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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2024 in Posts

  1. If they don't say on the bottle to stop during flower.. you can ignore any website telling you otherwise. The main point is simple.. the producer would tell you in the first place if you could run in an issue... they are usually double careful what they recommend. I used 401 during flower.. not on all feedings but twice a month I added a normal dosage. See no reason why you can't mix the microbes with sugar.. they might actually like that. Hope that helped ^^
    2 points
  2. Finally, time for an update! So ya, I did get pretty serious exertional heatstroke followed by rhabdomyolysis, now I can't stand the heat for more than a few minutes at a time, going to take months to make a full recovery, but at least plants are happy! I've been giving them full strength bloom nutrients once a week, and 20ml/L of Kelpak every two weeks which I have stopped now. I have also been spraying with with Biogrow Phyta every two weeks, but have since stopped since plants are in flower. I haven't needed to use neem oil or anything else since plants are happy and there aren't any bugs except for the occasional grasshopper... I did get some pretty nasty leaf burn on a couple of plants due to the crazy mountain fires in my area, the ash landed on the shade cloth, and then when it drizzled, concentrated ash dripped off the shade cloth and onto some leaves... Plants are starting to get really stinky, especially the Bubba Cheesecake, it has that really strong skunky cat piss smell with a hint of fruitiness... Also, the one AK-01 has gotten quite large, almost 2.4m tall and over 2m wide... I will update with individual pics as the plants mature. Time for some pics!
    2 points
  3. Some notes to add: I planted seeds directly into coco/pearlite mix, watered with rainwater @ pH 5.95 - 6.00 until germination. About a week after germination I started with 0.5ml/L veg nutes mixed with rainwater, pH 5.9 - 6.00, hand watered. Gave seedlings a half-dose of CalMag foliar spray 1ml/L every two weeks, and every other week 10ml/L Kelpak foliar spray. Increased veg nutes to 1ml/L, fed once a week. Watered with tap water mixed with rainwater pH 6.00 about ever 2-3 days depending how hot it was. Every week I increased nutrient strength by 1ml/L until I was @ 4ml/L base and veg nutrient. Stopped CalMag foliar spray, hand watered Kelpak 20ml/L every two weeks. Got heatstroke and missed a few feedings... had to have a friend water with rainwater/tap water from my reservoir for about two weeks, pH 6.00. Started spraying plants with Biogrow Phyta every two weeks until first sign of budding. Switched plants to bloom feeding schedule, 4ml/L base nutrient and 4ml/L bloom. Stopped Kelpak. Its so hot, waterings plants almost daily. Feeding weekly. I fill up a 500L water tank with either tap water or rainwater which I use for watering, I adjust it to pH 6.00 for watering between feeds, I have a air pump and some air stones in the tank to keep the water well oxygenated and to help bubble and evaporate some of the chemicals in the tap water, if I fill the tank with tap water I like to wait at least 24 hours before I use it for my plants. If the water is too warm, I chuck in a few frozen blocks! I like to keep the temperature around 23 degrees.
    1 point
  4. So from your experience I can mix Environoc 401 with my molasses before feeding the plant? Also I have read on a lot of websites that you should stop applying Environoc 2 weeks into flower??? I don't see how the soil and plant wont benefit from the product during its flowering phase. Please let me know if you recommend I use Environoc throughout flowering phase and if I can mix it with molasses before the feeding. Online they also say you shouldn't brew Environoc because it is already a complex formula..so much info online you dont know who to trust'.
    1 point
  5. I add all that stuff to my worm bin. Then feed the castings during flower
    1 point
  6. I don't know if it's just me, but pics look super compressed...
    1 point
  7. Yebo, heat strips the A and leaves THC, this is why we need to decarb for edibles. Can't get high with the A still present, basically if you vaping or smoking THCA in any kinda way heating it up before consuming, you actually just consuming THC. THCA raw wont get you high unless it's heated at some point. Basically, the reason why you can find CBD products on the shelf of dischem, clicks and basically every second commercial store is because cannabis is being regulated to some degree. It is legal. There's some movement, it's not like we stuck in the boendoes and the government sees "only dagga". that's a crude way of looking at it, especially since we have seen a whole lot more freedom for the cannabis community. Obviously it's not 100% legal, but to say it's still 100% illegal is just as ignorant. Our government sees CBD and hemp (a dagga leaf lable that has CBD or hemp written on it is good enough) and everything else is still under one umbrella. If it has a dagga leaf on it that doesn't read CBD or hemp - it's illegal. What I mean by SA being far behind on R&D is a very broad spectrum statement, you can see it in all factors. Our whole country is a "developing" country - has been for yeeeeeeeeeeeeaars - but instead of moving forward into a developed country we are moving backwards into an underdeveloped country. our "leaders" will waste their own time on that's important to them and still miss and slip up. when it comes to shit that's important for the country and its people they don't give a fuuuuuuuuuugggg... they're such air heads and the fact that we're so far behind leaves space for many many many maaaaaanny loopholes. almost like the guys taking these big chances are taking advantage of the level of understanding from our "leaders" side. cat and mouse game, we're one step ahead of them, but as soon as they catch on to the fact that some people outside of government was smarter than them they throw a hissy fit and make sure they rob you
    1 point
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