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  1. West Coast Vaper

    West Coast Vaper

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2023 in Posts

  1. Tyre garden. From 17 planted there are 8 photoperiods left. These are the fittest of the fittest ladies I can guarantee. They putting up with the fight of their life out here. These girls look solid in the morning but by 4pm they in survival mode. I've been to a little-known town called Hot az Hell in the Northern Cape, it was hot. Well, it's hot here and very, very windy. They looking like they need something. The ones that were battling outside went into shade house and pulled a few males.
    3 points
  2. That's a good sign then. Shew. I was worried. Sent from my SM-A032F using Tapatalk
    2 points
  3. I've given them a bit of gardeners gold dust and an occasional SeaGro spray. Got some bonemeal in the cupboard. My wife heading into the big city tomorrow, gonna try get elemental blend on the limited route, worst case, some molasses. Don't really know what to add. Sent from my SM-A032F using Tapatalk
    2 points
  4. They're looking good. Handling the heat with those canoeing leaves i see
    2 points
  5. healthy, beautiful plants. good work
    2 points
  6. if been checking into this, its closer to 750 cycles at 50%, depending on rate of recharge and heat around the battery. seeing as the rate of recharge is set to rapid charge for most people as ls hits more than once a day i fully agree now that deep cycles are not worth it in the case of a grow room environment
    2 points
  7. I had 4x 12v 105AH batteries connected in series and parallel to make 24v and 210AH. 200AH deep cycle batteries are not worth it, they only have like 300 cycles at 50% deep cycle. So if you do the maths, 3 x load shedding intervals a day = 3x a day your batteries are going to cycle to 50%. Within 100 days you will have hit the 300 cycles. After 365 days of load shedding 3 times a day, your batteries will be screwed and you wont get 20min out of them. At this point you will need to replace the batteries again. With these Batteries being about R2000, you will spend R4000 every time you replace them... It costs R9000 for a 12v 105AH Lithium Ion battery that will last you 6 years at least. So buying new batteries every year is going to work out a shitton more expensive than lithium ion.
    2 points
  8. its a natural response to heat, to decrease leaf surface area. perfectly normal
    1 point
  9. Dang Sent from my SM-A032F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. Ja haha. Canoeing isnt reallly a good thing. Just saying that you can see the effect of the heat
    1 point
  11. @Totemic is it a good idea to give a nitrogen boost once pistils show in case they look a bit light green? And then klap some bat guano to support the flowering stage? That is excluding weekly Kelpak, Epic 5:2 and maybe some worm castings to top dress.
    1 point
  12. They looking good. Some of them look hungry though. Looks like theyd like a little N and soon they going to want more P.
    1 point
  13. only recommended as part of an initial system, as there are other components that add cost. you did same upgrading to lithium as funds are available im assuming
    1 point
  14. Consider running autos on a 24h cycle. Let loadshedding be your lights off time. Tent can stand open 24/7....
    1 point
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