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    Bay Seeds

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2022 in Posts

  1. Your strain, Stormtrooper Normal head Polyploid Thank you @Bay Seeds
    2 points
  2. My plan is: Tyre's, maybe 2 high. Dig down about 600mm at each tyre position and start mixing in some of my compost that is full of red wrigglers. Then use those holes as mini compost bins for the next 3 months. Dead leaves from the nursery and kitchen scraps. The overall area I'm just going to turn in some compost that the landlady makes. She gives us a few wheelbarrows worth every month. Cannabis soil in tyre with cover crop planted a couple of weeks before I start the season. Then the damn wind. Scrounging materials for a wind break. Sent from my S40 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  3. At day 9 this batch is off to a good start. Last batch of mixed autos before the Anastasia 99 fems.
    1 point
  4. Flowering a couple smaller ladies under the sun Zweet Inzanity, front right corner, just starting, will have to finish her inside when I have space, don't think there's enough time to finish her outside. Last of the Deluxe Sugarcane mother, far back, kept a clone. she's also only starting out, will see how things go. Last of the Blueberry Hashplant, short fatty in front, didn't keep a clone, she's getting dropped. Forbidos, front left, this is the first of her flowers for me, got a big plant I took clones off, clones will be run indoors in the near future. She's a stinker. solid buds with nice colours.
    1 point
  5. There is a new MIGRO approved app for phones and has the whole real deal... Check out his YouTube channel, I downloaded it, it works well, just didnt have a Apogee to compare to calibrate my phone or get closer. Paid version too, with plenty options Not Affiliated in anyway
    1 point
  6. flower tent update Blueberry Hashplant Super Cheese Chernobyl Frosted Apricot French Macaron
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Day 81 Chop day. Buds nice and dense, sticky with a nice sweet aroma. Mostly milky with amber starting to show. If you have the space I'd put money on growing in 3l pots if you want to steer clear of problems like over watering. My next lot are in 7l pots although I think I have growing in a 10l down to a T as well. Getting ready for those fems @Bay Seeds. Getting an outdoor area ready for in the ground planting. Gonna have to build some sort of enclosure for wind protection.
    1 point
  9. Howzit. I'm going to do a passive intake and make it variable in the beginning so I can test the draw on the extraction fan. Not sure if that fan can be controlled much... I have a feeling it can only be controlled at higher RPMs to avoid damaging it, I've written to AMS to find out. I was also considering one of those 12v RAMs connected to a battery for loadshedding - haven't decided yet I just need to test the fan I have. It's overpowered for the room size so if I can't slow it down I could alwaysj ust put more bends in the ducting but then I'm using it full speed all the time and it seems like a bit of a waste of power. Will have to put some effort into that soon as the room is sorted. Hopefully the big fan works because with insulated ducts it's super quiet. I hear you on the auto's, I've grown a bunch before and my best take was 60g. Won't say my worst! Surprisingly nice to smoke some of them. When I first grew a long time ago nobody outside of cultivation new what a Ruderalis was, for me it was like a swearword but these breeders are impressive man, you can get decent smoke out of an auto now.
    1 point
  10. about 2 weeks, I'm writing off the Lotus head x wilson this is an unknown pheno, which is already too stretchy for me. Will probably just clone the crepes and the GG#4. The Wilson X slurri is dominating with her compact structure, may also clone her, but still got seeds.
    1 point
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