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  1. West Coast Vaper

    West Coast Vaper

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  2. CoolJ


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  3. Weskush


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2023 in all areas

  1. West Coast climate a real test for genetics.
    2 points
  2. Was one of my favorite smokes from a local private club in 2021. I'm sure it will be available, there are others that stock it as well. I briefly met Arjan last year at the expo and Cape Cannabis Cup he seems very easy going. I believe he will be here again this year for the cup.
    1 point
  3. valid point, have you grown any of the bnb genetic strains, the blackberry moonrocks im most excited about its claimed to go as high as 33 percent thc not that im always smoking for the highest thc but fuck id rather smoke a few 33 percents than spend the day chain smoking, starting to affect my lungs. ever notice how dirty a bong gets even the part after water has filtered gets dirty what doesnt that do to you health in the long run anyway on topic expecting order to be delivered on monday will leave in water for the night and bury them in jiffy pellets after that spend the last few days popping bagseed in an attempt to dial in the temp and rh of the dome lol want that 100 percent germ rate but as @Weskushhas warned these seeds probably arnt all gonna pop so heres to hoping for atleast 1 of ea strain to pop all i need
    1 point
  4. We are definitely spoiled for choice. If you looking for something very specific or not as common I would look at @Limited Beans @Golden-Goose even @LOUDcpt has some gems. Budbuddies, African Smoke and Green Affiliate have a good variety as well. *Edit* didn't notice you mention autos. The first 3 don't stock autos as far as I know.
    1 point
  5. Must disagree with this actually had good service from them and they respond quick on FB. Haven't purchased from them in over 2 years but asked them for some seeds last year they didn't have stock of online but they organized a single bean for me free of charge so definitely a plus in my books.
    1 point
  6. Totemic's beans are fresh garuanteed. Genetics are solid. The most stable genetics that ive tested locally. At that prices you are getting a bargain of note i tell ya!
    1 point
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