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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2022 in Posts

  1. SlurricaneXDreamQueen: Day 60 of flower. Slightly problematic grow, but always learning. Plus I don't think it would be as exciting if I didn't fear failure.
    5 points
  2. Day 96 @Bay Seeds mixed auto in the 10l pot. This girl is slightly bigger than my 20l attempt. Think I'll stick to 10l pots going forward as all my 20l attempts ended with dismal results. I am prepping an outside area in the ground for this outdoor season though. 10l pots in the shade house and then in the ground outside.
    3 points
  3. This plant is just raging man! Welldone, I don't see any issues, so good on you!
    3 points
  4. I made a plan to visit Nature's Farmacy in Vredekloof, Durbanville side, yesterday. There happened to be a circus themed event with competition games, DJ, MC and some food stalls in the back yard. It was a good effort. The membership sign up was quick at the door. Invoices to email and card swipes. The bud selection was good. There were non-alcoholic beverages with RSO type drops flying around. It was well supported and all the seating was packed. Quite an enjoyable afternoon but the music was a little heavies.
    2 points
  5. A different kind of curing jar. Did a market this past weekend and was surprised at the amount of people asking about infusing cannabis for them. All ages and walks of life. Just working on labeling now.
    2 points
  6. Day 67 These six are in 3l pots. Tried putting them in order. Don't ask Meant to be top, bud and side shots. These plants are looking and smelling Lekker though. Think this is my best auto attempt so far.
    2 points
  7. Just dropping in to say hello. Lurked around the forum a fair bit and it's been very usefull. only got a big bud that outdoors that just will not finish flowering at the moment but hoping to get a light and start on some indoor grows again. wingwing
    2 points
  8. yoyo wingwing! let your thing swing!
    1 point
  9. basically to sum it all up sq1 -> having probes = safe sq 2 -> not having probes = less safe sq3 -> knowing someone with a probe that can help at a moments notice so you don't have to spend the money to get probes = a little safer but less reliable. once you got the visual keys it's still easy to misdiagnose, throwing you back at sq1.
    1 point
  10. ooooooh man! if that was a woman I'd marry her just for the honeymoon!! I seriously need to start doing monocrops, man you did a great job here
    1 point
  11. Oi oi! Welkom!
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Absolutely beautiful man. Wow. Really impressed and loooooove the colouration. Please upload a photo of the whole tent (I want to drool over some scrog) and I am sure you will let us know what the final weights are when all done. Well done. Looks tasty
    1 point
  14. Lets skip those ISP's ^^ Friend just went to WebAfrica.. you can't open a ticket without having Whats App installed (not using any facebook products myself) so can't give her support. I tried for an hour on her Whats App to get hold of a technician telling me her login so I can install a proper router, the thingy they send is just junk Try Monday again while she has troubles connecting further as 4 meter from the thingy. Plants ^^ Autos doing what Autos do... today is last day week 7. Tallest plants center and the smaller ones to the outside towards the 4 entries. WW's clear smaller as the rest, top left plants. Have 49% humidity inside right now. I am very happy when this experiment is over.. had every single plant out yesterday to check for any PM and cleaning yellow or dried up leaves... so far so good. My ventilation keeping up so far but it gets crowded ^^ Looking forward to shut down for a bit, need a break, also fly to Europe for a few months August on. Like last year, not planting anything outdoor anyhow. WW's are ahead in flowering. GSC's are the tallest plants so far. Blue Dream the 'weakest' over all, might be temp wise. I reach 28 over day, April even had a few times over 30. The WW's also don't stretch to much and are perfect for such a mass grow. Is what you call a dress friendly plant ^^ WW's should be done in 2-3 weeks. 10 - 11 weeks total. Lets see ^^ I thought the Blue Dream would be the fastest... I was wrong or they do something i never saw.. or weather goes very wet and all ends in a white nightmare I knock on wood, so far so good. Hope I have one more month before the rain starts to go nasty.
    1 point
  15. I think they are ready Organic Tent™ harvest commences tomorrow!
    1 point
  16. Decided to give this one the chop today. Round the 90 day mark. Milky with about 20% amber under the microscope. Toight and sticky bugs with a fruity smell.
    1 point
  17. You’ll see what I mean. Give the QK time.
    1 point
  18. Sorry if I'm breaking rules here, but FCUK man, I'm well stocked man.
    1 point
  19. Thank you to the believer's. Inspiration to grow so many more of Mother Nature's other herbs. Cottage Industry packaging for now using recycled materials.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. FF spoil is already Ph balance and can be messed with a little but I found it's pretty loaded as it is. Mixing your own soil is easy and well worth the effort . A good base would be coco , worm casting , soil , compost of some sort and perlite . From that base you can start playing with amendments . Basic mix: Coco coir Worm castings Soil Perlite Mushroom compost / kraail mix Kelp meal Bonemeal Rock dust Lime Mycoroot FF soil is nice but it's ready easy to replicate at a fraction of the price
    1 point
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