells like weed" written on it then there is no case. No permits? No entry.
make the police aware you are backed by a legal team and if they have permits with valid reasons you have to let them in, if they arrest you for anything, let them. don't fight them. if you know you are within your rights, they will be the ones facing legal actions.
ANY AND ALL papers you are handed are NOT to be signed with any lawyers present. No paperwork gets done without any lawyers present.
if you don't have lawyers you get in touch with Fields Of Green For All and have a chat with them. don't wait for the police to be at your front door to then run around like a headless chicked trying to figure it out.
these arrests MUST be stopped, we need to get smart and make examples of these fucking asshole cops.
In the Natures Farmacy case 3 cops lost their jobs due to wrongful arrest, because someone spent a couple hours studying the legal framework. I bet that branch of SAPS will not be so quick to arrest again....
this article ends off with the co owner seeking legal action, I got the beef straight from the horses mouth, but I don't think an article was published on the 3 police men that had to look for new jobs. because who wants to push that narrative?
it's litetally up to us to break this bullshit narrative, some people on the forefront and have already won the legal battles, while the rest of us still sitting here scratching our heads trying to figure it out and scared to be locked up.
hahah not me