Finally, time for an update! So ya, I did get pretty serious exertional heatstroke followed by rhabdomyolysis, now I can't stand the heat for more than a few minutes at a time, going to take months to make a full recovery, but at least plants are happy! I've been giving them full strength bloom nutrients once a week, and 20ml/L of Kelpak every two weeks which I have stopped now. I have also been spraying with with Biogrow Phyta every two weeks, but have since stopped since plants are in flower. I haven't needed to use neem oil or anything else since plants are happy and there aren't any bugs except for the occasional grasshopper... I did get some pretty nasty leaf burn on a couple of plants due to the crazy mountain fires in my area, the ash landed on the shade cloth, and then when it drizzled, concentrated ash dripped off the shade cloth and onto some leaves... Plants are starting to get really stinky, especially the Bubba Cheesecake, it has that really strong skunky cat piss smell with a hint of fruitiness... Also, the one AK-01 has gotten quite large, almost 2.4m tall and over 2m wide... I will update with individual pics as the plants mature.
Time for some pics!