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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2023 in Listings

  1. I have 4x 120W Quantum Board lights, all are brand new and unused and come with all the accessories (rope ratchets, power meters etc. etc.) Some are 3500K and some are 3000K, I planned on using them but then changed my grow setup so no longer have a use for them and pointless having them sit around in my garage gathering dust. These are from Light It Up if anyone is wondering. If you take all 4, I am sure we can work out a better price as well. If you have any questions, drop me a PM!
    1 point
  2. So I have quite a few 22L Plant Matter fabric pots which I want to sell, they have all been washed and I wash them between each grow. I'd like R40 per pot, I have quite a few available. Shipping can be arranged, collection is fine too.
    1 point
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