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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2024 in Posts

  1. So I have a similar issue with Freedom Farm Classic, except with Calcium. There is little to no calcium in their mix and if I don't use a calmag supplement, my plants suddenly have calcium deficiencies. I've experienced this with pretty much every grow I've done, I now just account for it.
    1 point
  2. Is usually the low range giving you issues in soil. Below pH 5.8 the roots will have issues absorbing Mg, same if you are in the 7.x and + range. I would guess there is your issue.. as you go chemical anyhow, can't go biological when you use chlorinated water, the chlorine kills your microbes. You might want to try coco or hydro with chemical.. is easier to debug. Right now, your pH does weird stuff because your micro organisms are dead. Can also try to add Environoc 401 to get those microbes back.. You might want to get a water filter for your tap water thou ^^ as you kill the Environoc 401 microbes with the chlorinated water too If you fear the soil is bad.. add a table spoon Epsom to the mix, you know there is no lack of Mg after. You never can exclude a bad batch of soil.. but I would more point to the soil and tap water use.. that bites a bit. Filter or rain water for soil. If you can't get that, Coco or hydro and fully chemical feeding... hydro in any case chemical or it will smell a bit ^^ And aim for a pH range of 6-7 in soil...
    1 point
  3. Getting thiccc, frosty and stinky! RH has been high, hovering around 80%, there has also been some rain and wind, so making sure the lower sections are nicely defoliated. Pineapple Chunk and Jillybean will be done first as I'm just starting to see some trichomes turn amber, usually around this time I would stop feeding and start "flushing" with rainwater and molasses, usually for two weeks, and then just plain rainwater for a few days before harvest. Since I'm using salt based ferts, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to introduce molasses, I know some nutrients will be available immediately, but I have no idea what the soil microbe life is like.
    1 point
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