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  1. Naughty.Psychonaut


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  2. ORGANinc.


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2022 in all areas

  1. 250.44g all trimmed.
    4 points
  2. Who am I to judge you are happy.. nothing more counts ^^ as said.. great job. How much you got dry from that plant?
    3 points
  3. Oh I hear ya mate! I fully understand your point of view. And you're right I grow like a snail in comparison to most I'm sure! Thing is, I just enjoy growing for the sake of growing, I do it purely for fun, it's an adventure. I don't make edibles/extracts, and I don't smoke heaps. So harvests last me ages. I have more weed than I need already. In my little world I'm weed-rich! It never gets old, it's like living in an alternative reality future. Growing just makes me happy, I love the entire process, and actually training/vegging is the best part because I get to interact the most. So yea, time is entirely irrelevant in my particular situation. Growing is the relaxing part of life for me. When I open the tents it's a holiday portal away from the stresses of life. I'm not about to ruin it for myself by implementing schedules and deadlines. I wouldn't want to do it anymore. The experience would be ruined. Plus: I'm doing 4 plants in my main tent this time, so it'll be a lot quicker. But training one plant to be big is just too fun to not do again. It's good times.
    3 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Hopefully we can get the veg area looking this good again this coming season.
    2 points
  6. Row of 3 are the Chem ds and row of 2 are the dark phoenixes
    2 points
  7. Ya growing one plant to fill the tent will always take time, should be much faster with more count Yes Iā€™m interested to know what was the final yield
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. 1 point
  10. when you say airpots? you mean those black ones with the weird spikes?? bro have you noticed how theres a shit ton of material pots flooding the market right now??? those air pots are not the way to go brother...... what's pushing you away from the material pots and how did you land on airpots? those are gona give you more trouble than the autopots nute shcedules are not meant to be followed to a T, if you followed the Biobizz schedule your plant might catch fire, they call for waaaaaayyyy too many nutes. I look at nute schedules only for teetsy bits of guidance, very very minimal, when I think about what feed to give and how much, then I look at the plant. it helps to know the strength of the stuff you use, that's why I use biobizz. it's well reputed and straight forward to use.
    1 point
  11. does this dude grow himself or he just works there? here's a little short story on how synthetic nutrients came into play I threw my synthetic nutes in the bin, only place for that stuff! I am not a commercial grower and I am not in it to cut corners, I am in it to grow good weed for myself. I don't have 1000 plants to look at all at the same time, so I can really focus on the needs of each individual plant. took me a while to realise the difference, but there's benefits in all aspects of growing organics, not only the end result. soooooo many benefits, but let me not keep singing songs about organics cause I know how offended people get when you don't allow them to figure it out by themselves. let's see how long it takes you to move over to organics with hand watering just because a pot with living soil and hand watering has been done since before christ it's seen as old and not cool and people are detered thinking "there must be better, easier ways to do this", but for real those egyptians figured it out man. reports of hydro/aquaponics go back thousands of years too, but when you look at the big picture every grower of every caliber has there "modern phase" where they dabble with all the cool new things, but sooner than you'd think they all turn back to the oldschool ways and all the modern equipment and other kak is just tossed to the side. or like me, it all hits the bin and you save the next person some time and school fees. even with commercial farming in the year 2022 where it's all modern you'll find a bigger number of organic farmers right now than you would've 10 years ago when synthetics was the conventional way. too many people have realised the difference that's why theres this universal shift happening at the moment. synthetics becoming a thing of the past. it was cool, but it wasn't better... synthetic nutes is the gimmick of cannabis growing, it's all marketing and attention grabbing. something new, something different, something cool, but that's about it. it has it's place in commercial farming, but even then it also has major downsides and a much more negative impact on the environment if you working on commercial scale you should be the first person to think about environmental impact... oh man.... there I go, singing songs of organics again!
    1 point
  12. Great job ^^ I just try to get a picture... 15th Feb you got the clones from @ORGANinc. so the plant is in week 22 Day 5 (your possession, would be curious how long OrganInc it took to get the clone to the point you got it)... I agree that you get a nice harvest from one plant, but 23/24 weeks to finish a grow.. you have 2 harvests a year not including the time to do the clone and grow to the size you got it.
    1 point
  13. We have lift off after 22 days. Cool winter temps slowing things down a bit. Added a 25w reptile heating pad to even out the day/night fluctuations-from 14-21 to 22-25. Thought cannabis required patience, but these shroompies even more so...
    1 point
  14. i ordered mine from China, 25$ per sif. Alibaba... as usual ^^
    1 point
  15. These girls are really not happy with all the load shedding going on, spraying IPM about every other day now and added another extraction fan. The colour is coming back though, looking back, I think the soil would have been better suited to be re-amended before the round instead of thinking it could just be used again no problems, however the plants did get a better start in it being less nutrient rich, I co0uld have been a bit cognizant of doing regular top-dresses , so again, things I can improve on. But other than that, the buds and the frost are coming out to play. Slurrixwilson pushing the most triches, she is a stubby short and stacked lady that smells much like caramel. Crepes by lit farms is starting to get there, she stacked beautifully, sites everywhere, excited to see how she progresses GG#4 Still in the game, just like all the others, she got a solid topdress and feed, so hoping to see some solid nuggets Then the Wilsonxlotushead, very strong plant not my favourite smoke, must be super high Thc levels. gives me palpitations. Then the group PIC Have a lekke start to the weekend YO!
    1 point
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