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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/2024 in Posts

  1. The guys from Marijuana SA sent in a sample of the Freedom Farms Classic for testing a few years ago, there's a Youtube video on it. But most interesting from the results was the low calcium levels in relation to other elements, not that there wasn't calcium present, but just not very balanced. I've been following a few of your threads about your use of BioBizz and Freedom Farms, as you seem to have that down. I might pop you a DM if you don't mind, you seem to be nailing it. Feels the same from my side. It's almost as though regular feeding is creating an additional imbalance where some elements are being uptaken while others are locked out. Picked up some new bags recently, so will see if anything is different. I don't want to rule out human error on my side though and throw full blame on FF - it just feels different to work with, and not behaving like I'm used to after all these years.
    1 point
  2. And just as a ADDON: pH is mend to 'float'. Depending what grow medium you use, 5.5-6.5 or 6-7 is your range. Sticking to 6.0 and thinking all is fine is plain wrong you need to float from 6 to 7 or 5.5 to 6.5 and cover the pH range to have maximum intake of nutrients.. you want max potency.. you need perfect feeding to start with, but is just one factor to reach high numbers.
    1 point
  3. Check your pH.. if you always run into Calcium issues I would bet my left arm you run a pH below 6.2.. that is to low to absorb calcium in soil. Raise it and you should have zero issues. I grew over 1500 plants in freedom farm premium classic with no issues at all. The adding of CalMag most likely just raised your pH to make things work again.
    1 point
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