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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2022 in all areas

  1. Crazy Haze: Flower Day 18 - Thanks to Eskom interrupting the timer it received 24hr of light. Great.. So possible herm action in the near future.
    3 points
  2. Happy girls for 2 weeks since cut. @Naughty.Psychonaut different strains, and i lolipop to the main only and FIM isnt much left after of the plant. I just want main colas, nothing else.
    3 points
  3. If you got your clone from @SkunkPharm.. we talk the same weed
    2 points
  4. Did i not post that ^^ must have been to stoned hehehe Try it.. is my best suggestion. If you like Ginger and the little bite it has at the end, you will love this weed. Very aromatic smoke, is beside the Gelato my preferred grab right now. But potency wise more a desert weed, it hits hard ^^ but smooooooooth Sade would have use the weed as a operator Like the JetFuel, a weed i would love to cross with Gelato to see the taste outcome. What i really like, the weed name represents the smoke taste you will experience.
    2 points
  5. oh yeah, that's some nice roots for only 2 weeks clone environment must be dialed in over there hows the smoke report on the ginger tea?
    2 points
  6. Was a bit busy.. playing with clones these days. Trying another stupid idea to increase yield ^^ But right now the aim is quality. Have 3 strains dried to 64% and will dress them over the weekend. Liked the result very much, just could be more. I let one main stem supply only the FIM version of the main, rest is radically chopped away. Looks a bit scary when i flip em , is not much left of those clones. Pictures of the Ginger Tea before dressing
    2 points
  7. I got some over my soil and didn't want to spray during flower. Looking for options i ran into predator mites... ^^ they work like a charm, was rather impressed. Had 2 spotted Mites, so used those: https://hydroponic.co.za/hydroponics/phytoseiulus-persimilis/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw-fmZBhDtARIsAH6H8qis2vCcuSdmcpVQzJA4yOx-yH36X48S6khWc_FRKNx71uX-up9WbWUaAi4UEALw_wcB Thought I post it. I didn't hang the bags, I cut em open and pored the content on the leaves directly. Few days later the plants i put it on were clean clean. Was fun to unpack the magnifiers and watch the slaughter. The predators are waaaay bigger and waaaaaaaaaay faster. They just starve once they don't find any more food.
    1 point
  8. Na but was the same breeder got from seeds
    1 point
  9. Sade mate! That ginger tea was lekke, sounds just like the one I had
    1 point
  10. The curl might also be because the plants don't like the spray you gave em. I have no experience with Dr Ludowigs Thingy Thing, Somebody in here used it? Never use more as the recommended dosage. A organic I like to use for insects is this one: https://hydrobiz.co.za/products/xterminator Lift your pots.. heavy means no feeding. I grew over 1000 plants and till this day I lift a few pots of a tray to decide if i feed or not. The moment i can ask the plants in what language ever: Are you hungry? And they answer.. i will stop lifting up pots
    1 point
  11. hahah nice, going for a sea of green thing or just making a bunch? all ginger tea or mix stuff?
    1 point
  12. Week 3 and week 1, the chem ds are 2 weeks behind.
    1 point
  13. Day 10 Flower: OG Mandarin Cookies, Frozen Fuel PH5, Ginger Tea, Mandarin Sunset
    1 point
  14. so the Chem D are somewhat ready to flower On 2 weeks with the dark Phoenix, and the Chem D are going to sleep for 12 hours from 6am today. they were suppose to go in on Sunday but I did a rough Defol so I decided to wait another 3 days. I think they are a lot happier now That’s about it for now, time for the exciting bit
    1 point
  15. 1 week in flower for the Dark Phoenix, Chem d still vegging. Will be joining the flowering tent on Sunday.
    1 point
  16. Regular seeds.. I like the weed as smoke.. but their growth behavior is rather timid. Right now I just take the biggest males and females with similar node spacings and leaf structure from a batch. I like em less 'bushy' ^^ After i have em regular to 60-75cm I check what flavor I have left. Might also just be me not able to do a proper job. The parents weren't impressive in size.. reason i started this little project ^^ Shows you how much i enjoyed the Strawberry flavor inside the smoke.
    1 point
  17. Have you grown the Strawberry Vostok? Or did you just use the male?
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. What male have you got there?
    1 point
  20. Yes, is my F2 (1) generation. Next I put the F2 (2) over then see what F3 (1)(2) has in store for me. I want those Autos to grow bigger for now double the size would be perfect.
    1 point
  21. Are you making auto seeds?
    1 point
  22. And some Auto Flower fun ^^
    1 point
  23. Time flies ^^ can't believe the last post was mid July. Been busy and worked over my harvest.. got a Tennis arm from dressing is a first. Sieved pollen last week (about 500g) and while chatting with a friend, he brought up a topic i ignored so far, create THCa isolate. Checked what is needed and got the press heated up yesterday all day long. Used 75 micron pollen as start material.. so the best of the best. Those 20g resulted in very little left inside the bag.. but loads of rosin. Pressed till the last press at 70 degrees was nearly dry from the 25 micro bag i used to isolate the THCa. Had to test it and mixed a little of the flakes into a normal day smoke joint (White Widow, so more an upper). The smoke report goes a bit like this: I started to smoke the joint and also started to prepare the food for my dogs. Ripping the chicken breasts to pieces took longer as usual and after i smoked 1/3 of the joint in my normal way, i got hit ^^ Would say 2-3 minutes after I started the joint, I wasn't sure I will be able to finish the preparation of the food. Bit in a blur I managed to mix the rice and carrots.. gave them their bowl each and got asap to the couch Was a different high as usual. Full body high with a rather relaxing aspect. Lasted 30 minutes, then I had to go shop to get me some food. Wasn't that zonked for years.. will have 2 friends dropping in today to test the material and see if they will experience the same. Procedure to make THCa isolate is rather simple, if you have the press ^^ Press top rosin, best quality you can produce, then put that rosin in a 37-20 micron bag and press slowly, starting at 35 degrees and raise by 5 on each press till you reach 65-75 degrees. The inside of the bag will turn more and more white.. till you end with white crystalline flakes at the end. Those flakes are the THCa isolate. Handle with care you don't get much. Hope that gave others some stupid ideas
    1 point
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