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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/2023 in Posts

  1. Aah I see yeah those should work fine, the ones I have in mind I think are purposed for house fumigation. It kills, well even humans. Need like a 24hr clear out period. vacuum is always a must, dust houses a ton of spores and mites and unwanted shit. I like to wipe down stuff as much as I can, I don't complete a whole cycle in one tent, I have a perpetual system so about every 3 to 4 months I move from one tent to the other, that gives me a gap to clean in the middle of every grow and at the start of every grow. Fans and that stuff need that warm soap water scrub down, can't skip cause of the dust build up and I open the body blow the dust out with a nice cumputor box dust blower and oil the little motor, because of this I am running a 5 year old RAM fan, 3 of them one is only 2 years old now. The tent walls I can sometimes skip, but cause of the small space I got plants up against the walls and stuff so when I do IPM the walls get wet, plus humidity build up + dust creates a thin layer of sticky dust that's another spot for spores to congregate
    2 points
  2. hahah no worries brother you don't need to worry bout it too much for general living, we need a healthy balance of good and bad microbes in the spaces we live in so we can build a strong immune system.
    2 points
  3. Its never left residue because it sprays out a mist of disinfectant and doesn't work like a traditional fogger like you thinking of. I've used the builders one with success, but the two I prefer is this one from Makro - https://www.makro.co.za/health-beauty/bath-shower/shower-gel-hand-wash/liquid-soap/liquid-clinic-room-fogger-aerosol---400ml/p/fc555657-8557-45a4-8774-3352f40bd634?gclid=CjwKCAjwivemBhBhEiwAJxNWN35Oc1GfUytNWZ4Q8EGvfihDwOPTDkRYZoNWSXcro4nsD2KgewOtPhoC7oUQAvD_BwE and this one from leeroy merlin - https://leroymerlin.co.za/disinfectant-fogger-infectiguard-400ml-81456871?sfdr_ptcid=32806_617_654584217&sfdr_hash=4d08f89ebf663d59850466db71a0878b&gclid=CjwKCAjwivemBhBhEiwAJxNWN3j6Amfsb72SrmBPwf1BQ9HuhzWUgVeNEdnJSyTkywWHnUK4EGw04RoCMXkQAvD_BwE After 10 minutes of it going off, you turn your extractor on and after another 5min, you can wipe the walls of the tent (they will have small droplets from the mist spray itself). I only vacuum the floor of the tent, the rest I just quickly go over with a water and a cloth, never had an issue and its a quick an easy to disinfect literally everything, the grow light, the fans, the extractor, it gets everywhere.
    2 points
  4. This is my first indoor grow with Coco.Plants are in week three of veg in 2.5L fabric bags.Using Canna Coco nutes at EC 1.2 at two fertigations per day approximately 10 hours apart. Plants are looking pretty good after trial and error getting my 630watt bar type led at the correct height.They were getting too much light at 300 umols with yellow tips on new growth. Thankfully I realised after searching online what was happening and dimmed the light appropriately. So my issue is that although my plants look pretty good the growth is a bit slow.I have noticed every time I check runoff it is always much lower than my inflow.Going in at 1.25 EC and coming out at .44 Any coco growers with experience out there care to offer your thoughts?
    1 point
  5. Awesome brother I'm very excited to see that cheesexpbb! Do you know the parents of the Nutcracker? Plants looking great!
    1 point
  6. You can double your current feed for a few fertigations until you reach your desired EC runoff. Then return to usual feed. It takes a bit to shift the EC of the suspended solution within the coco so you might need to use a bit of volume as well.
    1 point
  7. Heyy, I was given a whole bunch of reg seeds from a mate in a WhatsApp group. The Nutcracker is also his creation. They've made it through a cold winter, so seems like a good pheno so far (I've taken clones), let's see how it goes.
    1 point
  8. Sjoe you gonna make me clean my entire house now xD didnt know spores are that resilient. Gonna do a proper cleaning before my next grow, thanks for all the advice
    1 point
  9. I hear there is a rush of people signing up to clubs in time for the new laws. Very cool very nice.
    1 point
  10. Just got good news.. will have legal growing in Germany when I arrive. That is how it looks when a government actually works for the people and not for own profit only...
    1 point
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