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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/2024 in Posts

  1. This outdoor season l let slip due to other projects. That went belly up by the way. Fok Voort l say. Google autoflower and it states Siberia and similar climates as to where the plant grows under harsh climates. When you think Siberia l think cold. We all know light cycle for autos don't play a big part. My question is what about temperature. Good old Google says 18 celcius is good for overnight temps but that does not sound like Siberia to me. Busy building another project (reservation greenhouse) but temps average round 4 - 10 degrees overnight out here. I know it might be a lost cause but surely there is a strain out there for extreme temps. Sent from my SM-A032F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  2. Howdy @dillipit Welcome to 420sa.
    1 point
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