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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/2023 in Posts

  1. And the Jellies 4 days later.. sturdy growing. The little one was set a bit to deep.. should catch up.
    3 points
  2. Uhh there was a jump ^^ just had Ilse from Qure, and the top Feb test for flower was 28.7% on THC.. so some serious stuff ^^
    2 points
  3. Send some of the weed to Qure and you should take the THC crown for SA with 22%.. last time i had a chat with both testing parties, 20.x% was the record holder.
    2 points
  4. Welcome! The forum is a great place for the local growers to gather, collect and share knowledge, so you came to the right place is there something specific you would like some guidance and adivce about right now? sheeeeeeeeesh, 25 elvis plants?? that's quite a big grow! I grew an Elvis pheno once, looking to grow it again if the pheno is the same as the one I had! here's the pheno I had how big is the setup you're doing this in and how big do you let the plants get?
    1 point
  5. Hello everyone, I am a new grower looking for some guidance and advice with trouble shooting. Currently growing 25 indoor Elvis plants During my normal day I am an Industrial Engineer. And on weekends I enjoy freediving and having a nice braai Cheers
    1 point
  6. Happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to you all. I am a retired Carpenter/Builder who doesn't miss his previous trade.......at all!. Enjoying life and retirement.
    1 point
  7. I'm a computer programmer and I'm into growing (and sampling) high CBD strains.
    1 point
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