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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2023 in Posts

  1. Thanks bro for the information and videos after watching those I think I'm still far from breeding but it is very interesting and after watching those videos I understand more about what totemic and the others are talking about when they talk about f1, f2 inbreeding and backcrossing etc...very very interesting.Who knows maybe in the future I will cross this pondu landrace with a high yielding strain lol.Space and a growtent seems to be the 2 basic things you need.Thanks again bro.
    2 points
  2. hell yeah bro I think breeding is the goal for a lot of us. just keep the seeds in a bag, they don't take up much space hahah write on the bag "No Name Backyard Bushbreed 2023" then just play around and do whatever you wana. I think a lot of times there's a huge gap in the conversations on these forums, cause people only say like one or two sentences and leave a lot of room for wondering and interpretation, which is giving the benefit of the doubt to the masses and can be seen as a good thing, but people generally just say what they would do, not what you should do. I am still learning how to grow and reaching out for a lot of information a lot of the time, but mostly end up doing something completely different than what most people are telling me. I said it before, the information circulating a group of experienced growers' conversation is not the same information new growers should be talking about. an experienced grower with look at those seeds and see nothing, but to someone who wants to learn how to grow they're fucking gold dude. with all that said, since being on this forum and a talking to a lot of growers it becomes clearer how useless a bush breed is, this is usually what they call "bag seed". when you buy some weed in a bag and there's seeds in it, we talking bout those seeds. I'll post a video below that kinda scratches the surface of breeding, but basically when people do selective breeding for desired traits it's quite a project. can be short term but it can very easily be long term if you really wana end up with something good. It's very very easy to get a first batch of seeds from any situation, but once you start to want to lock in traits and working towards a plant that gives you all seeds that will mostly look alike when grown out, then you gotta look at genetics and how they work. genetics will probably always be the most intetesting and never ending rabbit hole here's another good one aaaand another one
    2 points
  3. That was fun ^^ man, i was hammered hehehehe Smoked 13 joints within 2.5 hours. 17 total samples, sorted 4 out, had hardly any smell and yah, had enough Would book a ticket for next year right away
    1 point
  4. Should I keep them then? Lol I have a passion for these trees since they so finicky sometimes and needs attention, that's why I love em. I hear you bro and I'm still practicing my watering and starting to get the hang of it now.So I'll keep them as my toys and since it's a landrace I'll keep some to preserve it, who knows I might even start breeding once I get the growing mastered.
    1 point
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