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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/2022 in all areas

  1. Hi there! I'm new here! I'm Jo, and this is my grow. I grow indoor, in soil, and lighting setup consists of 3x Citizen CLU048 and 1x Cree CXB3590. I hope to learn and share in this forum, and also super keen meet some of the awesome and talented growers in SA Video updates on my grows are on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/reel/ClLQh2cKB2R/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
    2 points
  2. Hello, In my endless daily search for various high quality imported heirloom birdseed I stumbled upon a seedbank from LA/NY - Limited Beans - with what looks like a new branch in CT. Checked reviews of the breeders stocked & found a lot of positive feedback on various forums about the genetics. Some of the prices are legitimate scary so the co-op buying club option on this forum may be the best route to try some of these beans.
    1 point
  3. Ive been trying to do aeroponics and im about to purchase my 4th water pump as my pumps keep on breaking currently looking at the Kaufmann - Fountain Pump - Irrigation - Water Features - 18W 230V - Black on takealot My previous pump broke probably because there was a leak in my system, i heard a loud sound from the pump and filled it up but it was too late. My previous pumps lost pressure over time and i was unable to get water to all my plants. I have a timer on the pump that works for 45 minutes and then off for 15 minutes (so the pump doesnt run 24/7 and burn out) Each pump has lasted less than 3 months So now im looking at potentially getting a more expensive pump that will last longer. Does anyone have any suggestions? The area i am needing it to water is quite small, (20cm* 35cm * 15cm)so i do not think i need a powerful pump. I have 13mm black pipes with sprayer nozzels (see picture)'
    1 point
  4. Seedbank - @LOUDcpt Breeder - Riot Seeds. Strain - Cherry Berry Lineage - Cherry AK47 (Norcal Ludens cough drop) x Blue Bonnet (IBL Blueberry by Texas Resin Co) 100% Germination rate. Grow report underway.
    1 point
  5. Did you guys buy anything for 420? I could not help myself. Florida gaspack Humboldt Seed Organisation Gorilla Fumé from Lucky dog seeds Blue Cough Old school Genetics
    1 point
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