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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2024 in Posts

  1. If I veg that long I normally transplant the plants from a smaller to a bigger bag, say 10l to 30l bag then there is nice fresh soil for the plant
    2 points
  2. She finished wonderful, but I'm doing a second round and it's going even better!
    1 point
  3. I use a trellis and train my plant, so I like to keep it in the same pot. I cannot transplant, that's why I do the entire grow in the 30l fabric pot from the start. I usually just use Bio-Phos by dirty hands inc when it comes to flower. It usually works out fine, however I am trying out topdressing this time so I wasn't sure if 2 topdressings would be necessary. I was hoping one topdressing in the beginning of flower with compost tea feedings every 2 weeks will carry it through to harvest. My top-dress for flower is the following: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kelp flakes - 60ml per 30l Bone meal - 60ml per 30l Crushed Malted barley - 60ml per 30l Worm castings - 1 Cup per 30l ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was either going to do one topdressing in the beginning of flower with the above measurements or alternatively split the topdressing into 2, so one top-dress on week 1 of flower with half those measurements, then another final topdressing during week 4 of flower with the other half. Then compost tea feedings every 2 weeks and molasses and dechlorinated water every other week.
    1 point
  4. Yeah found that to, they also had a hue on the uv. No good. The Lumi Black 720 is the best light out there value for money wize. Good buy..
    1 point
  5. Wist are you top dressing with? Just compost? What compost?
    1 point
  6. Hey, yeah it is the 700w Sunplus LED light, however don't buy one, they shit. On one of my lights, 3 out of 8 bars have had the 3000k diodes die on it, but like the entire bars. Sunplus hasn't responded to any of my support request about how do I get replacements. The after sale service is pretty much null and void. I've done 3 grows with these lights. For a R14 000 light, I would class it as pretty shitty quality. It puts down the ppfd for sure, but in my own testing, the Lummi 720W LED which costs half the price puts down exactly the same ppfd as this sunplus light with 301H diodes with almost identical heat output. Luckily I have so many bar grow lights, I just replace it with another one, but still annoying.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
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