Hey bud,
material pots with hand watering for indoor home growers are the way to go.
autopots are like niche things. it's something different, it's something new with a group of ride-or-die followers, but nothing will ever beat the old school normal pot with hand water method. you'll be doing autopots for a while and soon find yourself running back to the grow shop for material pots to minimize the headaches. I've seen all kinds of questions surrounding autopots that make me ask, "but why?" so many componenets you never really know where the problem lies.
the new aquavalves for organic feeding is nice, but I don't think organic nutrients itself should be mixed and left for more than 24hrs, otherwise you risk cultivating pathogens and unwanted bacteria. also organic nutrients interact with eachother and if left for too long and conditions allow it, you'll be brewing up some unwanted organic chemical reactions aswell causing PH/PPM swings just like with synthetics, since you got a reservoir feeding the autopots, the nutes go into water and not directly into the soil where it would have been buffered down to the right PH, what you got now is a organic situation that you have to measure ph and ppm with, so it's a cool concept, just not practical especially if you going after it to make less work for yourself. instead you'll be making more work for yourself.
autopots work best with synthetic nutrients and even then you get build up.
I ran synthetics through a big irrigation system. and I mean big.... 9 hectares of irrigation... after a year you cut open pipes and find salt build up. I don't even wana know what the pipes would have looked like if we ran organics.
remember there's gona be times where the liquid inside the pipes aren't there, and that doesn't leave you with clean pipes, the residuals stay behind and dries up. this is where build up happens. with all irrigation systems. it's just much worse with organics than with synthetics.