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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/2022 in all areas

  1. Week 3 and week 1, the chem ds are 2 weeks behind.
    4 points
  2. Yes, I think that is a fair amount, I usually do that amount per 5L. If its a fulvic extract similar to that I made myself. I would think the strength would not even nearly be the same. Mine being weaker to some extent. Honestly, I just dissolved whole L tub of Fulvic powder in 2L distilled water. And its effective stuff at that dose. The liquids are tricky for this reason. But ya, if you worried about the Humic having a decent amount of potassium in it, then rightly so, all humic acids, well the cheap china stuff we get is Leonardite stone (so they say) extracted via chemical potassium extraction. So there is some potassium in it unfortunately. Its okay to have a lot in veg and end of flower, but still too much isn't great. In your case I think the advantage would outweigh the issue it could cause if mis-used. I think equal parts of each, around 3-5ml each per 5l will do good.
    2 points
  3. hahah yeah too true man sometimes can really throw you off a product here's the Humic Acid - recommended dose is 3-5ml/L during seedling - veg https://www.greenhouston.co.za/products/humic-acid here's the Fulvic Acid - recommended dose 2ml/L for small plants, 5ml/L for large plants and 10ml/L for trees. https://www.greenhouston.co.za/products/fulvic-acid because of recommendations I feel Fulvic 3ml/L, what you think?
    2 points
  4. Crazy Haze: Flower Day 18 - Thanks to Eskom interrupting the timer it received 24hr of light. Great.. So possible herm action in the near future.
    1 point
  5. Happy girls for 2 weeks since cut. @Naughty.Psychonaut different strains, and i lolipop to the main only and FIM isnt much left after of the plant. I just want main colas, nothing else.
    1 point
  6. Haha poor liitle guy is sleeping in the front while his girlfriend is behind the bricks on her eggs. The chickens grew up with the two rescue pigeons and tolerate them. When we tried adding another pigeon the chickens killed it a few minutes later. Even the younger chicks are in a separate fenced of area inside the coop for their own protection. Chickens are cruel little bastards.
    1 point
  7. thanks man it's pretty for sure. and I was going to ditch it in the beginning coz it always looked like it was struggling. Glad I didn't, I dig the wake and bake strains.
    1 point
  8. I hear you bro, once you burn your fingers, it’s never the same Let us see which one you got? I would just do recommended dose and seriously not be afraid of smashing it twice a week for the begining
    1 point
  9. ahhhhh! Much appreciated I never would of thought of that. Will keep an eye out.
    1 point
  10. tiny bit of this going on...
    1 point
  11. the glue has been ridiculously light sensitive. Maybe i messed something up in the beginning and it never recovered. Dunno. Couldn't flush coz of the damn scrog net. And unfinished work before it went in.
    1 point
  12. pics - some from last week some yesterday bruce banner
    1 point
  13. Bobby's Widow x Gorilla cookies Day 48
    1 point
  14. Seedlings don't require much light, it's when they hit the veg Stage (when they show their 4/5th set of true leaves or 30 days max) that's when it's required to increase intensity abit, depanding on your light, that can be around 20% strength. The best thing to do to remove any guess work is to invest in a par meter, they can range about 1k - 3k. If you don't want to spend that much you can still go for a lux Metter which you can grab one for R400, even with the standard manufacturer distance recommendtions with time the led become dimmer or might even have a factory fault, that's why investing in such meters like a lux or par meter takes out all the guess work. For lux traditionally you want to hit the following ranges Seedling - 5000 - 7000 Veg - 15000 - 50000 Flower - 45000 - 65000
    1 point
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