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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2022 in all areas

  1. Drying.. and in a tent without a carbon filter. You can't smell a thing really... NADA! I vent one TD500 into the bottom of this tent, so there is a good air flow. The smell killer is a Ozon generator consuming 23 watts. Very effective
    3 points
  2. This post made me want to taste mine so I think I'll do exactly that when I get home from work in a hour. Harvested and trimmed but didn't smoke it yet
    2 points
  3. Good evening folks! My name is Graham, been toking since my early 20’s. Love the herb, always will. I wondered whether a Cannabis forum existed by South Africans, for South Africans ( and I mean this purely in context of weather and growing conditions etc. I hope to bump into some foreigners asking about our top quality bud! ). So I landed up here and happy to part of what looks like a great place to talk about Mary Jane. Peace!
    1 point
  4. Thanks for joining @Greybaard
    1 point
  5. I have thoroughly enjoyed the last two weeks, with this as my primary smoke. Potency is on point, a strong day and night smoke. I have a lot of options available to me for the F3 generation, but #3 and #11 stand out. 1-sweet and creamy 4/5 2-sweet chem/pine 4/5 3-sweet, spicy and creamy 5/5 4-semi-sweet, earthy 3/5 5-sweet and creamy 3/5 6-sweet, floral and herbal cheesy 4/5 7-sweet, herbal and minty 3/5 8-sweet and creamy 3/5 9-sweet and fruity, mango 4/5 10-sweet and creamy 3/5 11-sweet, spicy and creamy 5/5 12-sweet and creamy 3/5 13-sweet and creamy 3/5 14- sweet, herbal and minty 4/5 Got this phase of the project done before year end which is awesome, setting the stage for an awesome start to 2023.
    1 point
  6. Get your US address and pool and ship to SA: www.planetexpress.com That they use the Futurama company name is just more cool. Friend tested the service.. works like a charm. Helps if you have a Bitcoin account.. that is also rather easy to get here (www.altcointrader.co.za) Hope helped somebody
    1 point
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