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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2023 in all areas

  1. Harvested the Zombie Bride on day 60 of flip. Came out alright, lots of terps. Not much of a yielder but it will impress the people. ZxP still pushing through. Day 43 since flip. Defoliated the Radical Juice tent. Looking nice and neat now, very full tent. I think this is the biggest I would want to go in a tent like this. I had to do some super cropping on three overeager plants.
    2 points
  2. They were transplanted into 10l pots. About a week ago. The other 2 pics was yesterday.
    1 point
  3. Got some time on the public holiday to clean up the Orange mimosa And the gelato. Seeing what natural root base I can get from an auto Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  4. Thanks I do love playing with the plant Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. Stunning. love the cannabonsai vibe
    1 point
  6. First to finish is the Larry Lemon. The cold kept her small and she flipped first, so only one head. Dressed her up regardless. She is full of seeds, adding some lemon to the Fruit Salad Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. The gelato is bringing the purple with some thin leaves and PM[emoji20] The orange mimosas have lekker fat leaves, one next to the gelato with no pm and another on top They seem a lot hungrier Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  8. Radical Juice - Veg Training and spread are in development. I'm liking the growth so far. I have increased wattage to try shorten the internodal spacing. Reservoir is on, I should switch on the air supply as well. What's crazy is I haven't had to LST yet, the plants have just naturally grown out in a nice spread. Thanks WeedGod! Zombie Bride - 25 Days Since Flip I'm not really getting what I want out of the Zombie Bride yet. In terms of veg growth it's stretchy and fadey. The future of this strain is yet to be determined. ZxP - 7 Days Since Flip The one and only. I'll never leave you, ZxP Did a defoliation recently. Things are looking neat and tidy. Should probably slap the net in at some point.
    1 point
  9. I gave you one example.. I got myself into programming when i was 14.. didn't even had a computer to start with hehehe other story. But is my go to if I need money.. i code stuff ^^ If you are more into art and creating pictures... totally not my field.. Patreon you can create art and get sponsored by your fans. Sorry to say it.. OnlyFans is also a form of income you can do from anywhere (and no, doesn't has to be porn oriented to make a killing). If you have a passion and can turn it into income, you have a rather good chance to succeed compared to stuff you hate to do. Isn't easy.. but.. the internet is most likely your best chance to create a income you can maintain world wide. Twitch game streamer, Youtuber, sculptor, product tester, traveler... become creative. I do Shibari beside and have a few female friends acting as my models. They do their own thing. ^^ Females have a few more options.. and again.. doesn't need to be pornographic at all. You know best what you like to do and are good at.. see if you can turn that into a service on the internet. The start is always the hard part... and might need a few tries till you hit the bullseye. But if you don't try.. you will never hit the bullseye anyhow. Trying is part and if things don't pan out as planned, learn why, then it wasn't a failure in the first place, and try again. Making a mistake is only bad if you do not learn from it.. and learning is a good thing.. so don't let mistakes take you down, just learn from them. If you want to learn coding, start with the simple Basic. Once you understand how the code flows, you can take on more complex languages.. again slowly.. if you try Assembler after Basic.. you will shoot yourself hehehe You will find similarities in all coding languages out there.. like with all, getting into a new topic is the hard part. Bite through it and is becomes easier with each program you write.. and the code gets also more and more complex.
    1 point
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