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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/2023 in Posts

  1. This is going to be epic!
    2 points
  2. Looking good. Will you be topping them or going au natural?
    2 points
  3. And the HJ after 2 weeks since dropped into a glass. They got the first feeding yesterday.. 2ml Fish-Mix/Liter, good amount molasses, Amino Acids and Kelp extract.
    2 points
  4. BL - Platinum Silk - Inhouse Genetics BR - Garlic Sherbet - Inhouse Genetics FR - Grape Diamonds - Ethos Genetics FL - Peanut Butter Breath - Thug Pug Genetics 12/12 from tomorrow
    2 points
  5. They will get topped.. as I want to keep a plant... perhaps ^^ result will show.
    1 point
  6. Aweh gromies.... Been having a blimmen rollecoaster ride this season so far. We just had almost 2 weeks of nonstop rain, heavy downpours mixed with light drizzle. Lost the CBG, Seedsman CBD, Swazi and Purple bud to snapped main stems and wind damage. Luckily we've got clone backups on all but the Swazi. And the Strawberry Vostok has just developed Fusarium wilt yesterday.... will chop as soon as she shows milky. Added 4 layers to the growbeds just before the rain started, in between some calcitic lime, bonemeal and bio ocean kelp for the micros with wormtea and AACT. Added bonus was the 30 butternuts harvested from under the ladies, they have proved to be a decent cover, keeping the soil cool and moist and yielding decently. Cheers. 1-4.Strawberry Vostok 5-6. Pineapple Skunk 7-8. Vanilla Kush bag 9-10. Bushes 11. Clone station. (CBG, CBD, Pineapple Skunk, PurpleBud, Vanilla kush)
    1 point
  7. I think that sums it up nicely and the topic here is exhausted. I feel we've reached as much of a constructive point as possible before it really jumps off the rails. Everyone has had their say here, no need to try force ideological shifts at this point. If anyone actually gets their hands on some Hitler, you can open up another thread and we talk about just the strain.
    1 point
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