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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/2024 in Posts

  1. Awesome training/presentation, Upside down Candelabra... A night foto with flash will reveal the jewels.
    2 points
  2. What a problem to have... Stinky flowers are a good sign.
    1 point
  3. Aweh. Ladies are progressing well, flowers are looking sticky and dank.Tending this garden is its own reward, an olfactory assault/experience that is just next level, These strange flowers that intrigue us so... 1-2. Gorilla Glue bred off of a gift from @Mambawana. 3-6. Blue Cheese f1-Sativa...ish 7-10. Blue Cheese f1-indica...ish 11-12. Swazi 13-14. Blue Cheese f1 15-16. Charlottes Angel fem. One of 2 pheno's. @highchome, @PsyCLown Thanks for the meds.
    1 point
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