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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/2022 in all areas

  1. This autoflower cultivar finds its origins in @SkunkPharm space, with a Gorilla Cookies supplied by myself, and dusted with a Bobby's Widow F3 male pollen from Skunks library. That seed run can be found here: Skunkpharm Autoflower Seed Run There is a lot to like here. The F1 specimen pictured above is 65 days from seed and is practically ready to harvest. I'll let her go to 70 days. Besides being frost covered, her terps are loud. Spicy and sweet, with a hint of berries. This thread will be a running journal as I journey to stabilize these very desirable traits. F2s are next, and that run has started.
    2 points
  2. If he was in late flower in June, let's say he was in week 10/11 of flower and he was still flowering till now, that would be a 20 - 21 week flower cycle..... that wouldn't work for any cannabis plant. @GuTs this person could've grown the plant for 10 months eeeeeeeeeaaaasily, nothing strange about that, but if that where the case the plant would not have looked like that back in June already. if it was a 10month project and he only harvested now, back in June the plant shoul've still been vegging. you can keep mother plants in veg for multiple years, there is really no limit on time you can keep/veg a cannabis plant for. I can veg for 5 years before I flip to flower, but what we focus on here is the fact that the plant was already so late in flower 4 months ago, because as we know we can push the veg cycle any which way we want, but when it comes to flower you have that 9 - 13 week window and done. you can't push flower cycle for longer than the plant dictates.
    2 points
  3. That plant is done. Harvest; smoke it.
    2 points
  4. Chances are this plant is way past done by now.
    2 points
  5. My happy accidents harvested 1,5kg dry bud (over dry even, had to re-hydrate for a day or 2). The one before that was okay, but didn't notice until too later and one proper Indica had bud rot so had to toss it. The first one forgot the harvest amount (didn't really measure though haha) it held me 2-3 months. Second one, I'm still smoking and should last until next harvest. Ill make a new thread with pics of current accidental organic grow XD a little later, about to go watch the football. Thank you for welcoming me to the forum :3
    1 point
  6. Bruv, I was baked, didn't consider having a look at the the original post date -______________- hahaha But yeah, shit happens, maybe he could update on what he did, how it went and final product pics? Interested to see, had similar situation, having one now kinda, but not identical. I'll make a post sometimes when there's time :3
    1 point
  7. Did you know that paper can also be flavored, but it is quite difficult to classify paper by flavor. The palette of flavors has a wide variety, from light menthol notes to extravagant flavors, for example, bacon. And the choice here is made only based on personal preferences. If you want to try interesting flavors, we recommend paying attention to strawberry, chocolate, coconut, vanilla roll-up paper. I advise you to use BLUNT WRAPS, it will be the right solution for you.
    1 point
  8. What made you choose synthetic nutes? I would suggest to rather go full organic when growing under the sun. juuuuuuuust my
    1 point
  9. @GuTs If there was a gun to my head, I would also go with BnB option. If it was a open ended question I would have to answer you with another question - Are those package deals or something or how did it come down to only those two options? If it was my first time growing I would not get any auto seeds. No questions about it. Wouldn't go for the GSR bundle either, this is why I ask if it's a package deal or...?
    1 point
  10. I see you're getting the hard water option for the nutes. Where are you based and what is your water source?
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Plant fades.. cut is my suggestion too. She is that late, rodelization can easy occur. Seagro is more for veg and even for veg is rather weak. If you get your fertilizer from Builders, next time get some GuanoFlo for flower. Should give a way better result.. you lack P and K with Seagro.
    1 point
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