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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2024 in all areas

  1. Hi, Nice to meet you! I am the new from South Africa, as a hobby for home cannabis cultivation
    1 point
  2. You know I think they should really start a stoners date club because it's really hard to find a girl among the general population that appreciates a good joint or a top grow plant. Any one looking for a marked gap at a social network there is one date a stoners for stoners by stoners Ould work?
    1 point
  3. So it can be used throughout the grow, but also depends on how long you vegging your plant for. However, Dirty Hands do have a nutrient feeding schedule for Orgasoilux soil if you want to add nutrients, which I have attached for you. The feeding works out really cheap as you don't use very much of the nutrients at all. You buy these nutrients here - https://jamiesgardenshop.co.za/product-category/organic-garden-products/organic-fertilisers/liquid-organic-fertilizers/ I've grown using their nutrients before and have had great results. Organic Liquid Feeding Program (3).pdf
    1 point
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