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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2022 in Posts

  1. Put some SeaGro in the diet for the first time a few days back. I use this stuff round the nursery on a regular basis and the speed at which it works amazes me every time. Two days of serious wind, hail, torrential rain and did l mention the wind. I'm half confident the tyre garden should survive our summer winds on the reservation. Bought the last batch of soil for photoperiods this season. Will update on number of survivor's from the 118 seeds sprouted from seedling soil test soon. Autoflowers I'll admit I'm not happy. Caterpillars literally took out my xmas smoke. Culled about 4 and early harvested 2 plants. Anastasia 99 not enjoying being under 60% shade cloth. Waiting to see how next batch do outdoors now that fucking caterpillar season is over. Sent from my SM-A032F using Tapatalk
    2 points
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