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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/2022 in Posts

  1. Did i jinx it? ^^ Stage 6.. have to find a way to put em outside. Kinda demands me to build same support structure as i have outdoor.. and fiddle them out in the morning at 6 and bring em back in at 18. No way i can keep ventilation running that long with no 220v support. Need more batteries... need to get off Eskom totally... need a plan
    2 points
  2. Last harvest of the year numbers are in. The big tent ZxP yielded 547g main buds, 280g popcorn and 5g hash. Main buds Popcorn Hash That sums up the diary for 2022. Next year looks like a big year for harvests so I'm looking forward to that. The setup is pretty much dialed in and things are as efficient as they can be currently with me doing everything. I think this diary shows what is possible for a small scale grower and what the possibilities are with what I would consider hobby level equipment. I won't be doing a diary like this again next year. Instead, I will be doing short and concise grow reports that show everything from beginning to end in single posts. The grows are becoming quite consistent now so I think I'd like to switch things up a bit.
    2 points
  3. Changed a bit 16 days after the last pic. Would say 3 weeks out till harvest.. lets see ^^ Forgot... humidity is rather sexy right now. Hope it stays a bit longer.. hovering between 41-49% inside the tent.
    2 points
  4. Lots of seed fraud out there.. most actually on CBD strains. Every doffus wants to sell pure CBD plants but they are not that easy to come by... so just sell anything and put a CBD sticker on But once you get the material tested.. you see with your own eyes that you got pulled over the table. I tossed seeds into the trash.. and paid 10$ for a seed. PacificSeedBank.com Not touching those scammers ever again... the potency test showed very clear that they didn't sell medical marijuana seeds as promised. Was just some crap with more THC as CBD. Once you find a breeder you think that they actually do what they promise.. you stick with them. If you want to be 100% sure.. you have to do the work yourself Not that you know at the end what genetics you really have in your mother tent ^^ but.. at least the stuff is a great smoke and that matters most, i think.
    1 point
  5. Agree. Unless you didnt get it directly from the breeder, you most probably are getting just seeds of whatever's been crossed with Skunk or some old seeds that changed many reseller's hands. Sad state of afairs.
    1 point
  6. The real job market will pop up once legalization has passed. Till then I would focus on reading up on the topic you have interest in. I haven't read a book in ages.. today I get all my knowledge from the internet and self acquired experience from growing indoors.
    1 point
  7. We are still deep in the pioneering phase of this industry, not just locally but globally really. As someone who is part of the local industry, Ive had to forge my own path over the years, having to navigate through the mire of the last few years of prohibition, then decriminalization, which from an industry standpoint nothing has changed, and infact prohibition on industry is still in place. There is zero motivation, commitment or support from our government to legitimize the industry. They cant even finalize personal decriminalization... So while our grey/black market industy forges on, why dont you start your own thing? Expose yourself to the things you want to do. Create it in your home.
    1 point
  8. Sounds like I should rather be asking you for a job!
    1 point
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