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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2023 in all areas

  1. Its never left residue because it sprays out a mist of disinfectant and doesn't work like a traditional fogger like you thinking of. I've used the builders one with success, but the two I prefer is this one from Makro - https://www.makro.co.za/health-beauty/bath-shower/shower-gel-hand-wash/liquid-soap/liquid-clinic-room-fogger-aerosol---400ml/p/fc555657-8557-45a4-8774-3352f40bd634?gclid=CjwKCAjwivemBhBhEiwAJxNWN35Oc1GfUytNWZ4Q8EGvfihDwOPTDkRYZoNWSXcro4nsD2KgewOtPhoC7oUQAvD_BwE and this one from leeroy merlin - https://leroymerlin.co.za/disinfectant-fogger-infectiguard-400ml-81456871?sfdr_ptcid=32806_617_654584217&sfdr_hash=4d08f89ebf663d59850466db71a0878b&gclid=CjwKCAjwivemBhBhEiwAJxNWN3j6Amfsb72SrmBPwf1BQ9HuhzWUgVeNEdnJSyTkywWHnUK4EGw04RoCMXkQAvD_BwE After 10 minutes of it going off, you turn your extractor on and after another 5min, you can wipe the walls of the tent (they will have small droplets from the mist spray itself). I only vacuum the floor of the tent, the rest I just quickly go over with a water and a cloth, never had an issue and its a quick an easy to disinfect literally everything, the grow light, the fans, the extractor, it gets everywhere.
    1 point
  2. Heyy, I was given a whole bunch of reg seeds from a mate in a WhatsApp group. The Nutcracker is also his creation. They've made it through a cold winter, so seems like a good pheno so far (I've taken clones), let's see how it goes.
    1 point
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