Yebo, heat strips the A and leaves THC, this is why we need to decarb for edibles.
Can't get high with the A still present, basically if you vaping or smoking THCA in any kinda way heating it up before consuming, you actually just consuming THC.
THCA raw wont get you high unless it's heated at some point.
Basically, the reason why you can find CBD products on the shelf of dischem, clicks and basically every second commercial store is because cannabis is being regulated to some degree. It is legal. There's some movement, it's not like we stuck in the boendoes and the government sees "only dagga". that's a crude way of looking at it, especially since we have seen a whole lot more freedom for the cannabis community. Obviously it's not 100% legal, but to say it's still 100% illegal is just as ignorant.
Our government sees CBD and hemp (a dagga leaf lable that has CBD or hemp written on it is good enough) and everything else is still under one umbrella. If it has a dagga leaf on it that doesn't read CBD or hemp - it's illegal.
What I mean by SA being far behind on R&D is a very broad spectrum statement, you can see it in all factors. Our whole country is a "developing" country - has been for yeeeeeeeeeeeeaars - but instead of moving forward into a developed country we are moving backwards into an underdeveloped country. our "leaders" will waste their own time on that's important to them and still miss and slip up.
when it comes to shit that's important for the country and its people they don't give a fuuuuuuuuuugggg... they're such air heads and the fact that we're so far behind leaves space for many many many maaaaaanny loopholes.
almost like the guys taking these big chances are taking advantage of the level of understanding from our "leaders" side.
cat and mouse game, we're one step ahead of them, but as soon as they catch on to the fact that some people outside of government was smarter than them they throw a hissy fit and make sure they rob you