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Showing content with the highest reputation since 07/28/2023 in Status Updates

  1. 2 points
  2. My selected Malawi Gold Male - RWC Ready Go Bokke! Already chucked some pollen on a lovely aromatic NL Auto female, I dubbed jelly tots - cause that what she smells like Got some seeds of her 3 to be exact ( I just pollinated 1 bud like 4 weeks before harvest - didn't think the MG pollen was going to be ready so soon, lol but took a shot on 1 bud and I got 3) All 3 sprouted this past weekend and 1 is out the blocks already. Moms curing at the moment, but ofc we had to sample a piece for science xD - Boom - instant uplifting high and relaxing body buzz - Classic Northern Lights. So mom is one of the seeds from greenssmokeroomsa, and her linage (NL#2 x NL#5) x Auto Indica and Dad has been sourced by gsrsa themselves and as you can see dad is pollen loaded. I will probably post a grow diary for the F1's when they are done and tested. The Swazi and Cookies and cream babies - from the cookies & cream diary are also flowering already 3 weeks in. But I will post that in another update Happy growing and GO Bokke!
    1 point
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